I Have a Trillion Merits

: Minister of Justice Shinto

Through the supernatural powers in front of him, Shi Chen can clearly see everything that happens in the Promise Palace.

When he saw Hongyun and the palace guard fighting for the authority of the Promise Palace rules.

There was almost fire in his eyes.

He planned for tens of thousands of years, in order to let him enter after the palace guard successfully controlled the 30% rule, to understand the rules of the Wuji Palace, and thus to completely control the Wuji Palace.

But the appearance of the red cloud in front of him completely disrupted his plan.

And he could also see that Hong Yun was a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level existence, strictly speaking it was at the same level as him.

However, there are legal restrictions in the Wuji Palace, and people like him cannot enter the Wuji Palace.

Unless the Promise Palace has been initially controlled by someone, the person in charge opens a gap in the formation and welcomes it into it.

Otherwise, why plan for thousands of years at this hour.

Moreover, for him, this Palace of Promise is equivalent to the key to his proving Hunyuan Promise.

How could he just watch others take it away.

Shi Chen took a big leap, searching for time, and came directly to the place where Hongyun entered the Promise Palace before.

But only the broken space and memory fragments are left here.

As for the gateway to the Promise Palace, it has long since disappeared.

Shi Chen roared, the time rules around his body were fully revealed, and the endless memory fragments and space fragments disappeared after the time rules washed away.

Dissipated directly into nothingness, leaving no trace.


Shi Chen calmed down the surrounding breath, converged the law of time in his body as much as possible, and looked around with a pair of magic eyes.

Through endless years of invasion, this place is no longer what it was before.

Shichen was a little puzzled, even he couldn't enter it here, how did that person enter the Promise Palace.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, he had searched for a way, but after all, he could not enter the Promise Palace.

In this way, some human races have been invested in it, and they have been deployed for thousands of years, but they did not expect to be given the first step today.

Shi Chen stood in nothingness, frowned, and after a moment of contemplation, he stood directly here.

Between gestures, the rules of time are evident.

He submerged into the time occasion with his peerless supernatural powers, manifested as a huge supernatural power, waded through the time occasion, and came to the point of time before the Promise Palace had disappeared.

With a peerless posture, the magical powers of the magical powers directly took advantage of Hongyun just entering it, and when there was still a gap in the door of the Promise Palace, he directly blasted a crack in the door of the Promise Palace and entered it.

Although his supernatural powers passed through the long river of time and entered the Promise Palace, after he entered, Hong Yun had already found the hub of the Promise Palace.

Shi Chen entered the magical form with a trace of divine soul, controlled it to move forward, and went directly to the place where the hub of the Promise Palace was located.

Promise Palace.

When Hong Yun was exploring the laws here, he suddenly felt that there was a tyrannical aura outside the Wuji Palace that was constantly approaching.

When even interrupted the perception of the rules of the Wuji Palace, his body disappeared in the Wuji Palace and appeared directly outside the palace gate.

At this moment, his perception of the Promise Palace has reached about 50%.

But if he wants to completely control the rules of the Promise Palace, it will take a while.

But nowadays, the people outside are very strong, and it seems that those who come are not good.

Hong Yun stood outside the palace gate, and at a glance he saw the supernatural powers that came in stride. It was the hour.

Shi Chen used peerless supernatural powers to cross time and occasions, and tried his best to enter the Promise Palace, in order to kill this person before Hongyun completely understood the Promise Palace hub and took control of the entire Promise Palace.

Then he was manifesting the supernatural, in the spirit of the practitioners in this place, leaving behind the same back hand as before, continuing his plan.

Incorporating this Promise Palace into the bag, thoroughly refining it into his small world, and attaining the position of Hunyuan Promise.

Outside the palace gate, Hong Yun couldn't help showing a solemn look after seeing the supernatural powers that came over.

Although this is only a means of time, a trace of soul is integrated into it, but it also has the strength of a saint.

After all, time is the number one combat power among the ancient chaos gods and demons.

It was originally on the verge of proving Dao Hun Yuan Wu Ji, and now it is only a bit worse than Hong Jun, who fits in Heaven.

But if the two are facing each other, there is nothing to do with each other.

Hong Yun's smashing spear manifested in his hand, and he swept the spear horizontally, and the endless evil spirit instantly turned into a sharp blade and rushed to the magical power.

The evil qi condenses into a fierce dragon, and its scales will show up, roaring away at the magical powers, as if to tear it completely.

When Shichen saw this, he grinned and said, "Xiao Xiaoxiao means, wait for me to punch him and kill him."

The voice fell, and he directly fisted at the long dragon that was condensed with evil spirits.

boom! ! !

The two collided over tens of thousands of miles, and a huge noise broke out directly.

A roar broke out in the void.

The power of the two laws burst instantly.

The practitioners who were right here were shocked after feeling the fluctuation of the explosion.

This aftermath, even the highest cultivation level among them, dare not approach.

If it is affected by it, I am afraid it will immediately disappear and die.

Many great powers have used great methods to move their respective towns away from here thousands of miles away.

I'm afraid that these two powerful methods will affect the people here.

The ordinary people who were moved out of here by Mighty Might only heard a loud noise and did not know what happened, but the sense of fear in each of them did not diminish at all.

Promise outside the palace.

After Shichen's punch was blasted, he directly smashed the long dragon that had condensed evil spirits, turning them into the sky of evil spirits dissipating and nothingness.

Immediately under his feet, he kept walking towards Hongyun in strides.

Hong Yun looked at the magical powers that came, and his heart moved, frowning when he watched the time coming.

"How could this world have such a high level of cultivation?"

He thought that the highest person in this world was a palace guard at the quasi-sage level, but this person in front of him had reached the level of a saint.

According to that person's layout, it is impossible for this world to have a cultivator at the level of a saint.

Hong Yun shot towards the hour. When the distance between the two sides was less than a thousand miles, Hong Yun Shennian felt that the giant in front of him was not a practitioner, but a magical form displayed by others.

Hong Yun's thoughts turned anxiously, looking at the supernatural powers in front of him, a thought suddenly rose in his heart.

Could it be that this person is a failure left by the people behind the scenes.

With a thought at this point, Hong Yun's eyes flashed brightly, and he straddled a thousand miles away, suddenly raising the gunshot in his hand and stabbing it straight away.

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