I Have a Trillion Merits

: The battle between saints and quasi saints

He didn't expect that Kong Xuan would be so unkind, fighting against the two sages of the West.

Primitive looked at Kong Xuan with cold eyes. Although Kong Xuan has become a quasi-sage by beheading the corpse, he is still an ant in his eyes.

Even though Kong Xuan's combat power has long been famous, all souls call him the first person under the saint.

But in his eyes it was nothing more than a stronger ant.

Now he dared to play such a trick on him and disrespect the saint.

Damn it.

Yuan sneered: "If that's the case, then I have to wait for one."

Kong Xuan's complexion changed slightly, but he did not expect that this primitive dared to put down his figure and care about him.

He stepped back slightly, with colorful lights flashing behind him.

In Penglai Fairy Island, the Five Elements Taoists and the evil Taoists who have been paying attention here are also moved.

The Five Elements Taoist opened his mouth and said, "Taoists are not anxious, I will wait and watch first."

With a move in the wicked person's heart, he immediately understood the meaning of the Five Elements Taoist.

He wanted to use the original Avia to force Kong Xuan's bottleneck that had been shackled for many years.

Take this to rush a wave of two dead quasi saints.

At this point, the wicked man nodded slightly. With the two of them here, there is no need to worry about Kong Xuan's safety.

Originally seeing Kong Xuan look like this, he couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly there was a treasure in his hand, it was the Pangu banner, this attack weapon, with the title of the most destructive innate treasure.

"Kong Xuan, although you are a corpse and quasi-sage, in front of me, you are like an ant. Since you killed my Huanglong disciple, today, Pan Dao asked you to join my disciple on the list of conferred gods. "Primitive Tianzun looked at Kong Xuan and said coldly.

Kong Xuan's expression remained unchanged, looking at the original opposite, the colorful light gleaming behind him.

Opposite him, when he saw Kong Xuan's solemn appearance, he couldn't help but grinned.

In his opinion, the ant is the ant, even if it has already broken through a corpse quasi-sage, it is still an ant.

Just as he was thinking like this in his heart, Kong Xuan, who was opposite, suddenly opened his eyes, and the five-element rule appeared, like the cycle of life and death, as if turned into reincarnation.

The original eyes on the opposite side narrowed slightly, but he didn't expect Kong Xuan to have realized such a profound Five Element Rule.

This made him slightly surprised! !

At the same time, Kong Xuan's body began to change. Suddenly, there was a loud phoenix ming in the air, and only the ten thousand-footed Kong Xuanzhen body appeared.

And above his body, there are five colors of light flowing.

Kong Xuan looked at Primordial with piercing eyes, and chuckled: "Primordial Saint, since it's useless to say more, then I will do it later, so I can show the poor to see the difference between this sage and the quasi-sage!"

Kong Xuan has been fettered for many years in the stage of a corpse and quasi-sage. He also wants his sister this opportunity to see if he can make a successful breakthrough. By the way, what kind of means the saint has done.

Hearing the original words, the face changed, and the anger in his heart became more intense. The original fear of Hongyun was thrown away at this moment. The new hatred and the old hatred were counted together, even if the Pangu banner in his hand was cut at Kong Xuan.

The holy intention smashed across the sky.

A chaotic sword aura appeared out of thin air, and in an instant, the color of the situation changed, and the whole void felt a faint tear.

Kong Xuan's body was in the air, watching the blow in front of him, there was light in his eyes.

Immediately, a five-color crown appeared in his hand, and the five-element rule circulated around it, turning into a five-element roulette that covered the sky and the sun, and immediately greeted it.


In an instant, the Five Elements Roulette collided with Chaos Sword Qi, and both of them were shattered.

The two tentative blows, in no particular order, are all broken.

In the void, it seemed to have collapsed.

Above the island, everyone who stood on the edge of the island watching the battle couldn't help but be surprised.

They didn't expect that Kong Xuan could actually compete with the original court.

The sea clan here has already fled, only the East Sea Dragon King who secretly observed is still here.

However, the Dragon King of the East China Sea saw that in the island, Hongyun's two good corpses and evil corpses were not moving, and he was patient and continued to observe.

After he saw Kong Xuan and Yuanyuan's blow, he couldn't help being surprised.

He did not expect that he originally thought that Kong Xuan's cultivation level would be difficult to defend against primitive saints, but now it seems that it is a little unexpected.

In the middle of the air, Kong Xuan's figure moved slightly, and the light behind his back flickered, and a five-color divine light flew up instantly and went straight to the original opposite.

The speed of these five-color sacred lights is extremely fast, coupled with Kong Xuan's natal magical powers, is extremely powerful.

The original sight of the five-color divine light came, and a hint of ridicule appeared in his eyes.

This five-color sacred light is known as the spiritual treasure of the world.

But in his opinion, it was only a stage under the sages, and it was impossible to remove the innate treasure, how could it threaten his Pangu banner.

I saw the primitive arm move slightly and raised his hand to flick the Pangu flag. In an instant, a chaotic sword aura filled the air, floating in the air, the sharp sword intent even split the void.

Primitive raised his hand with a smile, and the endless chaotic sword energy moved towards the five-color light.

In an instant, the two directly collided, and the five-color divine light wandered among the chaotic sword auras in the sky, breaking a chaotic sword aura from time to time, and then greeted the upper and lower ones.

In no time, half of the Chaos Sword Qi dissipated directly.

But at the same time, the five-color divine light is also a lot weaker, directly reduced to a thin layer.

Afterwards, the Chaos Sword Qi directly dissipated into nothingness.

Kong Xuan yelled angrily and rushed directly to Yuan Yuan, wanting to fight Yuan Yuan with his extremely hard body.

When he saw this, he couldn't help but laughed, and for a short while, his body was emitting a white light.

Sanqing was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen.

We must know that Pangu is the strongest person who is physically sanctified and can open up the existence of the prehistoric world.

Even though Sanqing was transformed by its soul, the physical body is still not comparable to ordinary people.

Naturally, he is not afraid of this Kong Xuan.

The two collided in an instant, and they had fought for hundreds of rounds while they were shaking.

And here has already gathered a lot of great abilities who have heard the news.

Even in the Heavenly Court, all the immortals are secretly observing the real-time battle situation here.

Haotian watched the battle below, his heart moved slightly. For Primitive, his heart was naturally inclined to Penglai.

After all, his current seat is inseparable from Hongyun.

Moreover, Hongyun helped him again and again, which made him feel a trace of gratitude.

At this time, Yaochi came from the rear to watch the battle with Haotian.

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