I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1817: Fighting spirit?

"Da Motian, haven't you heard that? All beings are equal!" Qin Mo said lightly, "Isn't the demon slave's fate?"

Qin Mo's words made everyone present stunned. Is the demon slave's fate? Among the people present, few people would take the life of the demon slave in their hearts. In the eyes of the people of the demon league here, the life of the demon league is in fact the same as that of a beast. Kill it!

However, Qin Mo's words caused a ripple in their hearts.

"The demon slave's fate can be compared with my Da Motian? You actually use my life to compare with them? Dugu seeks defeat, for this sentence today, I will not let you go!" Da Motian said .

"I don't know whether the lives of other demon slaves are cheap or not, but the life of my demon slave is more precious than yours! So, the one who kills me, then hand over his life, Da Motian, I will collect debts Now!" Qin Mo said with a sneer.

To collect debts?

Or collect debts from yourself?

"Okay, I want to see how you collect debts!" ​​Da Motian sneered, his palm blasted towards Qin Mo, Da Motian's palm turned dark, and there was a layer of dragon on his palm. scale.

Black dragon scale palm!

Qin Mo blasted out his palm. This fist didn’t fluctuate in the slightest of soul power. Qin Mo’s fist relied on his own strength and blasted his fist against the palm of the black dragon. Only a loud noise was heard. Qin Mo didn't move, but Da Motian was repelled.

Da Motian's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that he would be repelled by Qin Mo!

The black dragon scale palms of the Great Devil Heaven used to be unfavorable, and the attack power was quite strong. Facing the strong under the martial ancestors, the power was even more terrifying. With just a palm, he could easily defeat the opponent.

Facing the titled Emperor Wu, it is even more possible to kill the opponent directly.

But now that the black dragon scale palm of the Great Devil Tian made a move, it was not only a futile return, but also felt that he was repelled by the opponent. Qin Mo's palm was more powerful than his black dragon scale palm. Be terror.

Is this boy a monster?

Da Motian felt that the opponent's strength could be compared with the martial skills of the emperor's top grade. What kind of strength was this?

The face of Da Motian was uncertain, although Qin Mo had been expected to have certain strength, but from the current situation, Qin Mo's strength was much stronger than he thought!

"So strong, you deserve to be Young Master, this black dragon scale palm can also be taken down! Young Master just now seems to have blocked this palm with strength. Doesn't that mean Young Master already possesses the power of the emperor's superior martial arts?" Jiang Xu said in surprise.

Just the strength is so strong, how abnormal is Qin Mo's body?

When Jiang Xu said this, the eyes of other people were also full of surprises. Yeah, if that were the case, wouldn't it mean that Qin Mo's power was already quite terrifying?

Qin Mo's original strength was not as strong as it is now, but the lotus seeds he took made his body further, and Qin Mo had endured the temper of the tribulation, and his body was also stronger.

Now Qin Mo's fist, even compared with ordinary Wudi Wudi, can already do it.

Qin Mo didn't pay attention to the big demon sky in front of him!

"Is your strength just that?" Qin Mo looked at Da Motian with a sneer on his face, "I really didn't figure out, what exactly did you rely on, so you dared to break into my mansion and kill me? If your subordinates take it away, just rely on your strength?"

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