I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 980: How can you be like this?

Han En did not expect that Qin Mo would make a sudden move, and at such a fast speed and distance, at this instant, the slap fell on Han En's face.


Han En's whole body was slapped out, and Qin Mo said to Han En with his nostrils: "No one has ever dared to pretend to be in front of the young master. If there is, his grave head will be three feet tall!"

Everyone present was dumbfounded, Nima, is this Qin Mo too arrogant? How dare you slap Han En here?

This is the Hall of Spring and Autumn, and the rules here do not allow you to do it!

"Ding, collected 20 shock points from Zhang Er!"


It’s not surprising that a series of shock values ​​appeared. After all, the people here were all shocked by Qin Mo’s shots. They never thought that Qin Mo would dare to take them, let alone that Han En would be so easily. The fan flew out.

But after these people were shocked, Qin Mo also received 100 points of anger from Han En!

Only one hundred o'clock, too little! Qin Mo was very depressed.

"You, how dare you hit me?" Han En said angrily.

"Hit you? Who saw it?" Qin Mo said to the people around, "Who saw it especially, let this young master stand up and see!"

Stare who doubts!

Wherever Qin Mo's eyes went, those people immediately lowered their heads, and no one dared to meet Qin Mo's eyes at all.

Han En was furious. He had always been the only one to bully people. How could someone dared to bully him, and now they have encountered Qin Mo, this bastard, dare to attack him?

"I want you to die!" Han En immediately said loudly. He rushed towards Qin Mo. Qin Mo saw that there was a person coming over behind Han En.

Qin Mo sneered in his heart and shouted: "What do you want to do? Don't kill me!"

Han En's palm was in the shape of a claw, and he had already slapped Qin Mo with a claw. He sneered: "Now do you want to ask for mercy? Dream, you must die!"

This claw struck Qin Mo's chest, but it didn't hurt Qin Mo. Qin Mo looked like a drunk person. His body was completely uncontrollable and avoided the attack, but when Han En wanted to do it again At the time, only a voice came from behind.


This rage didn't stop Han En. Han En was brave. He was from Han Wuguo. How could he listen to others? He had already patted Qin Mo with one claw again.

Qin Mo's body moved slightly, only to see that the claw had hit Qin Mo's chest, Qin Mo seemed to be repelled, only to see Qin Mo's face suddenly turned pale.

Han En was taken aback, he didn't even feel that he could hit Qin Mo? Why did Qin Mo retreat like this?

Did he really hurt him?

No matter whether there is someone behind it or not, this is a warrior. He is wearing an armor. On his chest, there is a white tiger mark. Only seeing his face is cold and saying: "You dare to be in front of me. Murdered on his face?"

"He has a white tiger tattoo on his chest. Is this one the protector of the White Tiger Hall?"

"The Chunyuan Gate is divided into four elephant halls. The first hall has three protectors. The strongest has the strength of the second or even third level of Wudan realm, and those who can become law protectors also have at least Wudan realm. Strength!"

"Then this one is one of the guardians of Baihutang!"


The people around were a little surprised when they saw the guardian of the Baihutang came out, but they didn't expect the guardian of the Baihutang to be attracted.

Han En's expression was also a bit ugly at this time. He thought it was only two ordinary martial artists who came here. How could he imagine that the one who came here turned out to be the guardian of the Baihutang?

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