I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2155: Unrecognizable

"Brother Shen Jiji, it is said that the second uncle's ancestor was a god-level existence during his lifetime. His corpse is still being worshipped. If this corpse can be used, wouldn't I be able to restore my strength?" Only heard Shen He said.

As soon as Shen He said these words, there was joy in Hod's eyes.

A cold light flashed in Shen Ji's eyes, and he said: "Yes, we can try it, but if the second uncle's face appears in front of other people, I am afraid it will cause panic!"

"Don't worry, as long as I enter that senior's body, I can change my appearance and won't be recognized!" Hodder said quickly.

"Well, if that's the case, then we will do this this time, but before that, we still need to capture Shangfang's bitch, the man back!" Shen Ji said.

As soon as Shang Fang left Shen Huangcheng, she looked back at Shen Huangcheng and sighed and said: "I thought I had a chance to be the queen of the Shen family, but I didn't expect to follow a trash. This time, luck was too bad!"

"Really? You feel bad luck now? That's too early!" With a sound, Shen Ji and Du Juan appeared in front of her at the same time.

"What do you want to do?" When Shang Fang saw the two, her expression changed drastically.

"Nothing, I just want to borrow something from you!" Shen Ji said with a smile.

"What do you want to borrow? I have nothing!" Shang Fang said anxiously.

"Lending your spiritual root!" Shen Ji replied.

What Qin Mo didn't expect was that in Shen Huangcheng, it would take five days to start the selection of Patriarch.

But it’s okay, Qin Mo can have more time to roam in the Shen Imperial City

In this Shen Huangcheng, what Qin Mo wanted most was the Shen Huangcheng library, but for this idea, it was possible to wait for Chen Xiang to become the queen of the Shen family, because she did not have the right to allow Qin Mo to enter.

Only by entering the library can the library system in Qin Mo's mind be more perfect.

Of course, if he can't get in now, Qin Mo can go to other places.

After all, this is Shen Huangcheng, and there are many miracles here, but what Qin Mo wants to find here is not these, but seeds!

Qin Mo has learned about this from the population of Yaowang Village.

In that fairy field, only by cultivating from seeds can the spirit grass grow more perfect. There are fairy wells and fairy qi in it, which can make the spirit grass grow at a great speed.

Of course, if the spirit grass that has grown up is planted into it, it will naturally have an effect, but it is still far behind the spirit grass seed.

Some of the more precious spiritual grasses often require a large amount of pill or immortal stone to be exchanged, but their seeds are far less valuable.

After all, it takes at least ten years for a spiritual grass to be planted, and even more than a hundred years. When these seeds grow up, people may not be there. Therefore, only the grown spiritual grass, the spiritual flower, is the best. valuable.

Qin Mo bought a large amount of spirit grass, but only spent a hundred low-grade immortal stones.

Qin Mo’s spiritual grass seeds, but bought more than one hundred more precious spiritual grasses. These spiritual grasses are planted in the fairyland for a day, which is equivalent to a year outside. Ten years of medicine age.

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