I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1880: This is my place!

The person who came here was a tall military commander. Under his crotch was a black giant horse, and this person was Xiang Yu!

The current Xiang Yu is completely different from before. At this time Xiang Yu, regardless of strength or momentum, has completely surpassed the previous Xiang Yu!

This golden sword is actually far more powerful than the imperial martial arts, but in front of Xiang Yu, it was shattered by a single shot. It can be seen how powerful Xiang Yu's tricks are!

"Who is this? High-ranking martial ancestors? No, it seems not!" Kong Hong only said in surprise.

"His realm should only belong to the fifth floor of Wuzu!" Qi Minghua said.

"No? The sword of holy light just now is a magical power, and it is still a low-grade magical power. Can he deal with a low-grade magical power?" Kong Hong couldn't believe it.

"Just look at it!" Qi Minghua said with some confusion.

Hanke obviously did not expect such a powerful existence to appear here. Xiang Yu's appearance, but he was very shocked. He stared at Xiang Yu and said, "Who are you?"

"General Da Qin, Xiang Yu!" Xiang Yu said loudly.

Three days’ time has greatly increased Xiang Yu’s strength. Now he has spanned two major levels and has become a fifth-layer existence in the Martial Ancestral Realm. Xiang Yu’s strength in this Great Qin Kingdom, no, even the entire In the mainland, the strength is stronger than the two leaders!

Xiang Yu hasn't fully awakened yet, otherwise his strength will be even stronger, but even now, Xiang Yu's strength is already number one in the mainland.

And all this is because of Qin Mo!

Had it not been for Qin Mo, he would have never had this kind of strength!

Xiang Yu is more loyal to Qin Mo, and he will not let go of all words that dare to hurt Qin Mo.

"Xiang Yu? Your strength is good. If you are willing, I can introduce you to join our church. The church is one of the strongest forces in Wanfa Continent. If you join our church, you will definitely be able to use it, and It can also make you become faster!" Hank said.

Qin Mo was a little surprised when Hanke threw an olive branch to Xiang Yu.

"If you are willing to join our Confucian school, I believe you can also become one of our Confucian generals!" Only Qi Minghua said.

Confucianism? Confucian general? The church? These two people are from the sanctuary?

Sanctuary is just what this continent calls that place. The real name of Sanctuary is Wanfa Continent?

"Anyone who hurts my lord, kill!" After hearing Xiang Yu's words, he rushed out in front of him, and his spear had already pierced Hank in front of him.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you. Do you think I can't make you fail?" Hank said angrily, only to see a ray of light appeared on the cross on Hank's hand.

A silver-white rapier had appeared in his hand.

"Sword skill, wind!" Hanke finished speaking, his body turned into a gust of wind, and in an instant, he had reached Xiang Yu's front.

However, in the next instant, Xiang Yu's spear was picked, only to see Hanke being picked up into the air.

"How is it possible?" Qi Minghua's expression changed. This shot, no matter its strength, angle, or speed, is impeccable. This shot can directly break Hank's blow and pick him up. .

"Hahaha..." Xiang Yu laughed wildly, and the spear pierced Hanke again. The spear turned into dozens of spear shadows, all of which pierced Hanke.

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