Chapter 1006 Beixuan God Realm, True God Xu Zhu! (Fourth)

This statement came out.

Li Chunshan was stunned immediately.

Not just him, the Emperor Zhongzhou, Yang Yin, Cui Tianshu… the Martial Dao myths, and the Deva of the Eight Tribulations.

They are all directly confused!

One by one was dumbfounded, their brains buzzing and blank!

Extremely severe injuries…can heal in ten days and a half?

Can this be called “extremely disastrous”?

Do you have a misunderstanding of the extremely miserable four words? !

The strong are depressed.

The Great Emperor Zhongzhou said, “Su Zhan, it wasn’t me who said that you can get better in ten days and a half month, but can your injury be called severe?”

“Isn’t it serious?”

Su Zhan said in amazement: “The worst injury I’ve suffered before will be almost healed after about three days.

This time the severity of the injury was five times that of the worst injury I had before!

Five times!

Isn’t it terrible?

Then tell me, what is miserable? ”


The Great Emperor Zhongzhou was stunned, and opened his mouth, unable to say a word.

It’s not just him.

The other Martial Dao myths are all dumbfounded.


Thinking of their cultivation, they would cultivate for a year or a half if they were injured. Sometimes the injuries were a little more serious, and it would take years or even decades to cultivate!

And Su Zhan this guy.

Deva has already suffered five calamities, and he has suffered the most serious injury before, and he will be healed in only three days!

It can get better in three days… Then what can be called an injury?

That’s it.

Maybe it was because Su Zhan had good luck before.

But this time, Su Zhan faced the Ten Great Demon Emperors, twenty-three Heavenly Demons, one hundred thousand elite demon races, and the peak combat power of the entire demon world!

Slash three demon emperors, and one person repels the demon alliance forces!

In this way, the injuries suffered can be healed in only ten and a half months!

That’s the Devil Emperor!

Even their Martial Dao myths, who have desperately cultivated to the Nine Tribulations, are not necessarily the opponents of the Devil Emperor!

But Su Zhan defeated the Ten Great Devil Emperors just by paying such a small price!

This is so special!

Everyone is a human race, why is there such a big gap? ? ?

A strong human race feels that his chest is congested and feels very uncomfortable.

Seeing them look like they were constipated, although Su Zhan was a little surprised, he didn’t continue to say more.

Sheng Yuan surged, his body flashed, and he shot directly into the sea underwater.

Operate the law of water attributes, spur the sea water to wash away all the blood on his body!

If it weren’t for the 50,000-mile sea beast, it would have been dispelled long ago.

With the washed blood on his body, he can make those sea beasts go crazy!

After all, among them, there is a lot of Devil Emperor’s blood!

After scrubbing clean, Su Zhan directly opened up an avoidance area on the seabed and took out a new set of clothes to put on.

He was in the Demon Realm just now, he was anxious to come back, and didn’t pay attention to these things at all.

It’s time to go back to celebrate my birthday now.

Of course it must be tidy.

Soon, everything was cleaned up.

Su Zhan came out of the sea, took a look at the Martial Dao mythology, Deva of the Eight Tribulations, and thought for a while: “Since it’s here, let’s join my birthday banquet today!”

“Su Zhan, is it really your birthday today?”

Li Chunshan asked.


Su Zhan said much lazily, heading directly towards the Eastern Wasteland domain.

And Cui Tianshu also quickly lifted the formation barriers, allowing Su Zhan to leave unimpeded.

“Although Su Zhan has defeated the Allied Forces of the Demon Realm, this space channel cannot be left alone.”

“In this way, we will leave some people here, guard them here, and report any changes to us!”

“First go to Su Zhan’s birthday banquet, and then carefully discuss how to defend this area.”

A group of Martial Dao mythology exchanged a few words, leaving some Eight Tribulations Deva to guard this technique, and with the remaining Eight Tribulations Deva, they followed Su Zhan’s figure.

Just when Su Zhan was heading towards Xuantian Sacred Land.

Spirit world.

Beixuan God Realm.

Inside the Heavenly Dao clan.

A middle-aged man whose Cultivation Base reached the Six Tribulations Deva hurriedly rushed into the Great Hall of Heavenly Dao Sect Leader Peak holding a jade plate filled with emerald green liquid in his hand.


When he came to the center of the huge Great Hall, the middle-aged man knelt down on his knees, handed out the jade plate, and said in surprise: “Heavenly Dao jade plate!

The Heavenly Dao jade plate has reacted! ”


A few miles away, the white-haired old man who was sitting on a mysterious Taoist platform with his eyes closed, heard this, his eyes suddenly opened, his eyes burst with light, and he looked at the jade plate.

His eyes fell into the liquid of the jade plate, feeling the subtle light shining in that liquid.

He also showed a pleasant surprise.

After thinking for a while, the white-haired old man flipped his palm, took out a token, and said: “Junior Brother Xu Zhu, the Heavenly Dao jade plate has appeared again, come to the main peak Great Hall!”

After speaking, the white-haired old man stretched out his hand, took the jade plate containing the liquid into his hand, and waved his hand to make the six-kata Deva retreat.

His eyes flashed, and he carefully checked the rune rays of light on this jade plate.

It seems to be judging something general.

About half an hour passed.

A young man with a feminine face walked into the Great Hall: “Brother head, Heavenly Dao jade plate, is there really whereabouts?”

“Watch it for yourself!”

The white-haired old man flicked his fingers and flicked the jade plate containing the emerald green liquid at the young man.

The young man Xu Zhu took the jade plate, his eyes flashed, and after watching for ten seconds, he said with surprise on his face: “Sure enough, the Heavenly Dao jade plate is re-integrated!

However, where the Heavenly Dao jade plate is located…

It seems quite far away! ”

“It should be a small interface that has not yet established a passage to the gods. It doesn’t matter. With the power of this pseudo-disk, in some time, the exact spatial node position of the Heavenly Dao jade disk will naturally be revealed. ”

The white-haired old man said: “At that time, we can go there and retrieve the Heavenly Dao jade plate by opening a temporary connection to that interface!”

“Heavenly Dao jade plate, is it finally returning to our Heavenly Dao sect?!”

Xu Zhu was a little excited, and clenched his fists with both hands slightly.

Our Heavenly Dao sect has been declining continuously.

From the Great Thousand God Realm, I have retreated to Beixuan God Realm!

From a super big sect to a force with only two true gods today!

After so many years, he has been humiliated and almost wiped out the sect!


God has eyes, let us find the Heavenly Dao jade plate again!

As long as the Heavenly Dao jade plate returns, at most a million years, our Heavenly Dao sect will definitely be able to return to the realm of the Great Thousand Gods!

Hahaha! ”

“Xu Zhu, the Heavenly Dao jade plate is very important. I should have visited it myself.”

The head of Heavenly Dao sect reluctantly said: “But I have recently faintly realized the opportunity of breaking through to the late stage of the true god, so I can only let you go.”

“Don’t worry, Senior Brother!”

Xu Zhu laughed: “Although my Cultivation Base is not as good as you, my senior brother, I am also a true god.

Those nether ants, I can kill countless ants in one breath! ”


The head of Heavenly Dao Zong nodded, flipped his palm, and took out a large bow that was full of purple and gold, saying: “But although you are a true god, you will be suppressed by the power of the interface when you enter the lower realm.

You can’t be careless.

This purple sun bow is a Divine Armament, and it is also one of the few treasures that I have taken out. I will give it to you for the time being.

Wait for you to successfully bring the Heavenly Dao jade plate back to Sect.

This Divine Armament is completely yours! ”

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