I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2152: There is no chance to practice anymore

"But forget it, you now have no chance to practice anymore!" Qin Mo sneered on his face.

"What do you want to do?" Shen He's face changed drastically. Does Qin Mo want to kill him? No, this is absolutely impossible. This is the territory of the Shen family. If Qin Mo kills him here, he will be an enemy of the Shen family!

"Qin Mo, you can't kill people!" Chen Xiang also said immediately.

"Don't worry, I won't kill people, I just want to get something from him!" Qin Mo smiled.

"What are you going to take?" When Shen He heard this, he felt relieved. As long as he didn't take his life, he could still take revenge.

Qin Mo's expression was a little weird. He hesitated, and finally shouted out: "I am the messenger of love and justice. Today I will represent the moon to take away your spiritual roots!"

What a shameful spell this is!

Qin Mo's heart was a little depressed, but he immediately saw that a ray of light flew out from the center of Shen He's forehead.

Only Qin Mo could see this light, and no one else could see it.

And Shen He didn't know what happened to him, he passed out into a coma.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully plundering the spiritual roots, the number of spiritual roots collected is 1!"

Sure enough!

Except for the shame of the spell, Qin Mo didn't feel any guilt for snatching someone else's spiritual roots. After all, it was Shen He who offended him first. If so, why would Qin Mo feel guilty?

Qin Mo threw Shen He aside, and then said, "It's useless to pass out like this!"

"Stop it!" At this moment, a white-haired old man suddenly shouted, he fell from the sky and appeared in front of Qin Mo.

However, this person was still a step late. He glanced at Shen He and then at Qin Mo. He was a little surprised and said, "Am I here late?"

Qin Mo glanced at the white-haired old man. He seemed to be quite old, but his face looked like a boy, and looked quite weird, and his strength was not weak, and his figure was a bit fat, Chen Xiang said quickly: " I have seen the Great Elder!"

Qin Mo suddenly realized that this one was the great elder of the Shen family!

"What is going on here? Who made you fight here?" The elder said with a stern face.

Although he wanted to put on a serious expression, his fat face was a bit funny.

"You are the great elder of the Shen family, you must avenge my Brother Crane!" Shang Fang said immediately.

Shang Fang was helping Shen He up, and she pointed to Qin Mo and said, "He hurt my Brother Crane!"

"Are you shameless?" Qin Mo said grimly, "He obviously wanted to attack me, but I just touched him casually and he passed out like this. Blame me?"

Shen He attacked you?

If you touch him casually, he will pass out?

You are really bullshit!

The people present didn't believe Qin Mo's words, because they saw it with their own eyes, it was not the case at all.

"Elder, I and others can also testify about this incident. It was Shen He who provoked Qin Mo. Qin Mo only fought back for self-defense. According to the rules, Qin Mo should not be blamed for this matter! "Only heard Chen Xiang said.

"Send the person back for treatment first, and I will find out the truth about this!" The elder said with a stern face.

This great elder didn't know what magical powers he had cultivated, but his appearance was indeed quite powerful.

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