I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 935: return

The Bone Giant also seemed to perceive the danger coming, and screamed and kept backing away.

But now his body has long been constrained, and he has no time to retreat to other places. He can only watch the huge grinding disc above his head fall and rise with the grinding disc below.

Then began to close slowly, and the power of the law of horror reverberated in it, as if to tear everything apart.

Xuanyuantai and the others also showed a touch of joy, and then said: "Quickly, take advantage of his illness, kill him, and solve it completely now."

In an instant, countless monks started to use their strongest supernatural powers and headed towards the bone giant.

Several cracks were faintly drawn in the bones of the giant white bones.

Then he was completely submerged in the Five Elements Grinding Disc. The aura of the laws burst instantly.

Sensing the situation within the Five Elements Grinding Pan, Hong Yun retracted the long sword not far away, and then, holding the sharp gun, staring at the front warily.

Moon Spirit Rabbit came to the front and said suspiciously: "That guy shouldn't be able to solve it so easily..."

Qin Yuan who was beside him shuddered when he heard the words.

Saint Qingluan also came to Hong Yun's side at this moment, looking at Hong Yun with some fear, the power of this magical power was far beyond her imagination.

This was enough to kill an ancient sage's existence, not to mention her little guy who had just stepped into the ancient sage.

Just when so many cultivators looked at the mess in front of them, they were completely relieved.

Only in the endless chaotic law, a huge figure rushed out from it, rushing towards the red cloud.

The mouth is constantly roaring: "Your inheritance makes me feel familiar, what happened back then, was it your work..."

A look of doubt flashed in Hong Yun's eyes, looking at the bone giant who was on the verge of breaking before him, he raised the Gunslinger and greeted him.

The spear penetrated the bone giant's head, and then completely plundered the soul fire in his head.

The scary bones in front of them instantly turned into dust and dissipated on the road to battle.

And as the bone giant died, countless white powder drifted.

The black mist on both sides of the road to fight for battle retreated backwards at a speed visible to the naked eye, retreating a full tens of centimeters.

There was a sense of shock in everyone's hearts.

They stared at Hongyun with scorching eyes, and they knew the meaning of the bone giant's soul fire in their hearts.

If nothing unexpected happens, there is extremely terrifying information in the soul of the white bone giant, for them, it is a great opportunity.

If you can plunder it, and cooperate with the forces behind yourself, it will be enough to make yourself go further.

Just when everyone was ready to move.

I saw within the black fog around, a sound of sound came.

Hong Yun turned his head and looked, only to see that in the black fog, the bones that were originally wrapped in the formation had forcibly broken through the shackles of the formation and came towards the direction of the battle.

When everyone saw this, they were all shattered.

A small bone giant caused them heavy losses. If these bone giants walked out of the black mist, they would probably all die here.

One by one, panicked, they rushed toward the intersection.

Seeing this, the Moon Spirit Rabbit couldn't help but sneered, and then said: "They are all guilty and courageous goods..."

A smile appeared in Hong Yun's eyes.

Originally, he thought he had to go through a great battle to leave the road of battle, but he didn't expect this group of people to be so courageous.

Being frightened by a group of white bones who have not yet come out of the black mist.

Saint Qingluan was still eager to try, and wanted to use these people to weigh the red clouds. I didn't expect these people to be so unpromising, and they would escape directly like this. It was really a bunch of rubbish.

Everyone followed and left in the direction of the intersection.

Along the way, there weren't countless fights like before, on the contrary, it became more peaceful.

When they came to the starry sky, everyone was separated on each planet. Seeing that everyone's eyes were about to converge again, Hong Yun and the others took the lead to leave.

In an instant, everyone lost their goal.

Although Hong Yun has now stepped into the ancient sage level, the guardians who came to meet those saint sons or saint women are also at the ancient sage level, with dozens of people.

With Hongyun's current strength, if he were to face this group of people at the same time, he would still be incapable of it.

Just in case, it's better to take a step first.

And on a savage planet, the guardian of the Qingluan saint saw the saint Qingluan who had broken through and stepped into the ancient sage level, and said with some surprises: "I didn't expect your chance to be so terrifying this time. Stepping directly into the level of the ancient sage, I am afraid no one will call you the shame of the sage Qingluan in the future..."

Saint Qingluan pouted her mouth, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Aunt Liu, why do you even say that people are the shame of Saint Qingluan!"

Aunt Liu chuckled twice, and then found a start to change the topic.

And the servants behind the two wanted to laugh at this moment but didn't dare to laugh.

After all, the name Qingluan Saintess had already spread throughout the heavens and all realms, and those holy places or families with a little better news knew the origin of this name.

Therefore, one by one only regards the Qingluan saint as a tool for marriage.

But no one had thought that after the Saintess of Qingluan returned from the battle for battle, she would directly step into the level of the ancient sage.

It is really surprising!

Hong Yun and the others also appeared on the planet of Old Sage Yunyan again, looking at everything that was quite familiar before them, everyone deduced it for a while, but found that thousands of years have passed by now.

And the ancient sage Yunyan has also stepped on another path. For thousands of years, according to previous deductions, I am afraid that the ancient sage Yunyan will return during this time.

The premise is if she can live.

Hong Yun sat in a restaurant, smiled and said: "If this is the case, then don't care about this time. When the intersection opens, see if the ancient sage Yunyan can return. That's fine (liao , Le) the cause and effect."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

After all, they had inherited a lot of affection from the ancient sage Yunyan before, and since the previous things are now well-known, they must stay here and wait for the return of the ancient sage Yunyan.

And during this period of time, all the monks with faces and faces on this ancient star began to discuss in secret, discussing whether the ancient sage Yunyan could successfully step into the realm of the master of the starry sky.

After all, she has stayed at the level of the ancient sage and has no idea how many epochs. Among them, she has repeatedly given up the hope of advancement in order to find her younger brother.

After thinking about the cause and effect, everyone only felt that the hope of Yunyan Ancient Sage's advancement was a bit slim.


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