I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1885: You take it, I don't mind!

Bloodline, Qin Mo rarely encounters this kind of thing. Perhaps in this continent, very few people have bloodlines. When Qin Mo had a talented treasure chest, less than one in ten thousand bloodline owners had been seen.

Now that I take this drop of golden blood, can I have the Golden Dragon bloodline?

Naturally, Qin Mo would not let go of this opportunity. He had already taken the Golden Dragon Bloodline. At this moment, the Dragon Swallowing Art in Qin Mo's body was already in madness. He could feel that he had already reached the peak of the Dragon Swallowing Art. Jue, even further.

The original Dragon Swallowing Technique, or just the Emperor-level technique, the current Dragon Swallowing Technique, has already entered the Emperor-class, this level of technique is no longer comparable to this continent!

Qin Mo summoned his own dragon scale battle armor, which immediately turned into a golden battle armor, Qin Mo suddenly became even more powerful.

The evolving technique allowed Qin Mo to control the soul of a golden dragon. This dragon swallowing art seemed to have mutated. Because the effect of the golden dragon bloodline was beyond Qin Mo’s expectation, it allowed Qin Mo to swallow the dragon art. There is such a change.

Fortunately, this variation is a change for the better.

Da Qin and Qin Mo did not stay anymore. After all, the sanctuary examination had already begun, and Qin Mo had to leave, otherwise he would not be able to keep up with the time for the sanctuary examination.

Qin Mo bid farewell to the many maids and parents, and asked Xiang Yu to stay to protect the Great Qin Kingdom, and then set off on the way to the holy courtyard with Mo Yue.

The Sanctuary is located in the center of the entire continent. If you want to join the Sanctuary, there is a rigid requirement, that is, you must be under the age of 30. Anyone over this age will be expelled, and the only assessment is Two aspects.

One is Wuhun, the other is blood, and the third is combat power!

Wuhun Qin Mo naturally knows that as for blood, this kind of thing doesn't seem to be owned by everyone, but fortunately, Qin Mo now has one, that is, the golden dragon bloodline he just got!

The place where the holy courtyard is located is called Shengzhou.

The Holy State is actually a city. It is closed all year round and no one is allowed to enter. So in the eyes of others, this is a very special place.

But now, the Holy State is open, and the door of the Holy State will open for three consecutive days.

Anyone who enters can enter the test after three days. The test of enrollment is also quite old-fashioned, but it is very practical.

The first level, Wuhun, there is no one with a heavenly soul or above, get out!

Second, blood. This kind of thing is generally divided into one to five. Those without blood, get out!

Third, combat power, in the arena, regardless of life and death, anyone who cannot win ten games in a row is not eligible to enter the sanctuary!

Of course, it is not impossible to cheat, but there must be talents in this sanctuary.

But even so, you must win ten games in a row on your own strength, and in the assessment of the sanctuary, as long as you lose more than three times, you must leave, and even if it is Lei, you must win in a row, so every enrollment assessment Inside, there are fewer than a hundred people who can enter the sanctuary!

At this time in the Holy State City, many powerful people have arrived, because this is the time for admissions to the Holy House once every ten years. If you can enter the Holy House, you will be able to fly into the sky. As long as you can enter the Holy House, becoming a martial ancestor is no longer The goal is, at least to become a high-level martial ancestor.

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