I Have a Trillion Merits

: Primitive thought

After a few people responded, they went directly to the head of Chongcheng.

Zhou Wu Wang Jifa was even more honestly following the crowd. In terms of status, everyone in the field had a higher status than him.

Even Jiang Ziya was a named disciple of Saint Hongyun.

This time there is an immortal **** intervening in the war on earth. Is he a fool? The way of nature is a bit tricky.

After everyone came to the city, they saw Dashang's 200,000 vanguard army heading towards Chongcheng.

This Chongcheng was originally one of the important frontier cities of Dashang. They were able to delay the attack until such a time, but it was a bit embarrassing for them, and it was considered to be enough.

At the forefront of the vanguard is Taishi Wen Zhongwen riding Mo Qilin.

Jiang Ziya looked at Wen Zhong in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

As the Dashang army approached, they could feel the vibration from the ground on the city.

Just as the Dashang army was about to enter the range of Xiqi's bow and arrow, Wen Zhong suddenly raised his hand to order the army to stop, and then looked up at the people on the city.

Jiang Ziya arched his hand at Wen Zhongyao.

Wen Zhong smiled in return.

The two are just different on the surface, and Wen Zhong is also very optimistic about Jiang Ziya.

Although Na Ji Chang has always been known as a virtuous king, he has not had enough courage to build a nation, let alone resist the big business.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Ziya, who came from the Penglai lineage, and it took only a few months to persuade Ji Chang Jianguo, and first go to the city, and control the border city Chongcheng on Xiqi's side.

Such courage has to be admired.

Wen Zhong shouted: "The generals will listen to the order and attack the city."

After the voice fell, there was a close sound of gongs and drums, which instantly sounded the horn of attack.

For a time, there were sergeants pushing out siege equipment from the vanguard.

The infantry cavalry charged one after another.

It's just that these soldiers only charged a hundred steps away from Chongcheng, and saw the dense rain of arrows fall.

The Shang side suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

Jiang Ziya looked at the merchant soldiers who were still attacking the city, and couldn't help sighing deeply.

These soldiers are just ordinary people.

Also a victim of this catastrophe.

After taking control of the Conferred God List, Jiang Ziya knew a little more than before.

The little Da on the side couldn't bear it.

After all, it can be said that she also watched the human race grow up to today, but did not expect to end up in the current situation.

At the head of Chongcheng, shouting and killing...

From time to time, sergeants of Dashang climbed the city wall through the ladder, but all were cut down by sergeant Xiqi without exception.

Even the latecomers who brought them on the ladder fell together.

For a time.

The amount of calamity aura in the void became more intense, and the **** aura drifted up and merged into the aura of the amount of calamity.

The two red clouds were hidden in the air.

I saw the human soul floating on the ground from time to time, and then was attracted into the underworld by the suction from the underworld.

When Nuwa saw the tragedy below, she also sighed slightly.

This human race was originally created by her and Hongyun, now watching the human race killing each other, I feel inexplicable.

Hong Yun looked at Wen Zhong in front of the formation, frowning and thinking.

This is a bit difficult to handle.

This person is afraid that he will not escape death. Although he is a middle-aged person, one thing different from others is that his fate has been closely entangled with the big business, and it is impossible to separate it.

But that's okay, at least under my own intervention, the number of people on the list is much less.

After this battle of the Conferred God, Jiejiao is still the top great teacher among the prehistoric.

But interpretation is not necessarily true.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the red cloud, and then he looked in the direction of Da Shang.



On Jinao Island.

Tongtian, who was practicing in the dojo, couldn't help but shook his head slightly after being reminded by Hongyun.

He did not expect that his advance arrangement would ruin a three-generation disciple with good qualifications.

But there is no pity for him.

After all, he had listened to Hongyun's words before and called most of his disciples back, so there were not many disciples left in the world.

Moreover, he will send the disciples recalled to Xiqi to fight for good fortune. This can be regarded as a joint effort between Jin'ao Island and Penglai Fairy Island.

Tongtian smiled and shook his head, then turned his head and looked in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

Although he didn't know what Hong Yun was planning, he was certain that Hong Yun's planning must be related to interpretation.

I am afraid that this interpretation will suffer heavy losses.


At the same time, Kunlun Mountain.

In the original independent and dojo, through the water mirror in front of him, the battle between the two parties was clearly seen.

Especially when he saw Hong Yun sent several disciples to help Xiqi.

My heart suddenly became more confident in Dashang.

Although he didn't know where Hongyun found a mortal with the appearance of a flying bear, he seemed to be more anxious than him.

That Jiang Ziya originally held the Conferred God List, and it was considered to have a lot of advantages over his big businessmen.

But even so, Hong Yun dispatched one of his few disciples to enter the calamity. This move was obviously made by him.

Now I am afraid that I am going to make a desperate move.

Thinking of this, the original heart couldn't help but become smug.

If it was earlier in the Zixiao Palace, all the saints had listened to his words and let the birds and beasts under the school of Jiejiao on the list.

Now why did it fall into such a situation.

It's ridiculous that his own mindless third brother secretly recalled the Jiejiaomen who had been in the business for hundreds of years.

Even secretly sent someone to help Xiqi side, really when you brother, I was blind.

Now it happens that Jiejiao and Penglai are in the same line, but after the Battle of the Gods, they are not connected.

At that time, I will be the No. 1 big teacher in the world.

Thinking of this, the smile on Yuan's face grew stronger, and he secretly said: "How about you holding the Conferred God List under the Red Cloud Gate? In the end, it's not my interpretation and the last laugh."



In the West Buddha Temple.

Jiuyin and Zhunti sat on the Daxiong Hall, but secretly they focused their attention on the battle between the two mortal kingdoms.

This battle, it is said that they and the original joint work.

Although they abducted the vice-master of the Buddhist Interpretation into Buddhism, they even allowed a buddha position.

But this did not affect the two cheeky to go with the original and reconcile this tribulation of the gods.

After all, this matter is what they discussed during the war, but how can they temporarily repent.

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