I Have a Trillion Merits

: Please also let the saints let me know!

After Lu Ya heard the original words, he arched his hands with a smile.

This time, he raised his hand to kill the two big Luo Jinxians, he was still the mainstay of the school, and he had already made a profit.

But now that the two of Kong Xuan arrived, they didn't need him to respond, so they galloped toward the head of the city.

Behind the city head.

Jiang Ziya arched his hands with a smile: "I would like to thank this fellow daoist for his help. If there is no fellow daoist, I am afraid it will be difficult to support the brother."

Lu Ya looked at the old man in front of him and arched his hands casually.

Instead, he smiled when he looked at Nezha.

Nezha didn't know why for a while, so he had to smile back.

In the battlefield.

Originally watching Lu Lu press away, his complexion became extremely difficult to look.

Guangchengzi and others mournfully cried out from the side: "Teacher, this Penglai line has insulted us so much, and killed several of my brothers and sisters, and let the teacher call the shots!"

The others also cried bitterly: "Please ask the teacher to call the shots for my dead brothers!"

Hearing this, the original turned his head and looked towards the head of Chongcheng City. Now the true spirits of those disciples who have died have already been on the list of conferred gods.

Even if he took the shot himself, he could not be rescued.

After the calamity is over in the future, these true spirits on the list will board the Heavenly Court in a spirit state and accept the instructions of the Jade Emperor Xiaoer.

Thinking of this, Primordial heart couldn't help but rise in anger, and then looked at Lu Xiao with a bad face, and said in a cold voice: "You and other people in Penglai's line are so arrogant and insulting me to explain and teach everyone. I died in vain. , Should you give me an explanation."

When Kong Xuan heard the original words, he couldn't help but put a smile on his face, and then said: "Kong Xuan has also heard my master talk about this matter of calamity. The good fortune is based on personal ability."

Primitive angrily said: "Since you rely on your personal ability, why are you waiting for you to come?"

Kong Xuan said with a sigh, "Kong Xuan is dull, and has not been able to achieve the position of saint until now. Only then can he be involved in this calamity."

The meaning of his words is that he is not a saint, and it is normal to be involved in the calamity.

On the other hand, it is to accuse the original saint of interfering in the calamity for no reason, which is against the meaning of heaven, and it should not be.

Guang Chengzi and others did not hear the meaning, but thought that the other party was constantly shirking responsibility, and immediately said angrily: "Even the quasi-sage can't intervene in this tribulation."

Yuding Zhen said: "It should be the case, if the prehistoric quasi-sages can disrupt this calamity, wouldn't it be a mess."

Kong Xuan heard the words and said in amazement: "If you don't know it, no matter what your cultivation level is, you might be involved?"

When Guang Chengzi and others heard this, they were speechless for a while.

Primordial sneered: "What a sly tooth, no matter how you quibble, but you can't get rid of the murder of my disciple, what shall you do?"

Kong Xuan's expression was stunned and frowned, "Is it true that the saint really wants to treat me and wait for the juniors so regardless of his face?"

The original face trembled for a while, but he didn't expect Kong Xuan to be so shameless, and in a few words he pushed the blame on him.

Immediately angrily said: "If this is the case, then I will also know that each has its own ability."

Above the city of Chongcheng, Ao Xue saw the original desire to make a move, and Dang Even wanted to stand with Kong Xuan.

After all, the primitive is a sage, and Kong Xuan is just a quasi-sage. If the two are added together, they can fight against each other, but with Kong Xuan alone, it might be a little difficult.

Just when she was about to leave, she heard Kong Propaganda's voice saying: "Junior Sister wait a minute, wait for me to confirm my past practice, if it is really lost, Junior Sister will come to help."

Ao Xue was stunned when she heard the words, and then stopped, standing at the head of the city and watching.

Primitive Nature was also aware of all this, and his heart was even more angry, but he didn't expect this Kong Xuan to be so big, was it really when he was forced to go to Penglai Xian Island before?

Just as he was thinking about it in his heart, Kong Xuan who was opposite suddenly opened his eyes, but he was already about to take the lead.

The original snorted coldly: "So courageous!"

When he raised his hand, he sent the five Guangchengzi beside him thousands of miles away. After all, there were only so many second-generation disciples left.

Although he was sure to protect a few people, he still sent it out for insurance.

I saw the law of Kong Xuan's body fully manifested in the mid-air. Among them, the law of the five elements appeared, like the cycle of life and death.

On the opposite side, the original eyes narrowed slightly. He did not expect that after the previous battle, Kong Xuan's progress would be so great.

This made him slightly surprised!

However, even if Kong Xuan made great progress, he was nothing more than an ant who had not yet become a saint.

What's more, after that battle, Yuan Yuan went back to retreat and practiced, perhaps because his heart had a memory, his practice was much smoother.

Today, he will only make greater progress than Kong Xuan, and there is a saint threshold among them.

How could he be the same as before, this battle can take down Kong Xuan in an instant.

With his primitive hands behind him, he looked at Kong Xuan coldly.

In the void.

Nu Wa looked at the red cloud beside her, and asked in a low voice, "Don't you worry about Kong Xuan's failure?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "With me, they can be assured that they will be safe. Junior sister, don't worry."

Nuwa chuckled when she heard the words, and then stopped talking.

Hong Yun looked at the people in the field, especially Ao Xue and Kong Xuan.

He naturally discovered the improvement of the two people's cultivation.

And it’s a lot better than before. Maybe after this battle, you can make the two of them stand up, and you can go back to the level of the quasi-sage of the two corpses.

If this is the case, he would have to "thank" the primitive well.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun couldn't help showing a smile.

In the battlefield below, the power of Kong Xuan's body and week laws was fully revealed, and the more condensed, he also saw that the original cultivation level was also improved.

Therefore, knowing that there is a big gap between them, they directly revealed their true body. In the middle of the air, a loud phoenix ming sound was heard, and only Kong Xuan's true body was manifested.

On his body, there are five colors of light flowing, and the five elements are condensed in it.

In the midair, nothingness is constantly rising...

Primitive squinted his eyes and allowed Kong Xuan on the opposite side to reveal his real body, but his face still had a nonchalant expression.

It seems that in his eyes, Kong Xuan is just a clown.

Kong Xuan looked at the primitive with piercing eyes and solemnly said: "The primitive saint, Kong Xuan has benefited a lot from the previous battle. In this battle, please let the saint give us your advice!"

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