The entire chaotic battlefield shook in an instant.

The endless wind storm spewed out, manifested as chaotic wind, raging around.

Those powers that were a little closer, at this moment all retreated towards the distance, fearing that they would be affected by the battle between the two of them.

The battle between these two saints is also the top saint on the prehistoric continent.

If they are affected by the battle between these two, even if they are all quasi saints, they will be injured.

In today's predicament, at this time, it is in the midst of calamity. If you suffer a serious injury, you will probably be entangled in calamity and death.

So they are very cautious one by one.

In the chaotic battlefield.

The original hand-held Pangu flags waved again and again. Under the blessing of the chaos on the battlefield, the power of the Pangu flags rose by more than one level.

Endless Chaos Sword Qi gushes out.

Cut straight towards Hongyun.

Everyone in the field was shocked, and the original shot at this time was even sharper than when he played with the two of Kong Xuan before.

That power is far beyond the limit that the Quasi-Sanctuary can resist.

Even though they were thousands of miles away from the battlefield, they all felt the terrifying power emanating from the Chaos Sword Qi at this moment.

Only among them is the most marginal and weakest chaotic sword energy.

They can be beheaded.

The great powers retreated one after another, and instantly they were thousands of miles away from the battlefield.

Guang Chengzi and others have a lower level of cultivation among these great abilities.

At this moment, it was a hundred thousand li away, and I only dared to watch the battle between my teacher and Hongyun Saint from a distance.

Kong Xuan and the two are only a little closer to the battlefield than the other great powers.

At this moment, I was watching the battle in the field intently, the two saints' application and understanding of the law.

All make them feel mysterious...

The two people's application of their own laws is slowly rising invisibly.

Standing in the chaos, Hong Yun lifted the Gunslinger in his hand slightly.

An extremely mysterious power instantly swept out with the evil spirit on the Killing Spear, heading towards those endless chaotic sword energy points.

In an instant, the two collided directly.

In the chaos, those meteor showers composed of endless chaotic sword qi, under the mysterious law of Killing Spear, unexpectedly quietly suspended in the air.

Primitive couldn't help but his expression changed, and the scene before him seemed a bit unexpected.

The power of these chaotic sword auras has long been the original power from time to time through the blessing of battlefield and Pangu flags.

But what he didn't expect was that even so, he was still stopped by Hongyun.

He looked at the Chaos Sword Qi that had stopped in the battlefield, his eyes narrowed slightly, his throat moved slightly, and the original eyes suddenly opened, looking at the battlefield ahead with horror.

I only saw the chaotic sword qi that paused in the air, shattering like a mirror flower.

Dissipated instantly...

At this moment, Lao Tzu, who had already rushed to the battlefield, couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly after seeing Hongyun's move.

Sure enough, his previous guess was correct, Hong Yun's strength was stronger than before.

The strong one was beyond his expectation.

After seeing Laozi coming, Nuwa couldn't help showing a solemn look on her face.

Speaking softly: "I have seen brother."

I looked up and saw Nu Wa's face, and couldn't help but smile: "Junior sister, don't need to be nervous, I just came here to take a look."

Nu Wa was taken aback when she heard the words, and then her complexion was slightly slower, but the vigilance in her heart remained unchanged.

She remembered the scene of the four teammates attacking Hongyun in the last battle in the underworld.

At this moment, Lao Tzu said he was just here to take a look, and Nuwa naturally didn't believe it.

Just when the two turned to look at the battlefield.

Another voice came from behind the two: "I have seen brother, sister."

The two looked back, and it was Tongtian who had arrived here.

Tongtian, dressed in a red robe, with a smile on his face, came to the side of the two, quietly watching the field.

After I saw Tongtian, he was shocked, then shook his head with a wry smile.

On the other hand, Nuwa's sense of vigilance in her heart has been reduced a lot.

Because she knew in her heart that Tongtian and Hongyun had a good relationship, Tongtian's presence at the moment gave her a lot of peace of mind.

The mighties who were watching the battle in the distance in the distance were very surprised to see two saints coming here at this moment.

Some of them don't understand why these saints come here.

The complexions of Guang Chengzi and others also changed several times in a short period of time, from seeing Lao Tzu's surprise at the beginning to seeing Tong Tian's frown.

In a short period of time, his complexion changed continuously.

In the field.

After breaking through the original moves, Hong Yun said with a smile on his face: "Junior Brother's move is going to make Senior Brother, dare to use such an unbearable move?"

Hearing this, the original skin twitched several times, and the face looking at Hongyun was a bit ugly.

Although the previous moves were not his full strength, being so underestimated by Hongyun made him feel a little unbearable.

Primitive angrily said: "Hugh speak big words, let me see what I do."


The law of the saint on his body instantly manifested, and infinite mana surged out of his hands, pouring into the Pangu banners in his hands.

In an instant, the light on the Pangu banner triumphed.

The original raised his hand and waved gently.

In an instant, the infinite Chaos Sword Qi gushed out from it, and began to slowly gather together on the battlefield here.

It didn't take a moment for it to condense into a huge sword of chaos.

It exudes an extremely terrifying aura, and it is extremely sharp, as if to cut through the void.

The original laughed coldly: "Let's see how this trick of the poor Dao..."

As he said, his fingers flicked slightly, and the tens of thousands of feet of Chaos raised his sword to the sky, and the blade fell straight against the red cloud.

Everyone in the field was stunned by the scene before them.

Even Lao Tzu and others were slightly surprised, after all, the original style almost reached the peak of the saint.

Even they can't take it easily.

Among them, the most surprising is Nüwa, after all, Nüwa controls the law of life and is not good at fighting.

She can clearly feel that if she is deep in this style, she is afraid that she will end up with a serious injury if she tries her best.

The two Kong Xuan who watched the battle in the distance were also shocked by the sword in front of them.

In the chaotic battlefield.

Hong Yun held the Gunkiller in one hand, with the other hand behind him, looking at the huge sword that was coming towards him.

Feeling the terrifying aura exuding above, he couldn't help showing a smile.

This primitive distance really improved a lot in the previous battle against the underworld, but if it was just like this, it wasn't enough for him.

Perhaps he might have to work hard when changing to the Battle of the Underworld.

But now, you can easily break it.

Hong Yun sneered, and suddenly raised the Gunkiller Spear in his hand, and slammed into the chaotic giant sword above.

Gently yelled: "Broken!!!"

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