Chapter 1000: Falling Sun Magical Ability!

“Everyone, you guys have seen it too!”

Perceiving that the other demon emperors are a little jealous, the golden pupil demon emperor hurriedly said: “The giant spirit demon emperor is already dead!

If we don’t use all our true strengths, we will face Su Zhan with a desperate battle.

We will also be in danger!

And if we all put out all our strengths, how long do you think Su Zhan, who can only barely support it, can hold it? ! ”

“What the Golden Eye Demon Emperor said!”

“Is it possible that our entire Demon Realm can still be stopped by a Five Tribulations Deva!”

“Work together and kill him!”

All the Demon Emperor and the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon showed their killing intent and attacked Su Zhan!

This time the attack was much more violent than before!

Su Zhan retreated for dozens of miles, and there were also some scars on his body.

It’s just fleshy.

“Desperately…Let’s see, which one of us lives harder!”

Taking a deep breath, Su Zhan rushed to a group of powerful demons again!

Although there was one less Demon Emperor, he was more difficult than before because those strong men no longer kept their hands.

Therefore, he also gave up the defensive style of play.

But from time to time, seize the opportunity to slash against the enemy.

Injury for injury!

Because his defense is stronger than those of the Devil Emperor, coupled with a strong physique and strong resilience.

Every injury is a big profit.

But no matter how much you earn.

Can’t stand the other party too many people.

A few hours later.

Su Zhan’s shirt was soaked in blood.

With his own, more are those of the demons.

Of course, he also took the opportunity to kill two Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon, and seriously injured a Demon Emperor!


The battle between Su Zhan and the top powerhouses of the Demon World was spread.

The peaks were razed to the ground!

Rivers, lakes, completely evaporated!

Space rifts and space storms appeared in the sky!


A wild mountain range that stretches for more than ten thousand miles.

Was directly flattened!

To the south of the Taijin Demon Territory, more than one hundred thousand miles, fragmented!

Not just the surface.

But huge cracks have appeared in the entire continental plate!

In that fissure, the tsunami rushed and the volcano erupted!

It’s like the end is coming!

This was because Su Zhan had been fighting head-on with the Ten Great Devil Emperors, and hadn’t dragged too long distances.

Otherwise, this affected area may be expanded tenfold!

This battle, if placed in the Eastern Wasteland domain.

Regardless of the final result.

The Eastern Wasteland will be torn apart and even sink into the endless sea!

This is also the most important reason why Su Zhan insists on leaving the battlefield in the Demon Realm.

The Eastern Wasteland domain is just a small domain.

It is simply impossible to withstand the destruction of the Ten Great Demon Emperors, the twenty-three Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon!


Su Zhan’s body fell to the ground, breaking the bed of a river directly!

The terrifying energy contained in him caused the river water hundreds of meters around him to evaporate instantly!

Lightning flashed in his body, Su Zhan dodged the attack from the sky, retreated ten miles away, and looked at the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon.

Played for a whole day.

He was bloodied and his hair was unruly.

And among the top ten devil emperors.

He also killed the weakest monster emperor, as well as the ghost emperor who was good at soul attacks and low defense.

In addition, five Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon were killed!

The remaining people were also scarred and weakened.

Even many demon emperors, Heavenly Demon of the Nine Tribulations, have been seriously injured!

“We can’t win!”

The one who drove Su Zan down to the riverbed and wanted to chase down the Sirius Demon Emperor who had been evaded by Su Zhan looked at Su Zhan, although he looked embarrassed with blood, but there was no real critical injury at all, and he even got worse. Spirit up.

He was a little desperate, and said: “This is a monster!

He is a monster!

How can we fight! ! ! ”

Heard this.

The rest of the Nine Tribulations Demon Emperor, Heavenly Demon, was also silent.

Five Tribulations Cultivation Base.

The attack power is comparable to the top Devil Emperor!

Defensive power exceeds the Nine Tribulations Devil Emperor!

As for endurance… almost unlimited!

Isn’t this a monster?

Can this f*ck really be Deva of the Five Tribulations?

Is there such a perverted Five Tribulations Deva? ? ?

The hearts of a group of powerful demons were about to collapse, and they all stopped their attacks.

One by one hesitated, it was obvious that they had retired.

Seeing that the combined army of powerful demons that he had organized with great difficulty was on the verge of disintegration, the Demon Emperor Golden Eye was unwilling to say: “Everyone!

Na Su Zhan is the end of the crossbow!

Let’s insist on—”

“Golden Eye Demon Emperor!”

Before the Golden Eye Demon Emperor finished speaking, a demon emperor could not bear to say: “You have been saying persistence, it’s been a day!

We were all wounded, two Demon Emperors and five Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon were all compensated!

But look at that surname Su!

Does he seem to be going to die soon? ! ”

“that is!”

A Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon also echoed: “That guy is a monster at all, and coupled with the power of the jade plate in his hand, our attacks have been weakened, and they are not enough to pose a fatal threat to him!

And he can refine those Medicine Pills at an extremely fast speed. If we continue to fight, we will probably be defeated! ”

“We can’t beat it, we can’t beat it!”

“Why don’t you let it go! Fight another day!”

“To be honest, even though I am the Heavenly Demon of the Nine Tribulations, I feel that my attack will not hurt that guy at all!”

“and many more!”

Seeing the army’s distraction, the Golden Eye Demon Emperor gritted his teeth and said: “I still have a secret technique. Even if I can’t kill Su Zhan, I can definitely damage him!

At that time, you will go together and behead this person!

How can my army of demons be blocked by a human race! ! ! ”


The Devil Emperor Jin pupil suddenly burst into the sky!

Coming to the 10,000-meter-high sky!

Golden lights shot out from his body!

Form a huge golden ball of light!

Hanging from the sky like a sun!

The next moment!

That huge sun slammed down towards Su Zhan’s area!

It is still several kilometers away from Su Zhan.

The river water around him evaporates at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Immediately afterwards.

The ground is scorched!

After that, the space was burnt and melted, producing distortions visible to the naked eye!

Feel the terrifying energy contained in that sun.

Su Zhan took a deep breath, knowing that this would be the strongest attack he faced in this battle. The Dahi Star Sword, which was already stained with his blood, tightened even more.

“Master, are we… are we dealing with a demon emperor?”

The sword spirit Su Star, who had been sleeping since he was injured last time, woke up and asked a little excitedly.

“Not one.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “It’s ten, kill them, we can go home for our birthday.”

As soon as the voice fell, Su Zhan’s body suddenly burst out!

Take the initiative to rush towards that sun!

See this scene.

Those Demon Emperors who had been desperate and wanted to retreat before, Heavenly Demon of Nine Tribulations had their eyes bright.

“It’s the magical power of the Falling Sun!”

“That is the strongest secret technique of the Golden Eye Demon Race, and one of the strongest magical powers of the Demon Realm!”

“It is said that every time he uses the magical power of the Falling Sun, the Golden Eye Devil Emperor consumes one third of the remaining lifespan. If it is used more than three times, the body and soul will collapse together!

Directly die! ”

“Even this life-saving supernatural power is actually used, the Golden Eye Devil Emperor is really desperate!”

“Golden Eye Devil Emperor, originally the strongest of the top ten devil emperors!

Now using the magical powers of the Falling Sun, the power is so great that it is unimaginable! ”

“When Na Su Zhan is hit hard by the Golden Eye Demon Emperor, we will take the opportunity to kill him and raise my power of the Demon Race!”

Voices sounded one after another.

In the eyes of those Demon Emperors, Heavenly Demon of the Nine Tribulations.

The sun that emits endless light and heat!

Crashed down!

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