I Have a Trillion Merits

: Taiyi's plan

In this way, he will have a lot to do with the people who should be in the Conferred God.

At this point, Yuan's face couldn't help showing a smile.

And at this moment.

After being injured by Nezha, Yang Tianying, who originally blocked the Xiqi army, returned to Qianyuan Mountain.

Before, he was full of confidence and wanted to stop the Xiqi army.

But who would have thought that in this Xiqi army, there was a Taiyi Golden Immortal like Nezha hidden.

Not only did his plan fail, but he also destroyed the treasure given by Madam Taiyi and severely injured him.

The boy looked like he was just a teenager.

Why do you think Taiyi Golden Immortal? This makes Yang Tianying very puzzling.

When he was practicing in Qianyuan Mountain before, Madam Taiyi once told him that he was a rare cultivator in a thousand years, so he could reach the realm of heaven in a short time.

But the young man was obviously younger than him, even if he started practicing in the womb, he shouldn't be so fast!

Yang Tianying was extremely puzzled. After all, the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal was not a heavenly immortal. It would take a long time, even with his qualifications.

Now that he went down the mountain in just over a month, he returned to the mountain in embarrassment again, wanting to find the real man Taiyi for help.

I don't know how the master should look at him.

When he returned to Qianyuan Mountain, Majestic Taiyi had already sensed Yang Tianying's arrival, and a trace of doubt was revealed in his eyes.

He clearly remembered that his disciple went down the mountain only for more than a month, and he was going to join the army in Dashang Zhongzhong in order to put down the Xiqi rebellion.

But why is it that he has returned to Qianyuan Mountain now, and it seems that he still has injuries on his body.

Just as Master Taiyi was puzzled, Yang Tianying had already come outside the dojo, and said respectfully at the inside: "Disciple Yang Tianying, see Master."

Master Taiyi waved his hand slightly, and a burst of mana burst out, instantly sweeping Yang Tianying into the dojo, into the hall, and standing in front of Master Taiyi.

Upon seeing this, Yang Tianying quickly knelt down and said, "The disciple has seen Master."

Madam Taiyi looked at Yang Tianying's injuries and couldn't help but frowned slightly, "How did you get your injuries?"

Yang Tianying heard this and immediately cried: "Teacher, please call the shots for me."

Afterwards, he continued: "Originally, Na Xiqi sent a hundred thousand troops to attack Chongcheng. When the disciples heard about it, naturally they couldn't sit idly by, thinking that the hundred thousand troops were all mortals."

"So the disciple rushed directly to the entrance of Xiqi, wanting to stop him directly."

"But who would have thought that there was a Taiyi Golden Immortal hidden in the Xiqi army. He not only wounded his disciple, but also directly destroyed the spiritual treasure given by the master."

Yang Tianying said with a sad expression: "I also ask the respected master to call the shots for the disciples."

Madam Taiyi couldn't help but frowned slightly when he heard this. He looked at Yang Tianying who was crying and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Originally, he had already explained that after Yang Tianying returned to Dashang, he would follow Shen Gongbao. After all, Shen Gongbao was also his junior.

Calculated in this way, he is also Yang Tianying's uncle, and even the person who should be robbed of this time.

But he did not expect that after Yang Tianying went down the mountain, not only did he not immediately return to Chaoge, but he also directly wanted to block Xiqi's one hundred thousand army with his own Celestial cultivation base.

Now he still got hurt, and even the spirit treasure he had given him was damaged.

Madam Taiyi said with a deep face, "Oh? There is actually Taiyi Golden Immortal in the Xiqi army. Do you know who that person is?"

Yang Tianying heard the words and said, "Master Qi, the man looks like an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, but he has a bright golden circle in his hand."

"The golden circle is so powerful that it will completely destroy the spiritual treasure bestowed by the master just by touching it."

Speaking of this, how could the real Taiyi not know that Yang Tianying was talking about Nezha.

After all, when he was in Chentangguan, the sage made such a big move, how could he not pay attention.

It's just that he didn't expect that the young man he had been optimistic about had now reached the level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, which was really incredible.

No wonder this person is seen by the saint, so talented, I really envy others.

However, Hong Yun had just punished himself before, and now one of his registered disciples severely injured his closed disciple, which is really deceptive.

Madam Taiyi looked a little ugly, and said in his heart: "If that's the case, don't blame me for being polite."

Looking down at Yang Tianying with a sad face.

Majestic Taiyi turned his hand and took out a pill to give it, and said, "Take this pill, your body injury will get better in half a day."

Yang Tianying was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly took the medicine and stood there quietly.

Looking at the real Taiyi.

Madam Taiyi frowned slightly, and said, "During this period, you will also practice on Qianyuan Mountain, and find your spiritual root for your teacher."

"At that time, it will help you break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Yang Tianying was more overjoyed when he heard the words, but after a moment, he was a little worried and said, "Master Qi, that Chongcheng is the territory of my great businessman Chonghou Tiger."

Xiqi's current conquest of Chongcheng must be to capture and kill Chonghou Tiger and open the door to great business.

"If Xiqi is allowed to succeed, I am afraid that Da Shang is in danger!"

The real Taiyi laughed and said: "Don't worry, you can break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal in half a month. Then, you will be given the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover and Fire Point Spear for your teacher to kill Nazha in Chongcheng."

Yang Tianying was overjoyed when he heard the words, and continued: "The disciple thanked Master for his mercy for Dashang."

Real Taiyi waved his hand and said, "Go down so you can heal your wounds."

Yang Tianying said: "Yes."

After Yang Tianying left, Madam Taiyi stayed alone in the dojo with very different expressions.

Originally these two magic weapons were what he wanted to bestow on Nezha.

After all, he was very optimistic about Nezha's qualifications earlier, but who would have thought that a Red Cloud Saint would be killed halfway through.

Not only did he **** away his original disciple, but he also sealed his cultivation base with supernatural powers, so that he had no hope of breaking through the quasi-sage in this life.

This time the old hatred and the new hatred are gathered together.

This time, if his disciple killed Nezha, this would be considered an enmity among the juniors. If you want to come, the saint of Hongyun can't attack the juniors without being cheesy.

Majestic Taiyi was very confident in his disciple, after all, he had already planned to bestow the two top acquired spirit treasures, the Nine Heavens Divine Flame Cover and the Firetip Spear.

After a while, if you give your apprentice some powerful magical powers, you can definitely win that kid.

When the time comes, the old and new hatred will be reported together!

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