I Have a Trillion Merits

: Practical application of space law

Almost at the same time when the power of his law was released, the black mist began to change significantly.

At the same time, the red cloud besieged in the center moved.

He did not notice Gu Zongqing, but he knew that the situation before him, the more it dragged on, the more disadvantaged he would be.

Then, let's fight!

I have never been the kind of retreat!

While holding the Killing Spear tightly in his hand, he flicked the spear directly, and at the same time, a long black dragon with the meaning of swallowing roared out and rushed into the black mist that began to change.

However, only a small amount of space was emptied and it dissipated in the world, and that small gap was also supplemented by black mist in the blink of an eye.

"Hahaha, boy, don't sign in front of this seat for your clumsy tricks, but you."

A frantic laughter from the sky came from all directions covered by the black mist.

It was Gu Zongqing who thought he could do it again.

Ignoring his sarcasm and laughter, as if he had turned off his hearing, Hong Yun flicked his gun again, and the same scene as before was staged again.

Only this time when the black dragon dissipated, a five-element grinding disc composed of the five-element rule appeared there.

But it only blocked a moment, and couldn't bear the pressure to collapse, and the fragmentation disappeared.

Still not working?

The thoughts in his heart flashed in an instant, and he used other moves.

Gu Zongqing, hidden in the black fog, is extremely excited or rampant. He likes watching this kind of scenes that push his opponent to desperation a little bit.

What's more, he did it personally.

Gu Zongqing did not immediately resort to the magic tricks, using the black mist to take away the boy in red.

Instead, he uses his traction on the black mist around his body to let them approach the red cloud little by little.

He wanted to see if this kid was so strong on the surface!

On Hongyun's side, they had the same movements and the same moves, but at the moment when the five-shaped grinding disc collapsed.

A strange law flashed past, and the black dragon and the five elements grinding plate were restored intact.

But this is of no avail, and they are broken again in the blink of an eye.

This is Hong Yun's fifth move.

But Gu Zongqing, who was in the black mist, frowned after seeing this scene, and there was a bad premonition in his heart.

No, can't wait any longer.

Although the boy in red is still at a disadvantage, Gu Zongqing, who believes in instinct, doesn't want to wait any longer.

Everything is based on safety.

In his mind, he moved his hands together, his two hands moved closer in front of him, and the roots of his palms rotated relatively quickly, and then they pinched again and again.

A series of black marks showed up and quickly condensed in front of him.

It was just at this moment that the red cloud in the encircled circle flashed with cold light in his eyes, and the force of the law was flashed by a completely different law.

His figure disappeared miraculously.

After seeing this scene, Gu Zongqing, who had just prepared his spells in the dark mist, suddenly changed his original indifferent expression.

Can't help but blurt out.

"It's actually a trace of space!"

We must know that every sage, when comprehending the power of his own laws, he also yearns for two kinds of powers that are well-known in the world-the laws of space and the laws of the world!

Naturally, Gu Zongqing is no exception. He even has more time to master one of the laws for himself.

In the end it failed.

However, the harvest is sensitive to the traces of those two laws.

This is also the reason why his mind flashed badly.

Because what the kid in red did just now was a reversal of time. Although it was only a short-term disturbance, it was also a kind of time law!

This kid has mastered it!

But the things that shocked him even more were yet to come.

This kid, unexpectedly... unexpectedly... even grasped the power of space!

The moment he instinctively yelled out, his movements did not slow down at all.

He gave up the completed seal in his hand, and quickly summoned his own three defense rules with one hand.

At the same time, the other hand is always ready to counterattack.

Although all this was done very quickly, it's just that Gu Zongqing's face was no longer calm and relaxed, and even the teasing on his face disappeared.

It's all because of the power of the two well-known laws-space and time.

Just before he was ready, a spatial crack suddenly tore open where he was standing, but it was keenly avoided.

After all, it is the half-step world master, no matter how powerful the law of space is, in the half-step world master and above, they have more or less understanding of these two strange energies.

Naturally, there are also means to guard against this thing.

Can't it?

Hong Yun's body once again appeared in the encirclement.

It was just that there were a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

The seemingly casual blow just now was after he noticed a small energy fluctuation.

While the brain is running fast, it quickly locks a small area, and then uses the Five Elements Grinding Disc and the black long dragon with swallowing power to protrude.

Under the links of these moves, Gu Zongqing's position was directly discovered.

He responded extremely quickly to harvest directly a space crack, but did not take it away.

He didn't make another move, he returned to the original place without a love for war.

It's not that I don't want to run away, but I can't run away at all.

After Gu Zongqing reached the strength of the half-step world master, he had completely controlled this small secret realm and directly closed the way out.

So without his permission, no one can get out.

Unless the strength is higher than him or break the formation.

The probability of the latter is almost zero, the former, ha ha.

"Boy, you completely offended me!"

After Gu Zongqing almost avoided the crack in space, he felt the loss of his law power, even though he avoided it.

But there is still the power to rely on those three laws, and now, it seems that it can't be delayed any longer.

This time he set his mind.

Without the slightest hesitation, his fingers moved slightly in front of him, causing the black mist around him to boil.

It gradually revolves around him, and then rushes towards the red cloud in the center.

However, during this process, the black mist gradually materialized and turned into a long black dragon several hundred feet long.

It is not a dragon.

Although its horns resemble a deer, its mouth resembles a tiger, and its body resembles a snake, it may be because of the black mist, the reason for the formation of the law of "curse".

This dragon has no scales, it is a smooth body, and it has a pair of gray eyes, full of death.

His body is also surrounded by a thick black mist, which is exactly the same as the one previously displayed by Gu Zongqing.


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