He didn't worry that Hong Yun's body would be destroyed, because he had other treasures to repair his body.

However, to his surprise.

The kid just lifted his palm, releasing a breath.

Is that...the power of law?

After feeling it, he was dismissive in his heart and didn't care. The palm wind still didn't have any intention to converge, and he still rushed towards the red cloud.

However, the power of the law that did not let him care was not corroded by the law of his "curse", but directly immersed in the black mist around him.

At first, Gu Zongqing was still very scared, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement, and he saw that because of his delay, the boy ran away again.

This makes Gu Zongqing angry again.

"Boy, are you kidding me!?"

He roared, seeing that the black matter was about to condense into the clouds, when he was about to crush it, his body suddenly stiffened.

what happened! ?

Gu Zongqing was horrified to find that the strength in her body was gradually weakening.

This is more than that, what horrified him was that the Five Souls Destiny Formation ended early!

It directly reduced his strength by more than half, and then Gu Zongqing discovered that a transparent barrier appeared around him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But at this time, there is still a mysterious energy in his body that is constantly eroding his body.

Gu Zongqing had to resist the energy wholeheartedly, not daring to be distracted.

Because he is afraid that if he is negligent, he will completely fall into the realm, fall into the realm of the sage, and fall into the realm of the saint.

Because of this, a transparent light curtain slowly formed before his eyes.

Turned into a transparent cage and imprisoned it here.

At this time, Gu Zongqing didn't have enough energy to resist the temptation.

He didn't have to think of the unknown law force that had invaded the black mist around him just now.

Could it be that thing! ?


It's still careless!

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, and it is irretrievable.


After looking around, Hong Yun confirmed that he was trapped by his own mysterious power, but he was still worried.

Directly stretched his hand across in front of him.

The index and middle fingers of the right hand are used as sword fingers, and a circle is drawn in the void.

Then I saw Hong Yun pushed with his right hand, and the circle came in front of Gu Zongqing in the blink of an eye, adding a circular cage directly to the square cage.

Throughout this whole process, Hong Yun had been using the power of that mysterious law.

The figure jumped slowly and came to the outside of the two-story cage. Hong Yun looked at Gu Zongqing, who was sitting cross-legged inside the cage.

I saw black stripes on half of his face, revealing unwillingness.

But there is no other way, because he is resisting the mysterious energy in his body with all his heart and soul.

Hongyun outside felt that he could no longer receive the blessing of the formation, or that the formation had ended prematurely under the power of his own special law.

This mysterious power is powerful.

However, it can only be used as a hole card!

Because just a short while ago, the energy in the deep-rooted red cloud was directly squeezed out.

And it's extremely exhausting.

It seems to be simple when making a cage, but in fact, Hongyun had to concentrate on the use of this mysterious law energy at that time, and also control the output balance of time, space law, and five elements law.

Prevent one party from going beyond, and that would be a waste of all previous efforts.

It's also that Hongyun was lucky this time, and it was directly successful the first time I used it!

So, then, it's time to enjoy the results!

Hong Yun, who had recovered a little in his body, looked at the cage Gu Zongqing.

The latter had turned pale at this time, apparently resisting the mysterious energy extremely and became like this.

But what makes Hong Yun strange is that the mysterious energy that enters his body should be the imprisoning force that he first merged.

Yes, he named this mysterious power of law "the power of imprisonment".

And that cage-like method was called "a cage of imprisonment" by Hongyun.

Simple and clear, but also in line with Hongyun's heart.

The topic turned back.

Since it was the imprisoning power of the place where he accidentally merged at first, why is it so durable?

Could it be that this thing has other characteristics.

Hong Yun shook his head.

Without thinking about it, the most important thing right now is to refine it, take the rules, and then leave here.

Because even if it was Hongyun, he didn't know when that power would disappear.

Of course, he didn't worry that Gu Zongqing would run out of the two confinement cages with outer layers, but he would definitely have to waste his mind after refining it if he stopped resisting the energy wholeheartedly.

Not much to say, start refining!

After the red cloud settled down, he sat down cross-legged directly in the void, and then saw him take out the Universe Promise Gourd, red sand pouring out of the sky, forming a red shield in the shape of the two confinement cages.

Wrap the contents inside, naturally including Gu Zongqing.

Then I saw that the red cloud outside was another hand, and the fingers moved slightly.

A huge five-element grinding disc appeared under the sphere composed of red sand in the sky. Put the power of the Five Elements on it.

It was another hand, but this time a long black dragon flew out of the sharp gun in Hongyun's hand, hovering above the red sand ball.

Hong Yun's complexion made a smile.

Then the gesture on his hand changed. The black dragon suddenly circled a few times quickly, roared directly, and then rushed into the red sand ball.

Since the imprisoned cage was the reason for the formation of Hong Yun's own energy, he could control his other energy to directly hit the enemies inside the cage through the cage!

Another new discovery!

I have to say that this imprisoning force is really powerful!

His mind flashed in an instant, but Hong Yun's movements accelerated rapidly.

Only a few gestures flashed past him like an afterimage, and then a mark formed was pushed by Hongyun with one hand.

It penetrated into the red sand, in the cage.

Together with the black long dragon with devouring power, it impacted Gu Zongqing in the cage.


A scream resounding through the world came out from the red sand.

Then there was no sound.

Hong Yun could sensitively detect through her own devouring power that the energy in Gu Zongqing's body was being absorbed by her own devouring power.

And the power of the nine laws that belonged to Gu Zongqing was gradually being refined.

The crystallization of the law gradually appeared.

After a long time, I saw Hongyun sitting cross-legged and a sharp light flashed past his eyes, and then stretched out his hand and waved.

Qiankun Promise Gourd opened its mouth first, and the sky filled with red sand turned into a torrent and was put into the bottle.


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