I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2203: You let me go, let me go!

Qin Mo's movements were faster than Jin Ying. Seeing Hod's big-headed Jin Ying now, he said: "Do you want to do it again and run away from my hand?"

"You let me go, let me go!" Hodder yelled quickly.

"Hood, today you are bound to die, do you think I will let you go again? This time you have no chance to escape!" Qin Mo's face showed a hideous smile.

The last time he carelessly let Hodder escape, not this time.

"No, please let me go, don't—" Huo De wanted to ask for mercy, but Qin Mo would not give him a chance.

After taking away the spirit root of Hodgkin Ying, Qin Mo's palm also cut off the head of this big Golden Ying.

Qin Mo shot cleanly, but it caused cold sweat on the backs of those viewers. I have to say that Qin Mo's shot this time was quite ruthless. He didn't mean to be soft, so he should kill.

Hodder is dead, and the other three are not much better. Shen Ji never dreamed that he would be surrounded by monsters, and these monsters did not intend to kill them, but interrupted their hands and feet. Let them even have no chance to escape.

"Hood is dead!" Shen Ji's heart shook wildly. How could this Qin Mo be so strong?

Shen He was even more shocked in his heart. He would never have thought that Qin Mo could even kill Huo De.

Shen He was already regretting now, he regretted that he had offended Qin Mo.

"Qin Mo, you let us go, we knew it was wrong, we won't fight for the position of Emperor Shen!" Only Shen Ji shouted immediately.

"I heard that the rules of your Shen family are amazing. Even here, in order to enter the blood spring battle, even if you kill other people, it is allowed, right? If this is the case, I might as well kill you all. That's it!" Qin Mo smiled.

Qin Mo's smile was undoubtedly the devil's smile in the eyes of these three people. After they saw it, their hearts became even more panicked. Qin Mo actually wanted to kill them!

This person is simply the devil!

"No, please let us go, we really won't be enemies with you anymore!" Shen He also said.

"Well, since you all said that, I will let you go, but I will accept your spiritual roots!" Qin Mo placed his palm on Shen Ji's forehead.

"What? No!!!" Shen Ji let out a scream, but he knew that before Shen He's spiritual root was taken away by Qin Mo, now it was his turn, but his limbs were interrupted, Shen There is no chance to resist at all.

Since these people are enemies of Chenxiang, they are enemies of themselves. If it weren't for "live broadcasting" in front of everyone in Shen Huangcheng now, Qin Mo would even kill after seizing the spiritual roots!

In any case, the three spiritual roots have been obtained, and Qin Mo is very happy in his heart. Compared with Qin Mo, these three people resent Qin Mo extremely, and all three have a hatred of Qin Mo at 90. Of course, They could not threaten Qin Mo now, and Qin Mo was not worried at all.

After leaving here, maybe we can find a way to solve the three of them.

"Let's go, and then, for the last part of the journey, I will send you up! At that time, the position of the head of the Shen family will belong to you!" Qin Mo said.

"You want to go in with me. This is our test. If you don't go in with me, I'm afraid I won't get the ancestral inheritance!" Chen Xiang said, her pretty face suddenly flushed.

Qin Mo was a little confused, but he still agreed. After all, Chenxiang had already been sent here, and Qin Mo naturally didn't mind going in with her.

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