Then there is no need to be too afraid of big business.

It's just that he still doesn't know who is the general of Dashang who came to chase Huang Feihu this time.

After all, the news that Taishi Wen had put down the rebellion did not reach Xiqi.

Therefore, for Jiang Ziya, it should be the remaining guards among the five levels who are chasing after him.

On the other side, just when Li Jing and the others ordered their troops and horses to go to meet Huang Feihu and others.

Huang Feihu had already been trapped.

It turned out that the few soldiers and horses that came later said that Wen Taishi led his troops to pursue and rushed to the city they guarded, when the defending general led his army.

Now Huang Feihu and others have fallen into the encirclement of the great merchants.

Huang Feihu sat on the five-color sacred bull, watching the chasing soldiers in all directions, could not help but sighed: "My life is over!"

During the formation, Huang Feihu looked at Zhang Feng, who was wearing armor in front of him, and his expression was a little ugly.

Now Huang Feihu and others have been surrounded by everything, it can be said that it is difficult to fly.

Zhang Fengqi immediately went forward and shouted: "Huang Feihu comes out to answer!"

Huang Feihu drove the five-color **** cow with a bitter face, came to the front, and said: "My nephew has seen my uncle, but now my nephew is a difficult minister and cannot give a full ceremony. I hope my uncle will forgive me."

Zhang Feng looked at Huang Feihu in front of him, and said angrily: "Huang Feihu, your father worshipped me. You are the brother of King Zhou. In the case of the state, why rebel and humiliate the ancestor."

Chonghouhu, who was next to Wen Zhong, saw the two talk together and couldn't help but move his eyes. Before Huang Feihu could speak, he said directly:

"Huang Feihu, you renegade thief, you are guilty of Junde because of a woman. Your wife tried to seduce the king and was thrown down to the tower. You will rebel because of him."

"It's really shameless and shameless. According to what I saw, you still got off the mount and obediently bound, let me wait for the song, and ask the king to forgive me."

Although the others knew that they were hunting down Huang Feihu this time, they basically didn't know why.

Nowadays, after hearing what Chonghouhu said, his complexion changed slightly.

Especially Zhang Feng, who was the first to speak, based on the rumors from Chaoge, how could he not know the character of King Shang Zhou.

This time, it must be the king of Shang Zhou who fell in love with Huang Feihu's wife.

His wife was stout, he had heard about it a long time ago, and this death was under the Star Picking Tower, and the strangeness naturally made people feel weird.

Taishi Wen, who was right behind, saw Chonghouhu stepping forward and cursing.

Can not help but frown slightly.

But soon, he stopped paying attention, and instead looked at Huang Feihu in the center of the formation carefully.

Although Huang Feihu's face was bitter, he was still calm and composed.

After hearing what Chonghouhu said this time, he was angry and cursed: "You treacherous minister, ruined the court and bewitched the king many times. Now you are insulting my beloved wife. You really deserve to die."


As he said, Huang Feihu drove the five-color sacred bull under his seat and went straight to the Chonghou tiger in front of him, with a great momentum.

Everyone in the audience was taken aback.

None of them expected that Huang Feihu would dare to do something even with such a big disadvantage.

Zhang Feng quietly backed away.

Taishi Wen and others didn't intervene, after all, they couldn't understand this Chonghou tiger.

Chonghouhu suddenly changed his face when he saw Huang Feihu approach with a sword.

Hastily drove the horse to retreat.

But just as he drove his horse back, he saw that Huang Feihu had already arrived in front of him.

Chonghou Tiger, who cannot retreat, can only greet him with a sword.

As soon as the two collided, a huge sound erupted instantly.

Chonghou Tiger's horse was the first to be able to resist it, and he knelt down, shattering his two front legs, and howled.

And under Huang Feihu's seat was a five-color sacred bull, how could it be comparable to an ordinary mount.

The strength between the two is opposite.

Chonghouhu's face turned red and he was obviously not Huang Feihu's opponent. If there were no accidents, he would lose out in a moment.

But what Chonghouhu said before completely angered Huang Feihu.

Huang Feihu looked grim, and shouted: "You treacherous courtier, take to death!"

Chonghouhu felt the power on the sword increase, panicked for a while, and hurriedly shouted: "Master Wen, save me!"

Taishi Wen heard Chonghouhu's desperate roar, but for some reason he didn't move at all.

On the contrary, the boy in Jinpao on the side wanted to make a move.

Taishi Wen said indifferently: "There are battlefield rules on the battlefield. How can outsiders intervene if the generals are singled out."

Upon hearing this, the Jinpao boy glared at Master Wen fiercely.

In the middle of the field, Huang Feihu's family and the remaining 1,000 guards shouted loudly to cheer for Huang Feihu.

Seeing this, the boy in Jinpao couldn't bear it anymore, and a mana burst out with his fingers.

Today he is a far away golden immortal, how can Huang Feihu be compared with a general.

Upon seeing this, Taishi Wen just wanted to secretly stop the Jinpao boy.

Just before he could do anything, he heard a roar from the sky, and then there was a sharp shout, getting closer and closer, the sound was like a falcon.

When everyone looked up, they saw a child in red in the air, holding a fire-tip spear, and stepping on the wind wheel, flying towards this place.

Next to him was a eagle-nosed harrier with two wings on his back and flew together.

When the mana that the boy in the golden robe raised his finger is about to come, the boy in red screamed, and a golden circle flashed away.

Directly smashed the mana of the Jinpao Boy.

In the middle of the battlefield, Huang Feihu screamed, his strength was increasing, and he cut Chonghouhu's weapon in half.

Immediately after the sword light flashed across, Chonghou Tiger's head flew directly, and blood sprayed out all over the sky.

All of a sudden, the blood in the field became more and more intense.

Huang Feihu's family and their guards cheered.

Upon seeing this, the Jinpao boy looked at Nezha and Lei Zhenzi floating in the air with an angry face.

"Who is waiting, dare to offend me."

Nezha smiled and said, "You are so unreasonable. Could it be that you only allow you to make a shot in secret, and I am not allowed to wait for a shot."

At this moment, Kunlun Mountain.

Primitive frowned as he watched Nezha and Lei Zhenzi appear in the water mirror, his brows frowned slightly.

"These two... are from Penglai."

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that the line of cause and effect in these two people is the line of Penglai.

He hadn't noticed before, and even Penglai's line was also in the calamity.

And judging from its appearance, it seems to be proactive.

You know, now Penglai has a quasi-sage and the Sihailong clan serving in the heavens.

It has been hundreds of years to walk the clouds and rain on the earth.

According to common sense, the Penglai line has no cause and effect, and there is no need to enter this calamity.

Why did they choose to rob.

Could it be... that Hongyun was really sure that he could not get something from the calamity.

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