Chapter 1002: Slaying Immortals? God of War! (Large Chapter)

When the army of 100,000 demons knelt down, the ground in this area trembled!

Su Zhan’s gaze swept over the demon army that was not a threat to him, and then he turned his gaze on the demon emperor who was seriously injured and fleeing, Heavenly Demon.

at this time.

Those Demon Emperors, Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon also discovered that the Heavenly Wolf Demon Emperor was beheaded by Su Zhan, one by one was so scared that they stimulated their life potential, and desperately fled!

Seeing this, Su Zhan did not continue to chase after him.

It wasn’t that he suddenly showed compassion and wanted to let go of those demon emperors, Heavenly Demon of the Nine Tribulations.

It’s just that I can’t catch up.

Moreover, his internal injuries need to be recuperated.

If it continues, it will get worse.


Just get through this time and wait for him to break into the supreme.

With the Heavenly Dao jade plate in hand, plus the Supreme Cultivation Base, these devil emperors in the devil world are actually nothing.

Just as Su Zhan was thinking about this, he suddenly sensed something, turned his head, and looked at Yun Luo who was walking towards him.

“Su Zhan, this is all the treasures of the Darkclaw Devil Emperor.”

Yun Luo threw out a storage bag.

That storage bag was suspended in front of Su Zhan.

But Su Zhan didn’t take it right away. Instead, he opened his mouth and said, “Yun Luo, you don’t run for your life because you think I’m seriously injured right now, and you want to take the opportunity to attack and kill me?”

Heard this.

Yun Luo smiled bitterly and said, “Don’t be kidding, the top ten demon emperors, twenty-three heavenly demon, the pinnacle power of the entire demon world, can’t kill you.

No matter how arrogant I am, I will never think that I can kill you! ”

“Then why are you not running away?”

“The reason why I don’t escape…”

Yun Luo took a deep breath, then suddenly knelt down towards Su Zhan on one knee, and said sincerely, “Because, I want to apologize to you!

Although, I was intimidated by the other nine devil emperors and had to take action.

But the moment I shot, I did have the idea of ​​killing you.

I do not deny this! ”


Su Zhan raised his brows and said, “Okay!

Then you commit suicide and apologize! ”

Suicide apologize!

The Yunluo Devil Emperor’s pupils shrank, and it could be seen that Su Zhan didn’t change his words at all. He gritted his teeth, flipped his palm, and took out a sword: “Okay, today, I will wash my sins with my life!”

As he said, he directly wiped a sword on his neck.

Jianfeng cut open the skin, and red blood flowed out.

He just maintained the movement of wiping his neck for a few seconds.

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

Su Zhancai said: “With your strength, even if the magic element is exhausted, you can easily cut your large arteries and many blood vessels with the power of your physical body.

Don’t you want to apologize with death?

Do it! ”


Yun Luo’s mouth twitched.

He originally thought that Su Zhan would stop him as soon as he acted.

After all, it can be regarded as some friendship.

But he never expected that Su Zhan really looked at him coldly.

Now he was embarrassed.

“Don’t lie.”

Su Zhan shook his head, and said, “After tens of thousands of years of death, I have to come back to life again. For my own benefit, I can do whatever it takes. Yunluo, people like you will commit suicide?

I know what you are thinking.

You think I’m a good liar, and you want to lie to me and let you go.

However, this time you cannot succeed.

The ten great devil emperors of the Devil Realm, the death to death, the severe injury, and only you are unscathed.

Besides, you are different from those Devil Emperors.

They may be pure and vicious, but your viciousness is very complicated.

For the spirit world human race, you are more dangerous than those devil emperors!

Therefore, I will not miss this sword. ”

With that, Su Zhan’s Da Ri Star sword lit up with starlight.

Yun Luo’s face was pale, and he smiled miserably.

Calculate and calculate.

But I didn’t expect that in the end, it would end up dead.

Su Zhan this guy…

It’s really unpredictable!

However, it doesn’t matter.

Su Zhan is bound to overwhelm the spirit and the demon world. He can’t be the co-master of the two worlds in his dreams.

It’s not ashamed to die under such a reverse Deva sword!

Thinking of this in his heart, Yun Luo took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly.

It didn’t mean to resist.

Because he knew that resistance would have no meaning except that it would be more uglier to die.

Instead, he was feeling.

Feeling the moment the sword ran across his neck, the feeling of life and death separated.

His eyes fell on Yun Luo who was quietly waiting to die.

Su Zhan paused, picked up the storage bag of the Darkclaw Devil Emperor with his left hand, and cut it out with a sword with his right hand!


Sword Ray flashed.

Yun Luo felt a sharp pain in his left hand.

But he didn’t realize it, opened his eyes filled with confusion, took a look at his severed left arm, and then looked forward.

Finding that Su Zhan had disappeared, he quickly turned around and looked at the bloody, messy hair, holding a sword, not like an immortal, but a back figure slowly leaving like God of War.

“Yun Luo, the favor I owed you before was completely wiped out after this sword.

Take good care of Toothless, I will come to the Demon World to see her again.

In addition, you don’t unite the Demon Realm, I don’t care.

However, if you continue to conquer the spirit world human race next time, I will personally come to the devil world to kill you.

Also, what you said to me before, I will give you the answer now.

In my eyes, it has never been worth or unworthy, as long as I am willing, I will do it.

You, do it for yourself! ”

Su Zhan’s voice fell.

Yun Luo stared blankly at the figure that was drifting away.

“If you want… just do it.

Because I am willing, I can disregard the danger of death and force myself to resist the power of the entire demon world!

Su Zhan.

There is you in the spirit world and you in the human race. In this life, I will never have the idea of ​​conquering the spirit world again.

Because, it’s no different from looking for death…”

The Devil Emperor Yunluo murmured, and he did not have a bloody broken arm, but bowed deeply to Su Zhan’s back.

If you say before.

He was just afraid and scared because of Su Zhan’s strength.


He was completely convinced.

High above, there is nothing wrong with the banished immortal in white clothes like snow.

He was bloodied to fight against the God of War in the entire demon world for his homeland to make him respect!

Watching Su Zhan leave until Su Zhan disappeared completely.

Yun Luo also stopped the blood, his eyes swept towards the army of one hundred thousand demons.

Begin to think about various methods of recapture, and strive to seize the great opportunity of this great upheaval in the demon world and become the number one demon emperor in the demon world again!

It’s been a long time.

Crossed dry rivers and fragmented continental plates.

Su Zhan finally returned to that huge spatial passage.

“Master! We really overturned the entire demon world this time!”

Su Star was extremely excited: “The two of us are really too strong!”


Su Zhan glanced at the blood-stained clothes, and shook his head: “It is precisely because I am still weak now that I go back in such embarrassment.

If I am really strong, I should punch a demon emperor instead of being so difficult! ”

A devil with one punch?

Master, what kind of cat and dog are you when you are the emperor?

That’s really the strongest person in the entire Demon Realm!

One punch…that’s what you said!

Su Star felt slanderous in his heart. Just about to refute, he felt an irresistible force flooding in, and hurriedly shouted, “Master, don’t!

Let me play again! ”

Su Zhan ignored Su Star at all, and directly turned it into a little bit of starlight and entered the Purple Mansion.

Immediately, he raised his head and looked at the entrance of that huge space passage. He remembered something, and felt a little for a while.

The ninth day of March.

It happens to be my birthday.

The eighteenth birthday is a very important thing for me.

Speaking of which, if the demons were to rush into the spirit world for a while, the Eastern Wasteland domain would probably be gone!

Where will my eighteenth birthday party be held?


If the birthday party is such an important thing, if it is destroyed, I am afraid that my mood will not get better for a long time.

If you are in a bad mood, your cultivation will be slow.

Cultivation is slow, and the chance of falling directly in danger is even higher!

so close!

Fortunately, I killed a part of those Demon Emperors, Heavenly Demon of the Nine Tribulations, and scared them back!

Otherwise, it will inevitably be extremely severely affected!

it’s good now.

It’s time to return to the spirit world to hold a birthday party.

Then I will formulate my rules so that the messy things in the spirit world should not be beaten every day.

Complete the small goal I set at the beginning.

And then……

You can fall in love with Su Zhaoyue and travel!


Wouldn’t it be nice to take her alone?

Will Tang Liuxue have any opinions?

But if even Tang Liuxue was brought along, would Ye Qingyu also have opinions?

By the way, there is a mermaid…

What a headache!

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan held his forehead, exhaled a sullen breath, smiled slightly, and walked towards the super space passage leading to the spiritual world.

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