I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 890: information

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Hong Yun frowned slightly, and said, "What is a lead?"

The man smiled and said: "Ren Yin is like a small one, traveling through the ancient cities, providing help to outsiders in exchange for some small rewards..."

Hearing this, a clear color appeared on the surface of the red cloud.

This is no different from the tour guides he met in his previous life.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side asked, "How much do you need to be paid?"

Lu Yuan said, "You only need one Dao seed a day!"

Yueling Rabbit frowned when he heard the words, and then said: "One Dao is a bit more expensive, but a Dao in seven days is a seed?"

Lu Yuan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and seemed quite embarrassed.

Like him, I don't know how long I have been in this ancient city. I am very accurate in seeing people. I can see the difference between outsiders and those locals at a glance.

Even some people who pass by here often can't escape his eyes.

He was sure in his heart that Hong Yun and the others were outsiders, and it was the first time to come to this star.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand, why is this rabbit’s offer so normal?

Moon Lingtu continued to speak: "If you want to do it, then take us to the information trading place. If you don't want to do it, you can leave."

When Lu Yuan heard the words, he turned his head and looked at other people who were eager to try in the crowd around him. He nodded immediately and said, "Masters, please come with me!"

After speaking, he took Hongyun and others to shuttle through the world, and came to a relatively secret place in the ancient city.

In front of everyone, a magnificent attic stands in the middle of the city.

Inscribed the three characters of "Baixiaoge".

Just listen to Lu Yuan's opening and say: "My lords! Look at the Baixiao Pavilion in front of us. The owner behind it is the ancient sage Yunyan here. He is the lord of the starry sky, powerful, even in this thousands of universes. , Can be ranked in the top 100."

Hong Yun couldn't help showing a look of surprise when he heard the words. He didn't expect the origin of Baixiao Pavilion to be so big.

I saw the Moon Spirit Rabbit secretly speaking: "Master, don't be shocked by this guy's words. The so-called saying that it ranks in the top 100 among the thousands of universes is nothing more than this universe. "

When Hong Yun heard the words, he couldn't help showing a touch of surprise, and secretly replied: "How many places did your last master rank in this universe?"

Moonling Rabbit heard the words, showing a smug look on his face, and then said: "My last master was extremely talented. Whether it is heels, aptitude, comprehension, and even combat power, it is enough to rank among the top three in this universe. ."

Hearing this, the face of Red Cloud couldn't help showing a stunned look. Although he knew that the previous owner of the Moon Spirit Rabbit was very strong, he did not expect to be so strong.

This side ranks among the top three in the universe, which is almost equivalent to an invincible existence.

But even so, it was calculated to death, who is it that secretly calculated?

It seems that after thinking of this, the Moon Spirit Rabbit's face gradually became gloomy, and then shook his head and said: "You don't need to care about this, the master still thinks about how to deal with the future road of battle."

With that said, Yueling Rabbit looked at Lu Yuan on the side and said, "I need all the information about the road to battle..."

Lu Yuan showed a smile on his face when he heard the words, and then led everyone into the Baixiao Pavilion, and said to the people inside: "Director Bai, a guest is coming, why don't you greet him soon?"

Hearing the words, Director Bai hurriedly came forward and said with a smile: "How many guests, but this is the first time to come to my Yunyan Ancient Star?"

Yueling Rabbit stepped forward and said, "I need all the information about the road to battle, I don't know what the price is?"

Hearing this, Director Bai's eyes lit up for a moment, then he calculated for a moment, and said, "I don't know which level of information on the road to battle is what several people want?"

Behind him, Hong Yun opened his mouth and said: "Information on the level of the world master and the level of the star saint!"

Hearing this, Director Bai quickly turned his head and said, "Hurry up and get what the guests need."

As he said, he turned his head, looked at Hongyun and the others again, and said: "Several guests, there are three hundred Dao seeds for information on the way of fighting for the world master level, and seven hundred for the star saint level. The Tao is the seed."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yi and the others, who followed everyone behind, showed a look of shock on their faces.

They did not know how long they traveled in the starry sky and how many people they robbed before they deposited tens of thousands of Dao Ze seeds.

You know, this is enough to be equivalent to the sum of a thousand worlds.

But these few pieces of information cost a thousand Tao Ze seeds, which is too dark!

Hong Yun looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side, and directly nodded and said, "Yes!"

Director Bai showed a smile on his face, and then took the jade Jane from the person behind him, smiled and said, "Please pay the bill first!"

Hong Yun raised his hand and took out a thousand Dao Ze seeds and gave them to Director Bai in exchange for the two jade slips in the opponent's hand.

Director Bai smiled and said, "What else do you need?"

Hong Yun and others shook their heads.

Only the latter spoke again: "If this is the case, then you can check the news in the private room, so I won't bother you."

After that, he let his subordinates lead Hongyun and others to the elegant room in Baixiao Pavilion.

Lu Yuan on the side watched as he took out a thousand Dao Ze seeds, without blinking red clouds, he couldn't help but rub his hands, and said in his heart: It seems that this is still a big customer.

In the elegant room.

Hong Yun carefully probed the information contained in the two jade slips in his hand.

The information contained in these two pieces of jade slips is actually not much. In addition to the specific rules of the road of battle, there are some powerful information that is more famous for participating in the road of battle.

And the powerful information and cases that have participated in the battle for the front.

I have to say that in Hongyun's eyes, these thousand moral seeds are not unjustly spent.

Now Yunyan Guxing where they are located is only one teleportation array away from the road to battle.

Just on the edge of Yunyan Ancient Star, there is a teleportation array that directly charges towards the location of the road of war.

It's just that this teleportation formation is a bit expensive, and each teleportation requires a hundred Dao Ze seeds.

After investigating all the requirements of the road to battle, Hong Yun frowned slightly, and began to make careful calculations in his heart.

What he needs to participate in this time is the road of battle for the master level, and when he reaches the end of the road, the opportunity he has obtained is still unknown.

For some reason, the road to the battle this time is unknown in the jade slips, especially the chances obtained behind it are unknown, completely different from the past.

The only change...that is, you can lead your servants on the road of fighting together.

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