I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2205: He really came!

The Xiu Shi in white clothes shook his head and said: "Don't talk nonsense anymore, Master Qin Mo has such a powerful magic weapon, and dare to expose it to me. Do you think he will have no backs? If it is as simple as what you said He can deal with him, he has no idea how many times he has died!"

The Xiashi in white had more thoughts than others. He naturally wanted to leave and wanted freedom, but Qin Mo had a very strong confidence in him, as if Qin Mo would not lose at all.

So the scholar in white clothes can be sure that Qin Mo will definitely not only have the strength on the surface now, he will definitely have other cards.

Of course, the Xiu Shi in white did not know that Qin Mo's trump card was outside this Shen realm, but even if the Xiu Shi in white really wanted to attack Qin Mo, a medicine immortal cauldron would be enough to kill him.

"My lord, we got the news that those people from the Shen family have fallen into Ling Xuzi's hands!" I heard a monster rushing over to the white-clothed Xiushi and said loudly.

"What?" The white-clothed Xiushi's expression changed, and the Shen family was caught by Ling Xuzi. This doesn't mean that Ling Xuzi can enter the Bloodline Mountain.

The current Qin Mo and Chenxiang are probably still doing things about men and women. If it is not good to be disturbed, the scholar in white clothes waved his hand and said: "Immediately check out Ling Xuzi's movements and report to me at any time!"

"Yes, King!" The subordinate said immediately.

Ling Xuzi obviously planted a spy on the side of the Xiu Shi in white clothes. Otherwise, he would never think of this method. If Ling Xuzi enters this bloodline fountain, it is likely to make him break through. Then the Xiu Shi in white clothes will not be him. Opponent.

Not long after, Xiushi's men in white clothes had already returned, bringing a message that Ling Xuzi was here!

"Hahaha..." Only an arrogant laugh came, and a figure appeared in the sky, flying over here.

"I haven't seen you for a while, your strength seems to be a lot stronger, but—" the fan in the hands of the white-clothed Xiu Shi, "What are you pretending to be in front of the king? Come down to me!"

Countless wind blades flew towards the figure, and black claws appeared in front of the figure.

"Ding Ding..."

All those wind blades were blasted out, and none of them could hurt that person. The person was barely visible, he was a tall man, but his eyes were like evil wolves.

"Haha, Xiu Shi in white, I heard that you have become someone else's subordinate, but I didn't expect that you would be so unpromising and worship a mortal as subordinate?" The man sneered.

Seeing the person in white clothes, he was not surprised at all, he really came!

Wolf demon, Ling Xuzi!

When Qin Mo woke up, he felt that the original details were gone. This feeling made Qin Mo feel very depressed. Did his first experience of coming into this world just pass?

Qin Mo's heart was quite dissatisfied. He glanced at his body and found that he was soaking in the blood spring, but he was naked, and Chenxiang was similar to himself, but the distance between the two was quite far.

"System, what happened just now?" Qin Mo asked in his heart. He felt that both the realm of himself and Chenxiang had improved, and the holy realm experience pill in his body seemed to have disappeared.

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