I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1865: how is this possible!

How could the Dragon Race become so strong? Just because of that boy, who claimed to be the Dragon God? If this is the case, they also have gods for blessing!

At this time, all the evil dragon tribes began to shake with that evil god, and their fighting spirit was further weakened. Seeing this, the evil dragon emperor was shocked and angry, but he also knew that if the evil **** is now If they don't protect their evil dragon clan, I am afraid that this time the evil dragon clan will really be over!

And what makes the Evil Dragon Emperor more fearful now is that the fire-breathing Dragon Emperor in front of him can easily deal with it and another Dragon Emperor level elder.

The strength of that elder is not much worse than that of the Evil Dragon Emperor. This Evil Dragon Emperor is close to the existence of the second floor of the Martial Ancestral Realm, and this elder is also the existence of the first level of the Martial Ancestral Realm. Very powerful.

But now, the two Martial Ancestor realm besieging an existence on the first Martial Ancestral realm, and they are still suppressed by the other side. The flames emitted by the fire-breathing dragon emperor are very powerful and can burn two powerful evil dragon clan experts.

The attacks of the two evil dragon clan powerhouses fell on the fire-breathing dragon emperor, and could also break its dragon scales, wounding the fire-breathing dragon emperor, but the injuries on the fire-breathing dragon emperor were able to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

how is this possible!

The pupils of the evil dragon emperor shrank for a while, and the resilience of this fire-breathing dragon emperor was too terrifying. If it continued like this, if they could not defeat the fire-breathing dragon emperor, they would be killed by the fire-breathing dragon emperor first. They are!

Just when the Evil Dragon Emperor thought so, he saw that the Fire-breathing Dragon Emperor finally used his ultimate move, and only saw the Fire-breathing Dragon Emperor’s mouth suddenly ejecting a huge fireball.

"Evil Dragon Clan's chores, eat your Dragon Lord!" The fire-breathing dragon emperor is now fighting to the sky, he shouted loudly, that fireball could even become a word.

"Big Character Flame!"

A "big" character blasted towards the elder of the evil dragon clan in front of him. This elder of the evil dragon clan, even before he could even react, was already close by the flame of this big character. At such a close distance, he could only hold on. Can't avoid it.

This elder of the evil dragon clan was blasted out, and his entire body was burned. The dragon scales on his body were directly burned to ashes, and this large-character flame burned in his body.

"No--" The evil dragon clan elder let out a scream, but it didn't have any effect. The flames had already swallowed its body, and an evil dragon clan elder was defeated in this way?

"Boom!" At this moment, a blade of light suddenly fell from the sky, and Qin Mo would not let go of the chance to win the head. While he was busy drumming, he took the time to slash out the head of the evil dragon elder. Cut it down.

Originally, the elder of the evil dragon clan was dying, but he hadn't died yet. With this cut, Qin Mo had no chance to evade.

The head of the evil dragon clan elder had already rolled to the ground, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that he would die here.

The morale of the evil dragon clan has dropped again. This is the dragon king-level evil dragon clan elder, who has been killed again. Do they have a chance to survive?

"Boom!" At this moment, only a loud noise was heard, and another elder of the evil dragon clan was blasted to the ground. Everyone saw that it was another elder of the evil dragon clan.

Moyue's face showed a sneer: "Evil Dragon Clan, it seems that this is nothing more than that!"

The strength of this elder of the evil dragon clan is not weak, he is already at the first level of the Martial Ancestor realm, but the current Demon Moon is more powerful than him!

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