I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1858: Three Types of Dragon Slaying

Qin Mo immediately tried it. He placed the Dragon Slayer Sword in front of him, and his mental power had poured into this Dragon Slaying Sword like a tide. In the next moment, Qin Mo only felt that he was in front of him. , There is a white behemoth like a lion.

Qin Mo glanced at the white lion, as if he could hear it.

"Human, what did you come here for?" said the white lion.

"Are you the spirit of this Dragon Slaying Immortal Sword?" Qin Mo asked back.

"I am a dragon-eating beast. I am sealed in this knife and become its spirit. Although you are my master, you are not able to control this knife!" said the white lion.

"I don't need to control this dragon slaying sword, I just need to borrow its power!" Qin Mo said calmly.

"I can feel that you have sword intent in your heart, and you are a sword repairman!" said the dragon-eating beast. "This dragon-slaying sword has its own three dragon-slaying techniques. If you need it, I can also teach it to you!"

"What about the conditions?" Qin Mo asked.

In Qin Mo's eyes, although this is a tool spirit, it does not seem to be a generous master. If it will teach itself these three dragon-slaying styles, it will definitely ask for it.

"I cannot escape from here in my life, but I want to drink more dragon blood. As long as you slaughter more dragons, I will be happier!" said the dragon-eating beast.

"So that's the case. If that's the case, I can do it. In the future, I will use this knife to slaughter more dragons and let you eat enough!" Qin Mo immediately said happily.

"In this case, you can accept these three types, but if you can cultivate to the proficiency, you can kill all the dragons in the world. If you can remove the seal on this dragon sword, you will be the so-called dragon god. , You can also slaughter!" said the dragon-eating beast.

So awesome? Qin Mo didn't believe it anymore, but Qin Mo learned the three dragon-slaying styles, but if he wants to be proficient, Qin Mo feels that it is impossible for him to learn well. After all, Qin Mo is not a real sword repairer. But this three dragon-slaying formula should be enough for Qin Mo to use.

This time, I only owe Dongfeng!

Qin Mo practiced these three styles in Longdao, and it can be judged that these three styles are all methods of group attack.

Tang Qing arranged to live next to the cave where Qin Mo was located, and that Mo Yue had been missing for 10 days.

"Qin Mo, where is Mo Yue?" Tang Qing asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"She has returned!" Qin Mo could feel from his connection with Moyue that the current Moyue has returned.

Sure enough, Moyue returned soon. Seeing Moyue had left for so long, Tang Qing was surprised and said, "Auntie, where did you go?"

"Master sent me to monitor those evil dragon tribes. The place where these evil dragon tribes are located is on an island some distance from here, but I have found their locations. Master, now we can also find them! "Moyue replied.

"Go find them?" Tang Qing was taken aback when she heard these words.

"We have discussed with the Dragon King. Since the Demon Dragon Clan dared to enter the Dragon Island, we can also attack the Evil Dragon Clan camp. I sent Demon Moon to track down the Evil Dragon Clan in order to find their camp. Shoot them again!" Qin Mo replied.

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