"You evildoers, you actually want to harm the world! Wait for this swordsman to clean up you!" Qin Mo had already drawn his sword out.

The earth demons here fell down in pieces. In this quarter of an hour, Qin Mo didn't encounter any trouble. These earth demons were also cleaned up by Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's gaze fell on Cheng Shi in front of him.

Cheng Shi's face was full of joy now, and there was a piece of jade in his hand. Obviously, this was a formation weapon, and its power was much stronger than that of a magic weapon of the same level.

People under the holy realm generally have no way to obtain magic artifacts, let alone formation artifacts.

"Can this array weapon exert any power?" Qin Mo asked.

After Cheng Shi took away the formation, the surrounding environment also changed. The original sea of ​​flowers became a forest. This was the true face of the depths of the Demon Soul Mountain.

In the darkness around, it turned out that they had always been in the profound formation.

"This formation tool can trap the strong in the holy realm and the foundation realm in it, preventing the opponent from escaping, and it may even kill him with a formation!" Cheng Shi said with a smile of joy.

"Really? If this is the case, the next thing will be left to you!" Qin Mo said suddenly.

"What?" Cheng Shi was taken aback, his gaze followed Qin Mo's gaze, only to see a group of earth demons coming here.

Among the demons, there is a leader, and it seems that this leader is still quite powerful.

This Demon Race actually has a handsome face, but the body is protected by scales and bone spurs, which looks quite terrifying.

This powerful demon clan is a sacred martial artist in the foundation realm. This should be called a demon. Even if Qin Mo encounters him, there is only one way to escape. Of course, if you use a magic sword to cut him, Qin Mo But I feel that even if it is a strong heaven demon, Qin Mo only needs to be able to kill him.

But since Cheng Shi had said so, Qin Mo naturally wanted to let him pretend to look at it first. After all, the Heavenly Demon, but a strong holy realm, would still be a bit difficult to deal with with Qin Mo's current strength.

At this moment, Qin Mo felt that his treasure chest compass was turning frantically. This treasure chest compass, obviously this time, the marvelous treasure chest was on the opponent.

It seems that Qin Mo must kill this demon!

"Leave these ordinary earth demons to me, and leave the others to you to deal with!" Qin Mo said immediately.

"Good!" Cheng Shi said immediately.

Cheng Shi had already urged the spirit power in his body into the formation weapon in his hand. Qin Mo guessed that even if Cheng Shi had the formation weapon, it might not last long. It was obviously impossible for him to deal with a demon.

If Cheng Shi couldn't deal with this demon, Qin Mo would definitely not stay, he didn't want to die in the hands of the demon here.

Cheng Shi did not disappoint Qin Mo. He only saw the jade in Cheng Shi's hand lifted up, and a series of light arrays appeared around the demon of the day, and the heavenly demon was actually trapped in this light array.

"You, come with me!" Qin Mo said lightly.

I saw Qin Mo already holding the sword and rushing towards the earth demon in front of him.

As long as it is not a heavenly demon, even if it is a ninth-level earth demon in the Martial Ancestor realm, Qin Mo will not take it seriously!

Qin Mo's Demon Sword is not only the Earth Demon, even if it faces the Heaven Demon, it will have a very powerful effect. Naturally, these Earth Demon are not a problem.

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