I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 871: I'll fight you fair!

"Lord?" Xiang Yu and Lu Bu said at the same time.

"You don't believe me?" Qin Mo said.

The two looked at each other and didn't speak, but if they wanted to, it would be strange if they believed Qin Mo!

You must know that this is a fifth-level monster, placed in the human world, this is a martial arts level monster, how can this level of monster be so easy to deal with?

Even Lu Bu couldn't deal with it. Xiang Yu had Wu Qi's help. He was able to fight this Dragon Lan, but even so, it was impossible for him to kill Dragon Lan, and it was very difficult even to defeat Dragon Lan.

But what is Qin Mo talking about now? He wants to fight Longlan? He wouldn't be serious, would he?

"Qin Mo, don't be impulsive, even if he is injured now, you are not his opponent!" Du Yun said quickly.

"His Royal Highness, this is a martial beast, you must not be impulsive, so let these two adults deal with him!" Luo Jingwu also persuaded.

"Uncle, its strength is so strong, if you reluctantly, it is likely that you will be injured!" Liang Hao said.

"You underestimate me!" Qin Mo waved his hand. "How can you guess the strength of this prince? I don't need a second trick to deal with it!"

"Ignorant kid!" Long Lan fell to the ground, and he sneered, "Looking at you, it seems to be serious. Are you really going to fight me?"

"Of course, this prince has never said anything. I will fight you today, and I am not afraid to tell you that our battle will be the fairest battle in the world!" Qin Mo said again.

"The fairest fight?" Long Lan looked at Qin Mo with a little doubt.

How do you say it is a fifth-level monster, and Qin Mo is only a martial artist of the sixth level of the Wuxu realm. What kind of fairness is this?

This is a big gap!

And even if he was injured, Qin Mo thought he had a chance of winning?

It is also a dragon, even if it is injured, it can have a strong combat power!

Even if Qin Mo wanted to take advantage of his illness to get him sick, this calculation was wrong!

Long Lan decided to teach Qin Mo a tough lesson. Yes, since Qin Mo thought he was injured and easy to deal with, then Long Lan would tell Qin Mo with facts how strong the Dragon Clan is!

The monkey just now was just an accident. Now it needs to show its true strength!

"Yes, the battle between us will be the fairest battle. I will fight you one-on-one. I don't need anyone's help. I'm alone!" Qin Mo said calmly.

"Human, you are too arrogant, even if your human beings in the martial arts realm do not dare to talk to me like this, you dare to be so arrogant?" Long Lan's eyes became colder.

"Because this prince is better than them!" Qin Mo said unceremoniously.

Arrogant, too arrogant!

This time it was not just Dragon Blue, even the others around him thought so.

"As expected to be the lord, only such a domineering man is qualified to be my lord!" Lu Bu said.

Xiang Yu did not speak, but nodded vigorously.

"Does he know what he's talking about? This person really knows how to live and die, and he wants to fight a dragon of this level!" Shen Ling said quickly.

"Possibly, maybe he has other back players!" Liu Zhuo said.

"His Royal Highness, the monkey he just summoned is so strong, he should still have a way!" Compass martial arts.

Everyone's eyes focused on Qin Mo, wanting to know what Qin Mo was going to do.

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