I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1841: Do you want me to be your maid?

"Stop it? Moyue, this young master repeatedly forbears you, you still want to deal with me? I think you are a friend, you want to sleep with me! Today this young master let you know how good I am!" Qin Mo Said immediately.

The mental strength increased again, and Mo Yue could no longer stand, she directly slumped on the ground, gritting her teeth and staring at Qin Mo.

"No... I understand, I won't deal with you again in the future!" Moyue had to compromise.

"No, you will be my maid from now on, your name is Yue'er!" Qin Mo blinked and said.

"You want me to be your maid?" Moyue's eyes were full of shock when she heard it.

"What? You feel very honored, right?" Qin Mo said.

"I..." Moyue seemed to have a hundred unknown beasts galloping in her heart.

"Ding, collected 100 points from Moyue!"

"Yue'er, do you have any comments?" Qin Mo said.

"No, but Master Qin Mo, I have one more question!" Mo Yue asked.

"What's the problem?" Qin Mo said.

"Do you need to be in bed?" Moyue blinked her big beautiful eyes at Qin Mo and said.


"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully vomiting, and collecting 100 vomiting points!"

Moyue was very proud. She could see that Qin Mo did not have experience with girls, and although she became Qin Mo's maid, it was different from her original idea, but it seemed good to be able to follow Qin Mo. .

From now on, it will be enough for Qin Mo to have a woman next to her, no other woman is needed, Moyue naturally thought.

Qin Mo began to feel a headache. The woman Mo Yue is indeed very attractive. If she is with her, it is inevitable that one day she will do something, especially this maid, but she has always had bad intentions towards herself.

"Master Qin Mo, I saw a dragon vein spirit on your chest. Are you a man with the aura of an emperor?" I only heard Mo Yue say suddenly.

"Yes!" Qin Mo replied, in the area of ​​his chest, he was injured by Mo Yue before.

However, he was injured by Moyue and added a powerful maid, which was not bad!

"If this is the case, Master Qin Mo, you have to become the Great Demon Heaven, and the higher your reputation, the stronger your emperor's aura, what level does your current emperor's aura belong to?" Moyue again Asked.

"Probably an amethyst-level emperor!" Qin Mo said.

The current imperial spirit has not exceeded 10 million, and Qin Mo is still an amethyst-level emperor. Of course, such a name Moyue is incomprehensible. Moyue said: "Master, you can radiate your own emperor Got it!"

Qin Mo nodded, the emperor's might exuded, and Mo Yue's face showed a look of surprise: "Your emperor's aura already has the qualification to become the lord of the continent!"

"What?" Qin Mo was stunned.

"You are the saint son of the Righteous Alliance and the Great Demon Heaven of the Demon Alliance. Even if you do not reveal your identity, you will accumulate more and more fame every day in the future. You will be able to become the master of the continent immediately The emperor is now, and you will even be able to master the luck of a continent by then!"

"After we leave here, I will promote your reputation for you, and your reputation will be even higher then!"

Qin Mo didn't understand what Moyue said, but he knew that his emperor's aura was only a bit close to reaching a diamond-level emperor.

An emperor of this level can not only enhance Qin Mo's strength, but also make Qin Mo more powerful. Qin Mo is still aware of this.

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