I Have a Trillion Merits

: Red Cloud re-layout

In the high sky, overcast clouds, everyone only heard a scream, and they felt a golden figure in the sky falling rapidly.


The Jinpao boy instantly fell to the ground, smashing a huge hole directly in the ground.

Wait until the smoke clears.

Everyone only saw in the pothole below, the Jinpao boy was lying on the ground, and a big hole was smashed directly behind his head, and the whole person was completely silent.

Everyone in the field was horrified.

On Kunlun Mountain.

Yuan Yuan looked at the dead Jinpao boy, his brows frowned slightly.

A pair of magic eyes seemed to see through the world.

He wanted to find those little traces in the dark. After a long time, the original brows were furrowed, and his complexion looked a little ugly.

"Strange, how could it disappear?"

He taught his disciples the secret method, that is, let his disciples use their disciples to enter the calamity, so that he can get out of the business.

According to common sense, after the death of the Jinpao Boy, the trace of cause and effect between Yuding Zhenren and Liangjie will be completely cut off.

But now from the original point of view, it seems that the secret method has no effect.

"Could it be that I guessed it was wrong."

Primal brows frowned. If it was really his guess that was wrong, this time he would be in trouble for the twelve golden immortals.

The primitive was alone in the hall, pinching the Jue in his hand, and began to calculate carefully.

After a while, he stopped his hand and looked at the body of the boy in the golden robe in the water mirror, his expression as heavy as water.

During the deduction, he did not make any mistakes.

I just don't know what went wrong.

The primordial eyes were cold, and he secretly said: "It seems that we are still waiting for the next opportunity before we can fully explore it."

A human city.

Hong Yun looked at the direction where everyone was now, the divine light in his eyes had already penetrated nothingness.

Suddenly, he looked up at the void, where the power of a saint was intercepting the secret.

A hint of surprise flashed in Hong Yun's eyes. He was familiar with that sacred breath, it was primitive.

Now in the chaotic heaven, trying to intercept some information.

Hongyun smiled, how could he be as he wished.

Just as he was thinking this way, he saw that the original breath was quickly returning to the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

Hong Yun raised his hand slightly, and a force of good fortune mixed with the power of merit blasted out.

Directly attached to the original holy breath.

The information in it becomes very vague.

At the same time, he also discovered what the original intercepted information was.

I couldn't help but smile: "I was finally discovered."

Originally, he thought that Primordial only discovered his own small movements when all the twelve golden immortals entered the calamity.

But I didn't expect the other party to find out now.

This surprised him a bit.

After all, Yuan Yuan had shown confidence in front of him before, and it even looked like the twelve golden immortals under his seat had already escaped the calamity.

Unexpectedly, after the other party went back, he would actually use the golden robe boy to deduce the secret.

It is really unexpected.

Hong Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. In that case, he could only speed up and let the twelve golden immortals fall into the calamity.

When Nuwa saw Hong Yun's expression on the side, she knew in her heart that something had happened again.

So I stood aside and didn't say a word, just silently watching Hongyun.

After a while.

Hong Yun raised his hand slightly, and a sage's mana directly sank into the void, following the rules of the heavenly law to move slightly.

Change its trajectory imperceptibly.

Invisible, a tribulation qi fell out of it, directly divided into twelve, and went in all directions.

Upon seeing this, Nuwa said in amazement: "Brother's move, I am not afraid that Yuan Yuan knew about it in advance."

Hongyun smiled and said: "Now that the original knows, I no longer hide it, and only at this time can I count the twelve golden immortals."

Nuwa nodded slightly when she heard the words.

Now that the twelve golden immortals already knew about this matter, if Hong Yun was still hesitant, it would be a bit difficult for Yuan to make preparations by then.

It's just right to shoot now.


In the battlefield on earth.

Nezha raised his hand and summoned slightly, and directly summoned the Houtian Lingbao in the hands of the Jinpao Boy into his own hands.

He glanced at the treasure in his hand and nodded.

Now his father Li Jing doesn't have any good treasures, and this sword can replace him for a while.

Later, he looked at Master Wen Tai below, his eyes filled with doubts.

Before he was in the Jinpao Boys' battle, he heard that the Taishi could save the Jinpao Boy's life.

But I don't know why, this person did not take action.

You know, although Nezha and Lei Zhenzi are both Taiyi Golden Immortals, they are still too late to practice after all.

Together, these two are not the opponents of Master Wen.

They left the team and rushed here early this time, just in case.

But I didn't expect that this kind of credit could be made.

Lei Zhenzi on the side blinked at Nezha.

Nezha approached the past silently, and the two stood together, protecting Huang Feihu and others below, while guarding Taishi Wen.

Just when the two of them felt a little nervous.

Suddenly saw Taishi Wen below the look of Lei Zhenzi before, blinking at the two of them.

It's just that the movements are extremely fast, no one can see clearly except Nezha.

Just when they were puzzled.

I heard the Taishi speak: "You wait for the Xiqi rebellion, kill my Dashang immortal, and take away Dashang rebels, really **** it."


Taishi Wen's words were full of anger, and his eyes widened like copper bells.

Raising his hand, he rushed up.

Upon seeing this, the great merchants below shouted loudly, cheering for Master Wen Tai.

In their eyes, Master Wen Tai was the invincible God of War.

Without Wen Taishi, I am afraid that Da Shang would have been completely wiped out by the rebellious princes.

This is also the reason why King Shang Zhou still looked at Taishi Wen's face.

Now that they can witness Taishi Wen's attack and kill the rebellion with their own eyes, it can be regarded as a blessing for their three lives.

On the other side, Huang Feihu and others saw Taishi Wen's move.

All faces are ashamed.

I couldn't help feeling a little desperate in my heart.

They knew the cultivation level of Master Wen Tai, and in their opinion, the two young generals who came to rescue them were amazing.

But if compared with Master Wen Tai, it is still far behind.

This time the Taishi Wen personally shot, everyone is probably in a disaster.

Huang Feihu couldn't help sighing when he saw this.

Everyone only saw the mana surrounding Taishi Wen's body, and the giant mace in his hand was extremely powerful.

In the blink of an eye, they directed at Nezha and greeted them.

Nezha's complexion changed slightly, looking at Taishi Wen, who was flying towards them, like an enemy.

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