When Xuan Qingzi heard the words, a wry smile appeared on his face, and said: "Fake is also true and true is also false. For thousands of years, in endless reincarnation here, I have forgotten the fact that I was already dead."

After he finished speaking, the Daoist Qingqiu on the side seemed to realize it suddenly, and nodded with a wry smile.

Even the few quasi-saint level powers below were sober.

Hong Yun said solemnly: "How many years have fellow Daoists stayed here?"

Xuan Qingzi smiled and said, "A thousand years, ten thousand years, or ten thousand years. Since the catastrophe, I can't remember how long I have stayed here."

When Hong Yun heard Xuan Qingzi's words, his expression changed.

Sure enough, it was the same as what he had thought in his heart, everything here was vain, a vain that was infinitely close to the manifestation.

It is to completely evolve the Dao and the coercion of the saints into real illusions.

Hong Yun said solemnly: "That fellow Daoist still has the memory of when he appeared here."

Xuan Qingzi shook his head and said, "I don't know, and I don't know. No wonder no one has been here for tens of thousands of years. The old man thought that Chaos City had long been forgotten."

Taoist Qingqiu looked ugly and said: "I seem to have some memories, but some are incomplete."

Hong Yun said: "Please let fellow daoists inform."

Taoist Qingqiu frowned for a moment, and then said: "I vaguely remember that tens of thousands of years ago, a powerful **** and demon attacked this city, and then all the people in the city died."

"Even if it is my old friend who devours the family, he can't escape his poison if he wants to come."

Speaking of the Devouring Clan, Hong Yun secretly perceives Xiaoyou who was received by him in the universe, but was surprised to find that he did not know when he had lost contact with Xiaoyou.

Could it be that Xiaoyou's ancestor who died in Daze was the friend of the Devouring family among the Qingqiu Dao population.

Hong Yun frowned and thought, and began to connect all the information he knew.

I only heard the Daoist Qingqiu say: "That person is not a man in the Harmony, nor is it the gods and demons who have passed in critically. Their laws are very mysterious, powerful, and almost invincible."

"If it weren't for the prohibition manifestation here, I'm afraid I won't even be able to leave this illusion."


Hong Yun frowned, thinking again in his heart.

Since Daoist Qingqiu said that the prohibition here left them behind, there is still another possibility.

All previous space fragments and memory fragments are also prohibited by that place.

Xuan Qingzi and Taoist Qingqiu sighed, and after learning that they had died long ago, the two did not behave excessively.

On the contrary, he became a little curious about the Hongmeng after their death.

After learning that the Hongmeng envoys mentioned by Hongyun were only more than a hundred people, the two of them sighed secretly.

You know, in the age when they were still alive, the masters of these one hundred and eight cities were at least two saints, let alone some reclusive saints.

They no longer know what happened in the Hongmeng after their death.

After a long time, Xuan Qingzi said to the book, "Thank you fellow daoists for waking up, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to be so muddled."

Hong Yun said solemnly: "You don't need to be like this, but it just happens to happen."

After learning about this period of Xin Mi from the second population of Xuan Qingzi, Hong Yun was also a little embarrassed.

He didn't know what happened in Hongmeng, but it was obvious that Hongmeng today is much lonelier than the era when Xuan Qingzi and Xuan Qingzi lived.

At least now, there are no figures in the Hunyuan Wuji realm.

This has caused Hongmeng, who has always been stronger than the prehistoric, to be hit hard, and now this world may not even have half-step Hunyuan Wuji.

Hongyun sighed slightly.

At least what he can know is that the loneliness in this world is not caused by the chaotic gods and demons, but some power from the outside world.

Xuan Qingzi looked at Hong Yun and said, "In this case, I will know about the future generations, so I won't stay longer, it's time to leave."

Daoist Qingqiu laughed wildly and said: "I just hope that fellow Daoists will inform future generations and guard against the great powers of the outside world. This is the root of the calamity."

When the words fell, the figure of the Taoist Qingqiu turned into a shower of light and directly drifted away.

Xuan Qingzi also tried again at the red cloud, and then the whole person also turned into a rain of light, completely dissipating.

Not only the two of them, but also the rest of the people in the lobby, they also disappeared with a smile at this moment.

The City Lord’s Mansion, the streets and houses in the city are slowly dissipating...

The screams beside Hong Yun's ears also began to disappear bit by bit, and the whole city disappeared instantly.

Hong Yun closed his eyes to perceive the light and rain around him, which contained emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and his mood improved.

Not only that, but there are gifts from Daoist Qingqiu and Xuan Qingzi in these light rains.

After a long time, Hong Yun slowly opened his eyes and found that he was already in a mist, as if he had escaped from the previous illusion.

Afterwards, the divine light burst out in his eyes, directly breaking through the dense mist in front of him, and seeing what was hidden in front of him, it was a majestic and huge palace.

Exuding a breath of incomparable majesty, it stands right on a piece of terracotta.

Hong Yun looked at the towering palace in front of him, and his heart moved slightly.

If nothing happens, this is the real reason for the preservation of the chaotic city illusion!

I just don't know what is inside.

Hong Yun thought about it carefully, he didn't know who left this palace, whether it would be dangerous, everything was unknown.

Although he had already decided in his heart to enter it, he should be careful about everything.

Hong Yun cautiously came to the entrance of the palace and looked up at the plaque of the palace. Only above the plaque, a layer of mist shrouded him, making him not clear what was on it.

A divine light burst out of Hongyun's eyes, as if to pierce through the falsehood and look towards the truth.

Wherever the divine light touched, all the fog dissipated, revealing the three large characters "Wuji Palace" on the plaque.

Hong Yun frowned, his divine sense touched, and there seemed to be a law of light shining on the plaque, and after the contact, a mysterious law came directly into his mind.

Before slowly blending into the law he had understood.

After Hong Yun sensed the change of the law, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked. With his current strength, this kind of thing rarely happens, let alone the law fusion.

It seems that the master of this Promise Palace has a much higher cultivation base, and might be a strong man in the realm of Luo Jinxian of Hunyuan Wuji.

This class of powerhouses, speaking of them, is even stronger than Hongjun, who fits the heavens.

At this point, Hong Yun lifted his foot into the palace here.

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