I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 898: Get used to it after a long time

On the treasure ship.

Hong Yun turned his head to look at the Moon Spirit Rabbit on the side, and now the monks in the distance are almost breaking through the blockade of the Five Elements Millstone.

If everyone was allowed to escape, his previous thoughts that he wanted to complete his work would be completely frustrated.

I am afraid that there will be even more fierce attacks from the other side!

After all, there is no weak person who can embark on the road of fighting.

If these people seized the opportunity, then it would be really troublesome.

After a while, I saw that the law in Moonling Rabbit's hand gradually took shape, slowly condensing into a huge cage on the road to battle.

The monks who were trapped in the Five Elements Grinding Wheel in the distance also observed the situation on the treasure ship at this moment, and they cursed secretly in their hearts.

They can see that if the dead rabbit is really allowed to take action, I am afraid that they and others will really be left in this huge magical power.

As the magical powers slowly closed, one by one would be completely wiped out and shattered.

Everyone scolded in their hearts, and immediately shot with all their strength, wanting to directly break the blockade of the Five Elements Grinding Plate and escape.

But in the next moment, the cage in Yueling Rabbit's hand was instantly formed, and as Yue Ling Rabbit raised his hand and patted it lightly, the huge cage flew out in an instant.

Then they galloped towards the monks who were suppressed under the Five Elements Millstone in the distance.

In just the blink of an eye, they have gathered around the outer layer of the Five Elements Millstone, turning into a natural barrier that seems to exist, blocking everyone in it.

Seeing this, Hongyun couldn't help but brighten up, and said "Okay".

Then he slapped the red gourd on his waist, and in an instant, the red sand in the sky flew out and rushed into the five elements grinding disc, and began to consume the spirits and mana of the monks.

Today's Universe Promise Gourd is no longer what it used to be. After Hongyun has been conceived for so long, it is a magic weapon with a rank far beyond the level of an ordinary saint, and can even be said to be comparable to the sharp spear in his hand.

I saw the endless red sand in the center of the five-element grinding plate, constantly scouring all the monks in the field, and it was constantly killing the spirits and bodies of these monks, including the mana in their bodies slowly stagnating.

Just let them want to take another shot, forcibly breaking the blockade of the Five Elements Grinding Disk, but they can't do anything.

A group of people desperately watched the five-element grinding disc above it slowly fall, and there were also grinding discs under everyone's feet, dragging everyone up, and then quickly closing it.

In the constant rotation and obliteration of the flesh and life of everyone in the field, even the endless red sand in the field, are constantly obliterating everyone's hope.

After the Five Elements Grinding Disc, a group of practitioners who came from the back saw the situation ahead, their complexion changed involuntarily.

It was the first time they saw such a ruthless person, and wanted to directly kill more than a dozen world lord peaks.

Is it possible that Chengdu is such a ruthless person on the current road to battle?

Qin Wuzheng, who was driving the treasure ship in the front, suddenly turned his head and looked over. After seeing the situation behind, he couldn't help grinning.

Although he believed in the vision of Old Sage Yunyan, he never thought that Hongyun could be so powerful.

He even wanted to kill dozens of world master peaks in one blow, and these supernatural powers seemed to have the embryonic form of a starry saint.

Seeing that everyone is about to die tragically under these five elements millstones.

Qin Wuzheng suddenly said: "Friends of Taoism, I will all go to explore the new world in the future, and we need some cannon fodder..."

Hearing this, Hong Yun nodded slightly, and then said to the practitioners who were trapped in the five elements in the distance: "Hand over the seed of the soul, and serve me as the master, and you can live for the time being!"

When everyone heard the words, their complexions changed.

How could it be an ordinary person who can reach the pinnacle level of the world master and embark on the road of fighting for the front.

This kind of existence naturally has arrogance in my heart, so how can I be willing to be the servant of others?

Someone opened his mouth and said, "Asshole! You kill if you want, why do you insult me ​​so much."

As soon as he said this, Hong Yun narrowed his eyes, then raised his hand and shook it lightly in the air.

I saw the person who had spoken before in the five-star millstone exploded in an instant, the flesh and soul were nearly shattered, and endless mana rushed out, all used to make up for the damage before the five-element millstone.

And the storage space that this person possessed was directly included in Hongyun's bag.

When the others saw this, their expressions changed.

Then he hurriedly said, "Please stop, fellow Daoist, I am willing to hand over the seed of the soul, and serve as the Lord Daoist."

People who can cultivate to such a realm are not fools.

They naturally knew that Hong Yun left their lives at this moment to serve as cannon fodder in the new world at the end of the road to battle.

But if they don't agree now, I am afraid that they will not have a turn to go to the new world, and they will completely die under the five elements grinding wheel.

Someone spoke the first sentence, and the few others hurriedly spoke at the same time, for fear that Hongyun would make this magical power completely shut down and kill everyone here.

All the cultivators in the Five Elements Grinding Table immediately offered their Divine Soul Seeds, which were directly accepted by Hongyun.

After Hong Yun accepted these Divine Soul Seeds, he raised his hand lightly and saw the Five Elements Grinding Disc completely disappeared from the field.

At this time, the people breathed a sigh of relief.

Upon seeing this, Qin Wuzheng directly let go of the barrier on the treasure ship, allowing everyone to enter it.

When everyone looked at the red cloud in front of them, they couldn't help but sighed inwardly, and then they said respectfully at the same time: "I'm waiting to see the master!"

Behind Hong Yun, Zhuo Yi, Zhuo Er, and Zhuo San also changed their complexions. Although they knew that Hong Yun was very strong, otherwise they would not fall into Hong Yun's hands.

But several people did not expect that Hong Yun's strength has exceeded their expectations.

If it weren't for Hong Yun that he didn't directly kill them, if these dozens of world masters were the pinnacles, they would have thought that Hong Yun had already become a saint in the stars.

Seeing that there were more than a dozen world master peaks on the treasure ship, the cultivators in front of them changed their expressions at this moment.

They shot before because they saw that there were only a few people on the treasure ship, and they and others were in front, even if they shot the opponent, they could only passively resist.

But now it's different. There are more than a dozen world master peaks on the other side's treasure ship.

If they want to make a move anymore, maybe the other party will make a direct move and stop everyone on this road of contention. At that time, it would be really troublesome.

Seeing this, Qin Wuzheng was also relieved, and then smiled: "It seems that there are more of these people, but it saves us a lot of trouble."

Hong Yun also nodded slightly.

And those cultivators who had been forcibly collected the seeds of the soul, bowed their heads one by one at this moment, not knowing what they were thinking.

Qin Yuan said sympathetically: "Relax, wait until the time is longer, you will get used to it, after all, this is how I came here."

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