I Have a Trillion Merits

: Huang Feihu escapes

Hearing the words, Guang Chengzi on the side suddenly said, "Teacher, could it be that this is the best time for my disciple to go down the mountain."

As soon as this remark came out, Chi Sperm, who was originally a little impatient, couldn't help but froze.

He himself didn't have much feelings for his own disciple, only the amount of calamity involved at this time.

So I feel a little impatient.

Now that I heard what Guang Chengzi said, there was a glimmer of hope in my heart, turning his head to look at Yuan Yuan aside.

Primitive nodded with a smile.

This time, in order to get his disciples out of the disaster, he has spent a lot of thought, but it is worth it now.

One thought ends here.

He waved his hand and directly let his two disciples return to his dojo to continue practicing.

He once issued a decree explaining that the second-generation disciples were not allowed to enter the prehistoric land before the end of the calamity.

After all, there is a big deal here.

Still need to be cautious, if one is not careful, interpretation and teaching will fall into a state of immortality.

The original figure moved slightly and disappeared in an instant.

And in the distant void.

Hong Yun and Nu Wa went hand in hand. After a long time, Hong Yun thought of the original confident expression before.

A smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

He really wanted to see, if Primordial discovers that each of his disciples is still in the midst of the calamity, he doesn't know what his expression will be.

Seeing the expression on Hongyun's face, Nuwa couldn't help rolling her eyes.

She found that her senior brother could say that everything was good, but that he was too funny and liked to tease people.


On Kunlun Mountain.

A water mirror appeared in front of the original, and it was divided into eleven grids, which were the other eleven people except the disciples under the seat of Taiyi.

After Yang Tianying died, Madam Taiyi directly informed Yuan.

After all, this secret method was derived from the original speculation. Although it is 90% sure, it still needs to see the result.

It's just that Yang Tianying's soul seemed to be hidden.

Even the original shot himself did not find it.

This made the original depressed for a long time.

Now the two disciples of Yinjiao and Yinhong have returned to Chaoge.

It depends on how they operate in this calamity.

Just as Yuan thought this in his mind, his eyes suddenly looked at the corner of the water mirror.

In it.

The disciple of Yuding Zhenren's school, Jinpao Boy, followed in the big business team, chasing the escaped King Wu Cheng together.

Before Wang Wucheng sent his guards to meet the family members.

He was heard by Chonghouhu's men and reported it directly to Chonghouhu.

That night, Chonghouhu directly contacted Chaoge using secret methods and informed Chaoge of the matter.

In Chaoge.

It coincided with the return of Wen Taishi's class.

Under the lobbying of King Shang Zhou, he finally said that Dongwen Taishi led his troops to catch up with the vanguard of the capture of King Wucheng.

Now in the Chaoge army.

It was Taishi Wen who led the troops, accompanied by the boy in the golden robe, and led a hundred thousand troops and horses to arrest the people in the Wucheng Palace.

Master Wen was riding Mo Qilin under his crotch and turned to look at the Jinpao boy on the side.

He did not understand what he meant when he put down the rebellion in the East China Sea.

Why did Jiejiao, who had been in business for hundreds of years, suddenly gave up?

Taishi Wen felt a little puzzled.

But when he saw that more and more people from interpretation and teaching appeared in Dashang, he felt a little clear in his heart.

Moreover, the person who was appointed that day is still looking for three generations of disciples to join.

Perhaps this time it's a high-level play in explaining and teaching chess!

the other side.

Jinpao Boy looked at Wen Zhong, a solemn expression could not help but show in his eyes.

Originally, he thought there were very few Dashang immortals.

But he didn't expect that he would run into a middleman with a higher cultivation base than him.

His master once told him.

If you meet someone in the mortal world, you will be pitted.

Jinpao Boy thought in his heart, a strange color could not help showing in his eyes.

The Chaoge Army went all the way west.

Today, Huang Feihu still controls tens of thousands of troops, if Chong Yingbiao can't hold the initiative of the army in his hands.

Say no to go through a fight.

In the camp of Chaoge Qianfeng.

Huang Feihu looked at the people gathered in the tent, and felt sad for a while.

He had always been loyal to the court song and King Shang Zhou, but he did not expect that not only his younger sister died in the palace, but even his wife who was married to his wife would be killed in order to preserve his reputation.

At this point, the anti-intention in his heart grew stronger and stronger.

It's just that although the soldier amulet in the account is in his hand, the Chonghou Tiger has the Shang Zhou King Mi aim.

It is impossible for him to completely control it.

When he was worried, he heard two screams outside the tent, and the two sergeants who guarded the tent died tragically.

Huang Feihu made a decisive decision and shouted angrily: "Go, rush out directly."

As he said, he took the lead and rushed out with a sword, only to see soldiers gathered outside the camp, his guards were desperately resisting.

After seeing Huang Feihu come out, Chonghouhu smiled and said: "General Feihu, there is a secret decree from the king, arresting members of the Wucheng Palace, etc., and bringing back to Chaoge to inquire."

When Huang Feihu heard the words, he smiled sadly: "I have no sin, the king of business is innocent. Today, Huang Feihu is no longer the Wucheng King of the big business. Children, rush out with me."

Everyone in the Wucheng Palace heard the words, shouted together, and rushed towards the guards.

Now Huang Feihu's guards only have more than 1,000 people left.

They can only break out of this camp with confidence if they are with the guards.

The place where it is stationed is bloody.

The sound of fighting continued.

It wasn't until sunset that Huang Feihu rushed out with the wounded Wucheng Palace members and the remaining thousand guards.

Seeing this, Chonghouhu said angrily: "A group of rubbish, more than 30,000 people, can't stop more than 1,000 of them."

The corporals turned red, but they did not refute.

After all, these people were Huang Feihu's soldiers before, and the people in the army had the simplest idea. They only admired Huang Feihu who climbed up with strength.

Therefore, when intercepting before, all his men were merciful.

This made Huang Feihu's group rush out.

Otherwise, no matter how strong Huang Feihu was, it would be impossible to take everyone in the Wucheng Palace safely out.

After a while, a general stepped forward and said: "General, what shall we do next?"

Chonghouhu frowned and said, "Slowly pursue and wait for Taishi Wen to arrive."

The soldiers heard the words and shouted in unison: "Yes, General."

Chonghouhu heard that the generals shouted together, and his brows eased, but he felt a little uneasy when he thought that Taishi Wen would come here later.

After all, according to the rumors, Master Wen was upright.

The most disdain for their flattering courtiers.

What's more, it was he who had used scheming to make King Shang Zhou send troops to regain Xiqi.

If it is known to Master Wen, it will be troublesome.

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