I Have a Trillion Merits

: Mosquito man with gun

If nothing happens, this devouring giant whale should have died in the hands of the master of this sword.

Hongyun gently patted the weeping devouring giant whale under his seat, and said: "He is calling you, right!"

The devouring whale heard the words, groaned softly, and nodded.

Hong Yun waved his hand slightly: "If this is the case, then go forward and see what it wants to explain to you."

In the remains of the huge devouring whale in front of him, Hong Yun could clearly feel that there was a mysterious Tao hidden in it, which seemed to be something left behind before the other party died.

It's something similar to inheritance, and it's no wonder that this little guy was attracted before.

The Devouring Whale came forward with a red cloud slightly, close to the head of the remains, where the eyes of the remains, the two flames are indeterminate, seeming to contend with the sword intent on his head.

The devouring giant whale screamed and rubbed his head against the head of the remains.

The purple flames in the eyes of the remains flickered more clearly.

But above its head, that long sword still exudes endless kendo true intentions, constantly suppressing the remaining spiritual sense of the remains and destroying it endlessly.

Hong Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and already saw some strangeness. If he didn't take the long sword away, the little whale under his seat would not be able to bear the inheritance from the remains.

In addition to killing the devouring giant whale in front of him, that long sword was also suppressing and destroying its spiritual consciousness.

Otherwise, with the practice of this devouring giant whale, even if you die here, you can at least leave a trace of true spirit to escape, and you will definitely not be suppressed here after death like now.

Gradually disappear, disappear...

Hong Yun raised his head and carefully looked at the true meaning of kendo emanating from the long sword. While they continued to wipe out the remaining spiritual consciousness of the giant whale, they were also destroying the remains of the giant whale.

And those annihilated flesh and blood and spiritual consciousness turned into invisible threads and continued to spread towards the abyss below, pouring into a certain fixed location, seeming to be completely absorbed by it.

In this way, are the creatures that were inhaled by the endless abyss before providing nourishment for someone in the abyss?

Hong Yun frowned slightly, could it be that the one who fought with this giant whale before has not died, but is taking the opportunity to recover.

If this is the case, then things are a bit complicated.

Just as Hong Yun thought of this, he heard the giant whale chirping softly and turned his head to look at Hong Yun pitifully.

It naturally could see that without Hongyun's move, it would be impossible for it to receive gifts from its ancestors.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun chuckled and said, "You little fellow...whatever, this is where your chance lies, and it should be yours."

As he said, he jumped and landed on the head of the skeleton, walking slowly towards the long sword with only one hilt left.

It seemed that he had sensed the arrival of the red cloud, and that long sword could no longer suppress the remaining spiritual consciousness in the remains. From it, the true meaning of the ten thousand swords turned into a killer move in the sky and went straight to the red cloud.

Hong Yun's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that this long sword was actually self-aware. Originally, he thought that this long sword could only suppress the spiritual sense remaining in the remains, but now it seems that he underestimated this person's methods.

Facing the imminent true meaning of Ten Thousand Ways of Swordsmanship, and this sky full of ultimate moves.

Hong Yun was awe-inspiring and not afraid, raised his hand and lightly touched it, the endless killer move was immediately confined in place and began to tremble gradually.

Seems to be struggling to resist Hongyun's means.

Hongyun smiled when he saw it, if he couldn't deal with even a sword, how could he deal with the people behind the scenes.

If his guess is correct, the riots in this endless abyss every once in a while are the means used by the people behind the scenes to devour the flesh and blood of the creatures here and to revive themselves.

The endless killer moves floating in front of the red clouds, shaking violently, exuding a fierce breath.

The giant whale floating not far away was also shivering.

Although the strength of the giant whale is not weak, coupled with its previous racial talent, it can be said to be one of the strongest existences under the saint.

But after that endless killer move came out, he still couldn't help but tremble.

Hong Yun raised his hand again and lightly clicked, all the killing moves all over the sky were wiped out, completely dissipated into nothingness.

After the ultimate move disappeared, Hong Yun stepped forward again with a smile, and when he was about to reach the hilt, he saw the long sword trembling slightly, as if a stronger ultimate move was brewing.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and was about to step forward to pull out the long sword, when he saw a horrible sword intent that surpassed the previous volley.

Go straight to the door.

The speed was extremely fast, and he came to Hong Yun almost instantly.

Carrying endless fierce power and extremely powerful terrifying energy, it stabs directly at the red cloud.

Hong Yun raised his hand, and a small gourd rose directly into the air, turning into a size of hundreds of meters, and the gourd plug was automatically removed, and a huge suction was born out of thin air.

He directly swallowed that terrifying killer move directly into the gourd.

Among the red sand prisoners inside the gourd, the mosquito person who had originally planned to give up struggling, felt the changes in the gourd at this moment.

After thinking about it in his mind, he guessed that Hong Yun had already encountered a strong enemy at this moment and had to use a gourd to meet the enemy. This was a great opportunity for him to get out.

If it is this time and the unknown boy outside, you will break this **** gourd.

At that time, we are uniting up, slaughtering this unaware boy, and then snatching the baby, how wonderful!

Thought of this.

The mosquito person was excited, with a black mouthpart in his hand, ready to find a way to escape while Hongyun used the gourd.

Just when everything is ready for him.

Suddenly I felt a terrifying aura coming, and a terrifying ultimate move that was extremely powerful and mighty seemed to be brewing.

The mosquito man swallowed his saliva.

During this period of time, he had been tortured in this red sand prison world, and now he finally had a chance to escape.

Don't make any accidents!

Just as he thought of this in his heart, he saw a bright light shining from the mouth of the gourd.

An incomparably tyrannical energy, carrying the aura of destruction, came quickly.

The target is the red sand prison where the mosquitoes are located.

Feeling the terrifying energy coming from the mouth of the gourd, where could the mosquito man know what happened.

That **** red boy...

He actually sucked the killer move released by the enemy into this gourd, wouldn't he be afraid that this gourd would be completely destroyed?

Looking at the ultimate move that is about to come.

Mosquito Daoist instantly regained his spirit of 120,000 points, and now he has spent a lot of time in the red sand prison.

The mana has been consumed a lot and cannot be refilled.

If he wants to resist this terrifying killer move, he can only fight with all his strength.

In this way, the mana in his body is reduced by 90%.

The ultimate move is coming.

The mosquito man quickly mobilized all the mana in his body and roared: "Damn the red boy, it's better not to let me out."

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