I Have a Trillion Merits

: Your chance has arrived

In the void, when he heard Shen Gongbao's sentence "Father of Daoist, please stay."

The corner of Hong Yun's mouth was pulled out unconsciously, and the eyes of the boy in the golden robe were filled with pity.

He knew the power of Shen Gongbao's words.

You know, in the previous life, when Shen Gongbao heard the words of Shen Gongbao, there was no one who hadn't been on the list.

Now it was unexpected.

This is the first person who allowed Shen Gongbao to practice the "Dao Fa".

Fate is really wonderful.

Nu Wa looked at Hong Yun's weird expression, and felt a little speechless for a while, for Hong Yun's strange behavior from time to time.

She seems to have begun to get used to it.

It's not just red clouds.

After hearing what Shen Gongbao said, the boy in the golden robe in front of him stopped with the same expression of doubt.

Turning around, he just saw Shen Gongbao riding a black panther.

Jinpao Boy could not help showing a hint of vigilance in his eyes. He has been practicing in the mountains ever since he was accepted as a disciple by Real Jade Ding.

On weekdays, I rarely go down the mountain. Today, I finally got the permission of Yuding real person to go down the mountain.

But I didn't expect to meet such a strange person on the way back.

Shen Gongbao's appearance disappeared, there was not much flesh on his cheeks, and his moustache was on his lips, adding a bit of cunning.

No wonder Jinpao Boy is a little afraid of him.

After Shen Gongbao watched the Jinpao boy stop, he directly stepped forward and said, "This fellow Taoist does not know where the teacher is going?"

The Jinpao boy snorted coldly: "Where do I go out of my teacher, what to do with you."

Shen Gongbao smiled and said, "Why should this fellow Taoist be like this? Shen Gongbao is the disciple of the original Sacred Sect of Kunlun Mountain."

He could see the vigilance in Jinpao Boy's eyes, but at the moment he didn't agree with it.

Be the first to explode his name.

In this way, the other party has a foundation, at least he is not a nameless person.

Everyone knows that it is the most difficult to enter under the sage.

This identity is also one of Shen Gongbao's most important identities.

When Jinpao Boy heard that Shen Gongbao was under the door of the primitive saint of Kunlun Mountain, he was stunned and his heart moved slightly.

As a member of the real Jade Ding, he naturally knew that his ancestor was the primitive saint of Kunlun Mountain.

Now the man in front of him actually said that he was under the sage of a primitive sage. Isn't that his uncle, the same generation as his master?

The boy in Jinpao knew in his heart that no one in this world dared to pretend to be under the sage. Even if he believed it a little bit, the vigilance in Shen Gongbao's eyes decreased a little.

But still a little cautious: "Disciple Jinpao pays homage to Master Uncle."

When Shen Gongbao heard the words, he moved in his heart and said: "Who are you, why I have never seen you."

The boy in Jinpao said: "The teacher is the real man from the Jinxia Cave Jade Ding of Yuquan Mountain."

"Speaking of which, Jinpao should call you Master Uncle."

Shen Gongbao was pleasantly surprised when he heard this. He came here to ask the real man Yuding to send his disciples to help Dashang and put down the Xiqi rebellion.

But I didn't expect that in the middle of the journey, I ran into Senior Brother Yuding's disciples.

It made him feel pleasantly surprised.

And he looked at Jinpao Boy's cultivation base, and now he has reached the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and has crushed most of Xiqi's practitioners.

He had inquired about the news before. In addition to Nezha in Xiqi, there were some cultivators of the Celestial Immortal level, military commanders, like Nezha, who were cultivated for the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but there were no others.

If he had his nephew in front of him to help out this time, Da Shang would have a lot more chance of winning.

At this point, Shen Gongbao said with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect that Master Nephew's practice time was short, but now he has reached the cultivation base of Taiyi Golden Immortal, which makes Master Uncle embarrassed."

The Jinpao boy couldn't help feeling a little ashamed when he heard the words, scratching his head and said: "The uncle master is too acclaimed. Everything is due to the careful training of the master."

Shen Gongbao smiled and nodded. He naturally knew in his heart that if it hadn't been for the training of the real man Yuding, with the original body of the golden robe boy Jinli in front of him, his cultivation speed would not be so fast.

Not to mention that it can reach the stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal in a short time.

Shen Gongbao smiled and said: "Master nephew does not need to belittle yourself. Your qualifications have surpassed most people in the prehistoric age. Compared with tens of thousands of years, you will be able to break through the Daluo Jinxian. By then, the road will be promising."

Jinpao Boy's complexion flushed when he heard the words, but his mind was agitated by Shen Gongbao's words.

He naturally knows what the meaning of Da Luo Jinxian is. You must know that the real Jade Tripod nowadays is only Da Luo Jinxian. If he can break through, then he will be able to walk away from the world.

The boy in the golden robe whispered, "Uncle Master, don't praise me."

Shen Gongbao stepped forward with a smile, and said: "My nephew should not be ignorant of oneself and practice a path of self-cultivation. If you go forward bravely and walk out of a path of giving up to me, you can be regarded as a saint."

"The background of my interpretation is far beyond your imagination. Just concentrate on your practice."

Jinpao boy excitedly said: "Yes, Uncle Master."


He looked at the direction Shen Gongbao was coming from, and said in doubt: "I observe the direction of Master Taiyi, but it is Master Taiyi's dojo. This time, Master is coming, but there is something to find my Master."

Shen Gongbao heard the words and said with a smile: "It's not looking for your master, second, it's looking for you."

As soon as these words came out, the Jinpao boy couldn't help showing a look of doubt on his face, and said: "Uncle Master... Looking for me?"

Shen Gongbao nodded and said, "Exactly, Shishu came here to find you."

The boy in the golden robe said in surprise: "What is the uncle Master looking for?"

When Shen Gongbao heard the words, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, and said, "Uncle Master is here, but there is a great opportunity for you."

The Jinpao boy suddenly became even more confused: "Great chance?"

Shen Gongbao nodded and said, "Exactly, do you know the previous battle between the emperor?"

The Jinpao boy nodded when he heard the words. Although he had not yet been born at that time, he heard some of it later, so he has some understanding of the dispute between the emperor.

Shen Gongbao said, "Do you know why all the religions value that person's throne so much at the beginning."

Jinpao Boy shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Shen Gongbao smiled and said: "Because this human race is the master of heaven and earth, the prehistoric and orthodox, and the only protagonist in the prehistoric."

"At that time, in order to compete for human luck and strengthen oneself, the sects valued the position of the emperor so much."

Upon hearing this, the Jinpao boy was even more puzzled, and said, "What does that have to do with the nephew?"

Shen Gongbao said mysteriously: "Do you know how many people have achieved the Da Luo Dao fruit because of the human race at that time, this time the uncle came to see you, it is your chance."

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