I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 901: These smelly men

"Sister Sun Yu, do we really want to go down?" Yue Yanran's face was already very red, she was very afraid to look at Qin Mo and said to Sun Yu next to her.

"We have no choice now. I hope he won't do other things to us!" Sun Yu gritted his teeth.

Sun Yu knew much better than Yue Yanran. One or two of these stinky men had persistent thoughts about their sisters.

But Qin Mo naturally can’t have any thoughts about them. Now Qin Mo wants to take a good bath, and of course he must take advantage of them. After all, she is a young and energetic girl. If Qin Mo doesn’t take advantage, then he won’t. Like an evil young master, since he is an evil young master, he should deceive men and women.

After Qin Mo returned to the room, he gnawed on the dragon pill while refining the Wuxu realm experience pill.

Qin Mo felt that the Dragon Swallowing Art in his body would grow every time Qin Mo took a dragon pill. Qin Mo felt that if he swallowed all the Dragon Pills in his body, the Dragon Swallowing Art should be able to progress to a heavenly level. Top grade exercises!

When Qin Mo woke up the next day, he found that he had received a crazy prompt from the system.

"Ding, the collected worship value reaches 2 million!"

"Ding, the collected worship value reaches 3 million!"


The worship value has reached 9 million!

Is this crazy? Qin Mo was taken aback. He didn't understand. Is it because the people here are crazy or the system is poisoned?

"The system is not poisoned. What the host did yesterday has already let the entire imperial city and even the entire Great Qin country know about the host, so there are already a lot of people who worship the host!" the system replied .

When Qin Mo heard it, it seemed that yesterday's pretense had caused a change, and it was able to make so many people worship him!

This is a good thing!

Qin Mo immediately went out. As soon as he went out, he immediately saw Su Long and Lu Sha, and Gongsun You were standing at the door.

"Master, you are finally out!" Su Long said.

"Are you finally back?" Qin Mo asked.

"Master, we used the formation you left behind and left the imperial city yesterday, but because the little fire dragon was captured, we were unable to save it. In the end, the twin sisters were also captured. Please master Forgive me!" After Su Long finished speaking, he immediately knelt down.

Lu Sha and Gongsun You also knelt down at the same time, "Master, please forgive me!"

"What are you doing? This matter has nothing to do with you. You don't need to apologize!" Qin Mo shook his head.

"But Master, we heard that Sister Shuang'er is no longer here, but was sent to Long Island. Master, please be sure to rescue Sister Shuang'er and Little Fire Dragon!" Su Long said.

"I know, but Su Long, do you already know what happened in Cangming City?" Qin Mo asked.

"I...I know!" Su Long said, "but the young master has already avenged my father!"

In Cangming City, Su Mao had already been told, Qin Mo knew, and Su Long must have already known it.

Long Chi killed Su Mao, Su Long knew it, she must be very sad, but she didn't even have time to be sad.

"Master, you can save the people of Lingyunzong and Imperial City, can you also save the people who died before my father and Cangming City?" Su Long said.

"Su Long...you go and tell those people to save the corpse. When the young master thinks of a way, he will definitely rescue them!" Qin Mo looked at Su Long and said.

"Really? Master, then I will order to go down immediately!" Su Long said quickly.

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