I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1832: how is this possible?

As long as you go forward, can you find the magic moon? Qin Mo had an idea in his heart.

At this moment, Qin Mo suddenly heard a terrifying howl, and a series of strange shadows suddenly burst out around him. Qin Mo was taken aback when he saw it.

These shadows are black monsters. His appearance is half-human. Some have bone spurs, some have scales, and some have fleshy bumps. They don't look like people.

And now these monsters are hideous and terrifying. When they rushed towards Qin Mo, they opened their mouths, and the nails of their palms became very long, and they rushed towards Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's face was cold, he blasted out with his palm, and blasted one of the monsters away, but after the other party rolled in the air for a few times, he came back again, as if he didn't hurt at all.

how is this possible?

With this punch of Qin Mo, with 70% of his power, he couldn't kill the monster?

Qin Mo blasted out with a punch again. With ten percent of his power, the monster fell softly after being blasted out. Although it was not dead, it was already seriously injured.

But this surprised Qin Mo. These monsters need him to use ten percent of their power to be able to repel them. Could it be said that these monsters can actually have the strength of the titled Martial Emperor?

Qin Mo thought for a while, and the dragon scale battle armor appeared on his body, only to see that Qin Mo insisted on resisting the opponent's attack. The attack power of these monsters was actually not strong. Although their bodies were tyrannical, their attack power was only comparable to ordinary The title of Emperor Wu is almost the same.

Without weapons, the attacks of these monsters would not hurt Qin Mo at all, but their number is too large. There are hundreds of demon souls around here. If you kill these demon souls one by one, it will take a lot of money. How much power?

After all, Qin Mo punched with all his strength, he was just able to knock down these monsters, he couldn't punch every monster with all his strength, right?

Wait, these are the words of the devil soul, doesn't it mean that you can use the Buddhist Sanskrit?

Qin Mo's thoughts turned, his eyes lit up, maybe it's possible!

Qin Mo's mouth opened, and a mysterious Buddhist Sanskrit sound appeared. Then, around Qin Mo, a layer of golden light appeared. This light dissipated to the surrounding demons. At this time, Suddenly stood still.

In the next moment, these demon souls were actually shattered, and Qin Mo's Buddhism Sanskrit sound was indeed the nemesis of evil ways. With just this shout, these demon souls could be killed!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a platinum treasure chest!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!"


Qin Mo got a lot of treasure chests this time, but most of them were of gold and platinum level.

Wherever Qin Mo's gaze went, he only saw the surrounding demonic souls, which besides pouring towards Qin Mo, they also passed in another direction.

It can be known that that direction should be the position of that Magic Moon, right in front of him.

Moyue is now a bit embarrassed when dealing with the demons here, but it can be seen that although Moyue is embarrassed, she has not suffered any injuries. There are nearly a thousand demons around her.

In addition to being able to fight in close combat, some of these demon souls can emit bone spurs, which are like long-range attacks. Together, they are quite terrifying. A full moon appears on the head of the demon moon, and this full moon has changed. Into the red color.

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