I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2030: Don't underestimate the wisdom of monsters

Do you know animal language? The three shook their heads at the same time.

Beast language, this is not so easy to master. Even the demons in Ten Thousand Fa Continent, there are very few people who can possess this kind of animal language. After all, it is really very difficult to learn this kind of animal language. difficult.

There is no one here is a demon trainer, three people, naturally not, how can they understand this kind of thing.

The three of them shook their heads. Qin Mo was not surprised. Qin Mo said indifferently: "You don't understand, but I will, so I understand what they said just now. Don't underestimate the wisdom of the monsters!"

When Qin Mo said this, the faces of the three people were surprised. If they said that, what did the three monsters say?

"What did they say?" Cheng Qi asked quickly.

"They just said..." Qin Mo didn't finish speaking, only heard a series of screams coming from ahead.

In order to fight for the spirit fruit here, those warriors have already started fighting each other. As long as someone wants to get close to the crystal pattern fruit, they will be attacked by others. Even the strong here have already begun to fight.

There were more than fifty strong men, and suddenly reduced to more than ten strong men. The other strong men have already been defeated, but they are also humans, and many of the strong men here are in this little sage. The people of the sect in the domain.

If killing people here would have a great impact, it might cause a Zongmen war, and among these powerhouses, there seem to be three people from the Tianxing Pavilion, and among the others, there are two people from the holy court.

Of course, neither Cheng Qi nor Qin Mo have any intention of making a move. After all, in this kind of place, those who have the opportunity to get it are also available. Now the four of Qin Mo and the people in front of them, but competitors, now make a move, only It just caused a fight.

But in the end it was the person from the Sky Star Pavilion Xian Lei who had won others. A warrior in the Sky Star Pavilion had already pounced on the sky crystal pattern fruit. His eyes were full of joy. As long as he could get this sky crystal pattern fruit, he would A new magical power can be obtained!

At this time, a flame blasted onto the body of the Tianxing Pavilion expert.

"Boom!" This strong man exploded in an instant.

"What?" Everyone looked at this scene with shocked eyes at the same time, their expressions changed drastically.

"Why is that monster still alive?" Someone has noticed, and the tiger monster has stood up again.

Puff puff……

Several strong men were cut in half by the black wind blade, and everyone saw the wolf demon and stood up.

"Roar——Humans, you are really selfish and stupid. Today is your time to die!" The bear monster stood up again, his eyes full of chill.

"How can these monsters not die?" Song Yi exclaimed.

"The three-headed monsters were not mocking each other at all, but were discussing how to deal with the humans here. They have already discovered the humans here, and these three-headed monsters are still very powerful. They are ready to Kill the humans here!"

"But no one here knows. They are still killing each other here. No one cares if these three monsters are dead!"

Qin Mo shook his head, he said.

"Are we going to shoot now?" Cheng Qi asked.

"I'm going to pretend to be... No, I'll save people, and you'll take the Sky Crystal Pattern Fruit for me!" Qin Mo said immediately.

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