I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2105: You are too much!

"I'm a grass thief? Senior brother Kang Shi, I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Qin Mo looked at it, and immediately seemed to be wronged by heaven. He pointed to Kang Shi with a sad expression on his face, "I went back and looked for myself. When I left a piece of jade pendant, I found that you were knocking out a few Mo Lingfeng disciples, and then..."

Qin Mo seemed very scared, his face showed fear.

"What happened then?" Minghua said immediately, "Junior Brother Qin Mo, don't worry, no one will hurt you if we are there. You just need to tell the facts! The rest is up to us. Come to solve it!"

Everyone nodded immediately. They thought that there was no way to find the grass thief this time, but what they didn't expect was that there would be unexpected gains now.

If you can find the grass thief this time, then you have a chance to find your lost spirit grass!

Even if you can't find it, you can breathe out this bad breath!

With this thought, chills appeared in everyone's faces and eyes.

"When I saw Senior Brother Kang Shi injured these disciples, I found me. He threatened that if I said anything, he would kill me. I was scared for a while, so I kept running away. Senior Brother Kang Shi followed me all the time. , Finally came here!" Qin Mo said pale.

"You nonsense, I didn't, everyone, don't listen to what he said, it's not like this at all, he pretended to be me, and then entered that spiritual grass garden! The real grass thief is him!" Kang Shi immediately shouted loudly. Said.

"What? Brother Kang Shi, you said something like this, it's too much. Look at my figure, how different is it from yours, how could I pretend to be you, Brother Kang Shi, you actually slandered me and wanted me To take on this responsibility, you are—too—too—too!"

Qin Mo seemed to have been wronged by the sky, he immediately yelled, and the people around them looked even more ugly after hearing it.

Qin Mo's body is much taller than Kang Shi, and Kang Shi and Mo Liang's body are similar, about 1.75 meters, and Qin Mo is about 1.85 meters, which is indeed huge.

If Qin Mo pretends to be Kang Shi, they don't really believe in such a thing. Their appearance can be faked, but how can they pretend to be their body shape?

They had never seen such a magical disguise mask like Qin Mo.

Because of this, not many people believed Kang Shi this time.

Kang Shi didn't understand where he was now, but he was caught by Qin Mo's trap, his eyes fixed on Qin Mo, as if he wanted to eat Qin Mo.

"Kang Shi's aversion to you has increased, currently at 60! Entering the first-level rage state!"

"Brother Kang Shi, I know that you are doing this. It must be unspeakable. Why do you do this? If you speak out, we will definitely help you. But if you do something like this, how can we help you?" Qin Mo's voice rang again.

"Shut up, I will definitely ask Brother Mo Liang to explain this clearly!" Kang Shi said coldly, and he wanted to leave as soon as he turned around.

"Kang Shi, you'd better stay, we will tell Senior Brother Mo Liang about this, but you can't leave now!" I only heard Yang Shu say.

"You want to stop me too?" Kang Shi only said disdainfully.

"Don't do it, everyone, I think Senior Brother Kang Shi, will definitely want to escape!" Qin Mo said.

When Qin Mo said this, the faces of the people around him changed. By the way, did Kang Shi actually want to escape?

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