I Have a Trillion Merits

: Endless Abyss Riot

If it is really what you think, then this senior has too much courage!

The crab swallowed hard and whispered: "Senior wants to know about this endless abyss."

The endless abyss?

Hong Yun frowned slightly. It turned out that this place was called Endless Abyss, but it fits the name quite well.

He nodded slightly.

The crab chuckled carefully, and that bold idea seemed to be constantly being implemented.

After tidying up his words, Jing Xie Jing said: "Enlighten Senior, this endless abyss is a forbidden place in the Daze here. It is not bottomless. It is said that it is the traces of the battle between the gods and demons here.

Gods and demons?

Hong Yun frowned slightly. According to his previous judgment, those gods and demons who came to Hongmeng from the prehistoric times had a strange relationship with the local residents.

Excluding those gods and demons who live in seclusion, there are those who still appear in front of people, and there are even some who take pleasure in slaughtering the local residents and have a very poor relationship with the local residents in Hongmeng.

As far as this Chaos City is concerned, whether it is the City Lord's Mansion or the other forces in the Mansion, they are very wary of those Chaos Gods and Demons.

Even the formation in the city has a faint feeling of repelling outsiders.

Now listening to this crab spirit, if this place is really caused by those chaotic gods and demons, that is to say, these chaotic gods and demons who came to the cosmos are not friendly.

Although they are both located in the prehistoric land, and are also the three thousand avenues evolved from the heavenly path, but the path in it has long been separated from the prehistoric heavenly path.

These chaotic gods and demons are dispensable to Honghuang.

Unexpectedly, they had all been expelled to Hongmeng, and they were still irritable as always.

Hongyun turned his head to look at the endless abyss that was not far away, and nodded slightly.

If it was really done by the gods and demons, it would be possible to shield his divine consciousness. After all, those gods and demons were transformed by the great avenue. If there were any hidden means, it would be considered normal.

Hong Yun said faintly: "You continue talking."

The crab froze for a moment, and then continued to speak: "The endless abyss here is my forbidden place in Daze. Few people dare to come here."

Hong Yun nodded slightly. Even he had to guard against the weird place. The strongest creature in this Daze was only at the level of a quasi-sage corpse, and had been trapped in Daze for thousands of years.

If you dare not come here, it is normal. After all, these creatures have a long life span, and there is no need to take personal risks.

"Furthermore, this endless abyss was originally listed as a forbidden place in Daze, and there is a more important reason.

That is, every time in this endless abyss, a strong suction will be emitted. All the creatures located in a hundred miles near the endless abyss can not escape the pull of this suction and fall into the endless abyss. "

Speaking of this, Crab Spirit couldn't help but shudder, he was one of the very few people who had successfully survived the endless abyss.

At that time, he was still a little crab, a new born Lingzhi, far away from here, just watching countless creatures being pulled away by the suction from the endless abyss.

Has fallen into the endless abyss, screaming endlessly, and even people have broken their bodies to save their lives,

The endless blood stained Daze.

After the suction power passed, only a few creatures who had cut their bodies to save their lives were left, and the rest were swallowed by the endless abyss.

Since then, the crab spirit has vowed never to come here again, even building the cave mansion far away from the endless abyss.

I just didn't expect that today, Hongyun would still bring this place.

Hong Yun looked at the non-fake look on Crab Spirit's face, and his heart moved.

This endless abyss would actually explode on its own, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

The crab spirit continued: "It can be said that throughout the tens of thousands of years in Daze, none of the creatures that have entered the endless abyss has so far been able to escape from it alive."

"If seniors want to get into one of them, it's better to persuade seniors to dispel this idea."

After speaking, he stood aside and looked at Hongyun quietly.

Hong Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the crab essence in front of him, and after a moment of contemplation, he raised his hand and moved.

I saw a beam of merit burst out from it, directly submerged into the crab essence.

Crab was shocked meticulously, but when he discovered the power of merit in his body, he was overjoyed and fell directly on his knees: "Thank you for the gift of senior, thank you for the gift of senior."

The great realization of this life is to surprise him. He originally thought it was the expansion of the endless abyss that he was sucked here, but after he came, he found that he was able to call.

For these great abilities from the ground, the crabs did not have much confidence in their meticulous work. On the contrary, when they were young, they heard the elders say that the human race likes to drop demons and slay demons.

But I didn't expect that I could get such benefits just by explaining the things in the abyss to this senior.

Just when he was happy in his heart, Hong Yun felt something wrong.

Just in the endless abyss they didn't want, Hong Yun could clearly feel a swallowing law spreading. Although it was very subtle, it did exist.

This engulfing law is completely different from the law possessed by the mosquito man, and even more triumphant, unlike the law of this world.

Hong Yun's heart moved, and some doubts that the law of swallowing in this endless abyss came from the same place as the small tower, but he didn't know why it fell to this place and turned into an endless abyss.

Huhuhu! ! !

There seemed to be breathing from the bottom of the endless abyss, and it began to disperse through the water of Daze.

Although the Crab's intensive cultivation base is low, but at this moment, he also felt the strange changes in this endless abyss. He was horrified and quickly said: "Senior, leave soon, here the endless abyss is about to explode."

As a person who has survived the eruption of the endless abyss, he clearly knows the power of the endless abyss.

Even the giants at the bottom of Daze dare not approach the endless abyss at this time, let alone his little crab essence, but it is a golden immortal cultivation base, what capital?

Hearing the words, Hong Yun stared at the endless abyss, as if looking for something.

At this moment, he heard the crab essence speak, and waved his hand. The crab essence flew out directly, going wherever it came from, at a very fast speed, and returned to his cave house almost in no time.

After returning, the crab patted his chest, and then looked towards the endless abyss.

I saw the endless water of Daze beginning to pour back, and countless unborn creatures who came to the endless abyss within a hundred miles of wisdom or by chance, regardless of their cultivation level, were swallowed by the endless abyss.

The blood immediately stained the Daze, and the sky above the endless abyss was like a sea of ​​blood.

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