I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 824: what did you say? Say it again!

After a day and night of pursuit, the Iron Wolf King and his daughter have been captured, and they have all fallen into Qin Mo's hands.

"Qin Mo...it's you!" The Iron Wolf King stared at Qin Mo and said.

"That's right, it's me, Iron Wolf King. Are you surprised or happy?" Qin Mo smiled.

"Kill me if you want to kill, don't kill...Ah!!!" The Iron Wolf King let out a scream, and Qin Mo's arm had been cut off.

"What are you talking about? Let's talk about it!" Qin Mo's eyes were full of coldness. Qin Mo asked himself that he was never a good person, and he would not be soft in killing. The Iron Wolf King wants to kill him and destroy his sect. Now, he is going to fall. coming!

Qin Mo wanted to see what qualifications the Iron Wolf King had to be mad in front of him!

In addition to Qin Mo, Fei Er, Liang Hao and others were also there.

"Don't kill my father, if you want to kill, then kill me!" Princess Yunyang said immediately.

"Okay!" Qin Mo said, throwing a sword in front of Princess Yunyang, and he said, "If you want to die, I will lend you this sword!"

"No, don't!" The Iron Wolf King shouted immediately.

"Uncle!" Mayfair also shouted.

Qin Mo raised his hand, and he stopped Mayfair from continuing.

"As long as I die, you will let my father go?" I only heard Princess Yunyang say.

"I didn't say that, but you can choose to die with your father!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"You!" Both Iron Wolf King and Yunyang Princess showed anger at the same time.

"What's wrong with me? When you destroyed our sect, did you think about today?" Qin Mo smiled.


"Do you know that our Lingyun Sect disciples also have fathers and mothers?"


"Since you agree with the world where the weak eat the strong, and the rule of respect for the strong, then, if I am stronger than you today, I will take revenge!"


Qin Mo's words made the Iron Wolf King unable to refute.

At this time, I only heard the Iron Wolf King said: "Okay, I killed myself, but please spare Yunyang my life!"

"Good!" Qin Mo replied.

The Iron Wolf King held the sword, lifted the sword with his trembling palm, and stroked his neck!

"No—" Princess Yunyang shouted anxiously.

The Iron Wolf King’s eyes widened, but he was dead. A flame appeared in Qin Mo’s palm. He glanced at Princess Yunyang indifferently, and said, "I know what the debt is paid by the father, but in order to reduce some unnecessary Trouble, so I have to send you on the road!"

Qin Mo even wanted to kill people, and also to kill Princess Yunyang.

It's cruel!

Mayer dared not look any more, she turned her head.

"You...you are not trustworthy!" Princess Yunyang hurriedly said loudly after hearing it.

"I'm not trustworthy, who knows?" Qin Mo smiled indifferently, his palm had caught the Yunyang County Lord's neck, and everyone present was all Lingyunzong disciples, and no one would tell about this. Get out.

Princess Yunyang's entire body was immediately lit.

It's really dead!

Liang Hao was also a little surprised. Qin Mo was too unkind to kill such a beautiful woman. Of course, compared with Ling Yunzong's hatred, a woman is really nothing!

"Uncle Qin Mo, what are you going to do next?" Mayfair asked.

"Next? I'm going to Nishang Pavilion!" Qin Mo replied.

"Nishang Pavilion?" Liang Hao and others were a little surprised when they heard this.

"Why are you going to Nishang Pavilion, Uncle?" Lan Jie asked.

"Because I owe some maids!" Qin Mo said with an evil charm on his face.

"Handmaid?" Everyone didn't understand, of course, Qin Mo didn't intend to explain.

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