I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1813: Master will take you to kill people

"We are demon slaves who follow Dugu to defeat the young master, how can you treat us like this!"

"Yes, you are too much like this, you dare to mess around here while our young master is away!"

"Let us go, we don't want to go with you!"


The voices of the demon slaves came, but they didn't have the slightest effect. The big Demon Heaven slapped his palm in front of him, and all the people in front of him were slapped, and many of them vomited blood directly.

Da Motian disdainfully said: "Have you seen my strength? If your young master comes back, tell him that it is my Da Motian who came here to ask for someone. Ask him if you dare to come to me to settle the account! Hahaha... …"

Da Motian took a group of demon slaves and his own subordinates and left in a big swing.

Jiang Xu looked at the severely injured demon slaves who fell to the ground and vomited blood, and he quickly ordered people to go down and send these people for treatment.

But even so, several demon slaves were seriously injured and died, because the big demon heaven ordered the doctors of the demon league to be unable to save these demon slaves, as well as the people in the house of Dugu Qiu defeated!

After the leader of the Demon League, Bu Zheng, heard the news, he felt that now he was not just the liver, but also the kidneys!

Nima, a Qin Mo is enough to make his liver hurt. Now, what is the purpose of Da Motian? Who do you mess with? Want to mess with this scourge?

But then, Bu Zheng heard another news that caused him stomachache. Moyue brought some doctors and went directly to Dugu Mansion to treat Qin Mo's elders and demons.

How could Moyue also participate in this matter?

The result of Moyue's doing this will make Da Motian hate Dugu's defeat even more. After all, Da Motian's thoughts on Moyue, no one in the entire Demon League does not know, this matter, I am afraid it is a little troublesome.

Sure enough, after learning about this, Da Motian was obviously angry. Did Moyue look at Dugu for defeat?

If this is the case, this lone lonely one must be eliminated!

When Qin Mo and Tang Qing returned to Scarlet Blood City, it was the day after this incident happened.

In Chiwu City, no one did not know Qin Mo this time, and no one would offend Qin Mo without having eyes. Qin Mo went back to his mansion, but everyone looked at him with a strange look.

"He is Dugu seeking defeat? It's really unlucky!"

"Who said no? If there is no Great Demon Heaven, then he would be very powerful!"

"Master Big Devil, he is not something he can provoke. If you are to blame, blame him for being too pushy!"


"Dugu seeks defeat, they seem to be talking about you, something happened to your mansion!" Tang Qing frowned, and she said to Qin Mo.

"Go, let's go back first!" Qin Mo's expression darkened.

Shot on Qin Mo's people? Even if it is a demon slave, even a dog of Qin Mo, whoever dares to attack him will make the other party pay the price!

When Qin Mo went back to the mansion, he only saw that the gate here was broken. It has not been completely repaired. There is not much fighting in the mansion, but there are signs of damage in the living room.

"Master, you are back!" Jiang Xu had already come out to greet him, and he said with a smile on his face when he saw Qin Mo.

"What happened here? Are you all right?" Qin Mo asked.

"My lord, we're all right, but Li Guang, he, I'm afraid it's not good. One of his arms has been abolished. The doctor said it may not be cured!" Jiang Xu said.

"Take me over!" Qin Mo said.

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