I Have a Trillion Merits

: Half-step world master!

After seeing Qin Yutian and others wake up, Gu Zongqing couldn't help but change his face.

Then the gaze towards Hongyun was filled with murderous intent, and he said coldly: "I kindly sent fellow Daoists to the treasures, but in exchange for fellow Daoists so rebellious, it really makes Xia Xia feel chill!"

Hong Yun patted the Qinglan shirt on her body, a smile appeared on her face, and said, "Where is this! Fellow Daoist."

Afterwards, he looked at the people of Qin Yutian below, and said: "You waited behind me and ate the ashes for so long, and now I save you and wait for a while, which is considered the cause and effect between us."

Qin Yutian looked at the red cloud facing Gu Zongqing above, and realized how big the gap between the two is.

He looked at Hongyun and said deeply, "Thank you fellow daoist for saving my life."

He knew in his heart that if Hongyun didn't make a sudden move, I'm afraid they would all die on the Ninth Mountain.

Seeing this, the rest of the people also chanted, "Thank you fellow daoists for helping me."

After that, Qin Yutian and the others looked at Gu Zongqing in front of him, and their faces gradually became ugly, even if they wanted to kill him.

Gu Zongqing raised his hands, and a bright light burst out from the ninth mountain, rushing straight into the sky.

On the other seven peaks, there is also a glorious sky.

The rays of light from the eight mountains formed a line, directly in the sky, turning into a terrifying formation, directly suppressed.

Just when Qin Yutian and others were about to rush to Qi.

The formation just happened to be suppressed, and Qin Yutian and the others were instantly tied in place, even though they all had a saint-level cultivation base.

There is still no way to break free from the shackles of the formation here.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun's expression changed slightly. He could see that the ground formation was slowly starting, and he wanted to absorb the cultivation base and spirit of Qin Yutian and others.

Before, Gu Zongqing originally wanted to swallow everyone directly when they were in an illusion.

But now that the appearance of Hongyun has awakened Qin Yutian and others from the illusion, his original plan has completely failed.

Now he can only make a desperate move and a last stand.

Gu Zongqing's body is surrounded by thousands of ways, and the fire of the law is burning on his body, and he has entered the level of a half-step world master in this one.

Although Hong Yun was the top saint, he was still a little behind the half-step world master.

Immediately, the sharp spear in his hand burst out with great light, seeming to be provocative, and as if in memory.

Gu Zongqing couldn't help but change his face when he saw the sharp spear in Hongyun's hand.

He sensed the breath of his weapon from the sharp gun in Hongyun's hand, that is, the long spear he placed on the mountain.

Accompany him to fight for tens of thousands of years.

But now he actually felt a familiar breath in the spear in the opponent's hand.

It seems that the two have swallowed and merged with each other.

Gu Zongqing looked at the Godkiller Spear that had been completely promoted to the level of the world master, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

After he killed the Taoist in red, this spear would belong to him.

And with his own black paint fusion, he may use it more smoothly, and the lotus flower will rise more quickly.

Thinking of this, Gu Zongqing couldn't help showing a smirk on his face.

After seeing the other's expression, Hong Yun couldn't help but snorted, and directly raised his gun and clicked.

In an instant, a long black dragon rose directly into the air, heading straight for Gu Zongqing on the opposite side.

This time Hongyun didn't keep his hands at all. After all, the opponent's strength was stronger than him. If he kept his hands, he would be in big trouble by then.

Qin Yutian and others below saw Hong Yun and Gu Zongqing face off.

When even trying to find a way to crack the formation here.

Perhaps because this formation has only one characteristic of restraint, that is, it restrains them here.

It is precisely because of this that their mana methods have been greatly reduced, and they are sealed in the body, unable to make any big moves.

Qin Yutian looked at Yu Qingzi who was not far away and said, "Brother Dao, can you crack this formation?"

Yu Qingzi was thinking of a countermeasure for a long time. Hearing what Qin Yutian said at the moment, he immediately said, "I still need a little time."

Now his methods have been greatly reduced, so trying to crack this formation will definitely be more laborious than before.

After all, he couldn't even use the Star Falling Disk, which could be regarded as banning 70% of his strength.

Can only use his profound knowledge of the formation to break the formation.


The long black dragon also arrived in front of Gu Zongqing, and even opened his blood basin to swallow it in.

A sneer appeared on Gu Zongqing's face, and said: "I will send you away, you should leave honestly, and then wait for the old man to find you after he recovers. Why bother to come back and die?"

As he said, he directly raised his hand against the dragon's head, making it impossible to be swallowed by this long black dragon.

Although it was knocked into the air by hundreds of feet, it was still blocked by one hand.

Seeing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but his complexion changed.

Gu Zongqing raised his hand slightly and slammed his fist on the black dragon, centering the dragon's head.

Smash the black dragon to pieces.

At this moment, Hongyun turned his hand to take out the Universe Promise Gourd, raised his hand lightly, and saw the sky full of red sand spreading from it.

Flocked to Gu Zongqing extremely fast.

He wanted to use this Universe Promise Gourd to trap Gu Zongqing, and then find time to give him a fatal blow.

But before the red yarn came to Gu Zongqing, he saw Gu Zongqing raising his finger lightly. The sky full of red yarn could not be stored in it, and it could only stop in the air.

Gu Zongqing smiled and said, "I dare to use such tricks to fool people."

Then, he said coldly: "Now, it's my turn..."

After speaking, he saw the laws around his body in the air, directly condensed into a nine-headed dragon, and each dragon head represents a law.

Roaring ferociously in the air.

Then the nine-headed dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and among the nine dragon's heads, the power of the laws contained in each of them spewed out instantly, carrying the momentum of the thundering force toward the red cloud.

Hong Yun secretly said that it was not good.

Then he raised his hand and directly condensed the Five Elements Millstone in midair to resist the torrent of the Nine Laws.

boom! ! !

As soon as they touched, the Five Elements Grinding Disc shattered a corner, and then it became more difficult to resist.

Even though the Five Elements Grinding Disc is constantly consuming the power of the torrent of the Nine Laws, it is still difficult to resist.

Seeing that the Five Elements Grinding Plate was about to smash, Hong Yun's expression changed, and he directly greeted him with the Killing Spear.

In the next moment, the Five Elements Grinding Disc was directly shattered.

And the torrent of the nine remaining laws blasted to Hong Yun's body and collided with the Killing Spear.

boom! ! !

In the midair, there was a roar again.

When the smoke disappeared, he saw Hong Yun holding a sharp gun standing in the void, looking at Gu Zongqing in the distance with cold eyes.


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