I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1839: What should I do?

"What..." Mo Yue couldn't react for a while, and Qin Mo was still able to move after hitting the magic rune, and he wanted to attack her?

A round moon appeared on Mo Yue's hand, and it had already hit Qin Mo, and Qin Mo suddenly made a noise.

Denon Babu!

Moyue's mind went blank for a while, and she actually felt dizzy.

But Qin Mo only felt his forehead hurt more and more, and Qin Mo's head hit Moyue's forehead.

Qin Mo actually didn't know why he did this, but he had a feeling that as long as he did this, he could deal with Moyue. This was a feeling, but Qin Mo didn't know whether this feeling was right or wrong. .

When Qin Mo's forehead hit Moyue's head, the round moon in Moyue's palm also hit Qin Mo.


Qin Mo was knocked out, the dragon scale battle armor on his chest was immediately shattered, and a mouthful of blood came out from Qin Mo's mouth.

On Moyue's forehead, the mark changed, her face changed, and the effect of controlling the runes was transferred to her!

"Blessed man, it seemed to be controlling a magic rune just now. Someone wants to control you?" Nie Xiaoqian was in Qin Mo's body, so Qin Mo's change made her discover.

"Controlling a rune? This woman really wants me to be her male slave!" Qin Mo was a little angry.

This woman is too much!

How can I say that the young master also rescued you and came to help you. I think you are a friend, but you want to sleep with me?

"En Gong, are you going to kill her?" Nie Xiaoqian said.

"Is there a way not to kill her?" Qin Mo said immediately.

If there is no alternative, Qin Mo doesn't mind killing Mo Yue, but if he can't kill her, it's better not to do it.

"Men Gong, you have already transferred the effect of controlling the runes to her mind. The current woman is suffering from her own pain!" Nie Xiaoqian said.

"In this way, can't I control her?" Qin Mo said happily when he heard it.

"Now she is resisting the effect of the control rune. With her strength, she should be able to withstand the control rune. I am afraid that the effect of the control rune alone cannot control her!" Nie Xiaoqian replied.

"What should I do then?" Qin Mo said.

"Just interfere with her!" Nie Xiaoqian said.

Interfere with her? How to interfere?

Qin Mo watched Moyue standing on the spot and did not dare to move. Her mental power was obviously against her own magic rune. Moyue was probably already regretting it. She would never have imagined Qin Mo's spirit. The force is so exaggerated, and the magic rune can also be resisted.

Moyue watched Qin Mo approaching her, she was angry and anxious, if Qin Mo interfered, she might really be controlled by the accused magic rune.

No, I can't be distracted, it's almost, only a bit!

Qin Mo's thief eyes swept over Moyue's body unscrupulously, and he said, "Sheng Auntie's body is really good. This leg, this waist, and this chest are all beautiful I have never seen before. I don't know how it feels?"

As Qin Mo said, his hands were already stretched toward Moyue.

Mo Yue gritted her teeth and almost couldn't hold her breath. Qin Mo's hand got closer and closer to her, and Mo Yue's face became even more ugly.

Qin Mo still retracted his palm, and Moyue breathed a sigh of relief, but Moyue only felt a crisp sound behind her at this moment, and she only felt a crisp and numb sensation coming from her buttocks.

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