I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 931: Why is it so shabby?

At this time, Qin Mo had already walked to the front of the Xiying Pharmacy. When he saw the Pharmacy, Fei'er and the others had a strange expression.

"This is the medicine shop that boss Chen said? Why is it so shabby? It's still so small?" Mayfair said.

"We'll know when we go in and take a look!" Qin Mo said.

"Okay, Your Highness!" Qin Zhe replied immediately.

Qin Mo and others have already walked in. The store is really small, and here, there is only an old man half lying on a chair. He sees someone coming in, his eyes are indifferent: "Pick what you want, don't bargain with the old man! "

The elixir sold here is all marked with prices. The cheapest one is also one hundred third-order yuan stones, and the most expensive one is even one hundred fifth-order yuan stones. The price is too high.

"Why are things so expensive here? Are you stealing money?" I only heard Mayfair say.

"The poor ghosts who can't afford it will get out. The old man has no time to pay attention to so many of you, and no time to explain to you one by one!" The old man said lazily.

"Things are good, even if they are expensive, there is nothing, but here, apart from a few of them, they are really not worth the price!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"Boy, you seem to know it well, but could you tell me, what kind of medicinal material is worth the price I marked?" When the old man heard it, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"This painstaking grass can be sold for 120 third-order yuan stones, you only sold 100! This cold rattail is worth 350 third-order yuan stones, here only 300 third-order yuan stones are sold, and... "Qin Mo said several medicinal materials came out, the old man's face was a little surprised.

"I don't see it, you still know some medicinal materials, wouldn't the old guy in Handu called you over?" The old man said.

"Han Du? He doesn't have the qualifications yet. I came here to get the extremely cold snow lotus in your hands!" Qin Mo replied with arrogance.

"Extremely cold snow lotus? Impossible, you go!" The old man said immediately.

"Let's go? Old fellow, this young master told you the truth, you actually drove me away? If that's the case, it seems that you don't want to cure your daughter's illness!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"What did you say?" The old man's expression changed when he heard Qin Mo's words.

"If I didn't guess wrong, your daughter is hot and her life is at stake. You want to use the extremely cold snow lotus to save her, right?" Qin Mo continued.

"How did you know!" The old man was surprised when he heard it.

"How do I know? You have a magma bloodline on your body. This bloodline can allow you to practice fire attribute techniques and increase your power during martial arts, but also, if you don't break through the Martial Void Realm before you are twenty, you will be hot. , Was burned to death by blood, your daughter...your daughter is only twenty years old?" Qin Mo said at the end, his face was a little weird.

This old guy should be at least sixty years old. Why is his daughter only twenty?

"Ahem, you are right, my daughter passed her twenty-year-old birthday three days ago!" The old man said a little embarrassed.

After hearing this, Faye and the others looked at Qin Mo in surprise. This is too amazing, is it possible that Qin Mo still has the ability to predict?

"Twenty years ago, when I was just 60 years old, I met a charming woman, so we admired each other..." the old man said.

"Stop, I don't want to hear your love story!" Qin Mo quickly stopped.

Qin Mo wouldn't believe this old man's words, can a 60-year-old man and a woman in her 20s have love? It is estimated that this old guy is the kind of person who can get what he likes.

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