I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2193: Be my subordinate, bear my name...

"There is no way for the system to determine what items can be opened in the treasure chest, but the system can narrow the scope of the items that can be opened from the treasure chest!" the system said.

"As long as you accept it, you can give it to a specific treasure chest, right?" Qin Mo's eyes lit up and said immediately.

"Yes! The system can increase the host's mental power to 1000, make the host's spiritual power even higher and turn it into a sea of ​​spirit!" said the system.

"Since the system has begged me like this, I have no choice but to help you!" Qin Mo said rather helplessly.

No matter what, Qin Mo finally understood. It seems that the system is not omnipotent. It and Qin Mo are not related to superiors, but to use each other!

Qin Mo needs this plug-in to help him cultivate, improve his strength, and get benefits, and the system seems to need to help it collect treasure chests of various resources, and even fix loopholes. All of this is a friendly relationship.

Of course, Qin Mo firmly believes that only his own strength is the best. What if he has no value in the system in the future? Therefore, strengthening one's own strength is the most important thing for Qin Mo.

Of course, if you can subdue more gods and demons to help yourself, it will be better!

The White Flower Snake Essence in front of him is one of them, after all, this is a Concentration Realm level existence.

Qin Mo only felt that the spiritual eye in his eyebrows had turned into a vast ocean, and his spiritual power had increased again!

Originally, after Qin Mo practiced the spiritual exercises, his spiritual power has improved a lot. It is not far from 1,000 spiritual power. Now the system is just a small help, and Qin Mo's spiritual power has changed. Get stronger!

The stronger the mental power, the more advantageous Qin Mo flickered!



With a scream, Qin Mo saw a figure flying out, it was Shen Bai.

Qin Mo saw Shen Bai's hands and legs twisted strangely, and it was not difficult to see that Shen Bai was seriously injured.

But seeing that Shen Bai was so severely injured, Qin Mo felt very cool in his heart. It seemed that he was pretending to be struck by lightning, and even this monster couldn't pass it.

"Humans? Two more humans are here?" The White Flower Snake Spirit looked at Qin Mo and Chenxiang.

"We are indeed human, but we are different from the scum over there!" Qin Mo waved his hand and said.

The Xiu Shi in white clothes was a little surprised. He did not expect Qin Mo to say something like this: "Human, I feel that you are indeed different from him, but-what about this?"

"I can help you!" Qin Mo said suddenly.

"Help me? Hahaha... You said you want to help me? But-why do I need your help?" The white lady laughed, and then said.

"In fact, there is nothing funny, because you really need me to help you, why do you still need me to help? That is even simpler, because you can't leave here, this is the first point!" Qin Mo said calmly.

Fudge Dafa is on!

As soon as Qin Mo said these words, the pupils of the white-clothed scholar shrank for a while, but Qin Mo's words made his heart tremble. He was trapped in this place for thousands of years. If he said he didn't want to leave here, it would be impossible. Xiushi in white is dreaming and wants to leave!

Today, I came here to catch these people from the Shen family to be able to enter the Fountain of Blood. What is the purpose of this? Of course, leaving this world of Shen, the Xiu Shi in white clothes wants to reach the outside world even more, not wanting to stay here forever. This is his obsession!

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