I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 2228: His pagoda can't hold the dark sky at all

Qin Mo returned to his original appearance and reappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone didn't see the dark sky appearing, and they were obviously stunned.

But Qin Mo's explanation was that Antian had already escaped, and his pagoda couldn't hold Antian at all.

After all, An Tian is a vice-president, or an existence at the level of Transcendent God Realm. Qin Mo said that he had escaped. Although some people doubted, more people would believe it.

Qin Mo naturally wouldn't let go of the other disciples in the dark courtyard. If the monsters took action, these disciples in the dark courtyard had no chance to escape.

Chen Xiang had already woken up at this time, but there was still a lot of holy power in her body that could not be digested, and it was estimated that it would take a while to merge.

Shen Kang would pass the power to Chenxiang, and Qin Mo was not surprised, but Qin Mo also asked Chenxiang to block the news here, and then left with Bai Suzhen and the others.

Although Chen Xiang wanted to keep Qin Mo for a few more days, she also had to practice in retreat, so Qin Mo's stay would be useless.

As soon as Qin Mo left Shenyu, he immediately went to the dark courtyard. The dark sky's identity token was still in Qin Mo's hand. Bai Suzhen, the white-clothed Xiushi, and other monsters were all received by Qin Mo inside the Seven Treasure Linglong Pagoda.

Since the dark courtyard is looking for trouble with this young master, it is naturally impossible for Qin Mo to let them go, and let the dark courtyard pay a little price!

When Qin Mo went to the dark courtyard, the holy courtyard also welcomed three guests.

Among the three guests, one of them was a bald man wearing a cassock and holding a Buddhist bead in his hand. He knew that he was a Buddhist man.

The second person is holding a book in his hand, and the pages are all golden. This book is obviously also a magic weapon. He is wearing a Confucian robe and has a gentle look.

The third person is wearing armor with a silver long sword on his waist, and on his chest, there is also a sign of "Ten".

The three of them stood outside the holy courtyard and only heard the monk say: "Amitabha, the poor monk Jingchen, specially came to visit the holy courtyard!"

"It's a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar, friends in the holy courtyard, shouldn't they not welcome us, Kong Wei!"

"I am Jack from the Holy Court, please from the Holy Court, hand over one of your disciples!"

The voices of the three people directly spread to the entire sanctuary. The strength of each of these three people is not inferior to the existence of the gods of transformation, but even the deputy chief dare not look down upon them.

Tang Ao and Wang Ze had already appeared in front of the mountain gate of the holy courtyard. Seeing the three people in front of them, their faces were surprised: "I don't know that three distinguished guests are coming, and there is a long way to greet them, three, It's better to go to our holy courtyard for a short break!"

Little Sanctuary is actually under the control of the Dao Sect, and now there are three strong men from other forces, which really shocked the two vice presidents, but it is not difficult to see that these three people are probably here for other things.

The Heaven Demon's Secret Courtyard, this place is actually similar to the Holy Courtyard, and this time, only An Tian came back to the Secret Courtyard alone, making the dean of the Heaven Demon's Secret Courtyard feel quite surprised. When An Tian came back, he immediately summoned him. .

Qin Mo felt a little depressed. The dean of the Heavenly Demon Dark Court didn't know what level of existence it was. What if he could see through his identity?

Qin Mo was very relieved about the mask on his body. After all, this mask was known as a fairy and no one could see through it, but Qin Mo was a little worried about his strength.

The current Qin Mo is nothing more than the strength of the Divine Realm. It is estimated that it will take a bit of luck to pretend to be the Divine Realm-level Dark Sky.

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