Chapter 103 Dragon Veins!

Not as strong as I thought?

Looking at the entire Tiannan, I am afraid that no one would dare to fight this Mo Jiao, right?

This is not strong, but what is it to be strong?

Su Zhaoyue just wanted to refute, but when she thought that Su Zhan would kill Mo Jiao, apart from scrapping a dragon-print armor, she didn’t suffer any injuries at all.

The retort was suddenly held back.


If you say that you are not strong, you are not strong. You have beaten others to death. What you say makes sense!

Anyway, compared with your pervert, it is indeed not that strong!

Su Zhaoyue slandered in her heart, and said: “Su Zhan, if you don’t need to be nursed, let’s go down and get Dragon Relief Yan now!”


Su Zhan nodded, looking at Mo Jiao’s huge body.

With a wave of his hand, the power of the true essence gushes out and put it into the storage ring.

From that crack to the ground.

Su Zhan discovered that there was still a clearly polished space underground in the valley.

A series of formation inscriptions appeared above, maintaining that the ground above did not collapse, and huge stone pillars were standing there.

There are many fluorites inlaid on the stone pillars, emitting a faint light, illuminating the underground world.

“Although Mo Jiao has intelligence and may be able to learn formation, he is definitely unable to build such a thing. It seems that humans have also come here.”

“Those people should have been captured by Mo Jiao to build this underground lair, and now there are only a pile of bones left.”

After walking for a while, Su Zhan’s eyes fell on the bones beside the stone pillars, and said.

Continue to move forward, after passing through the stone pillar passage, the space in front suddenly opens up.

It’s actually a palace!

Even in front of the palace, there is a white stone square!

“Long Xiyan, just ahead!”

Su Zhaoyue pointed to that palace.

Soon, after entering the palace, Su Zhan blasted through the formation barriers with sparks of light saber and came to the back of the palace.

It is an open area.

In the center of the open space, about ten meters in radius, a layer of extremely red flames is burning!

Below the flame, is a scale.

And in the flames, there are some golden liquid suspended drop by drop.

Dragon scales!

Dragon blood!

Su Zhan’s eyes lit up, Mental Energy stretched out, feeling the strong breath of true dragon on the scales, and his heart was a little excited.

“No wonder, it’s no wonder that the black dragon is going to build a palace here as a lair. It turns out that there is really dragon blood here!”

“Long Xiyan that Mo Jiao must not dare to touch it, and it can only wait for Long Xiyan to recede before it dares to collect the blood of the true dragon that is not surrounded by Long Xiyan!

The dragon scale was more than ten meters in size. The original dragon flame breath should be consistent with the dragon scale area. Now it has shrunk a circle, and I don’t know how much true dragon blood that Mo Jiao has got! ”

“It shouldn’t be too much, probably only one or two drops! After all, there are only ten drops of true dragon blood in the dragon’s breath at this time!”

“Well, you can collect Dragon Flame Breath! Then we will refine dragon blood!”

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, Su Zhaoyue nodded.

Begin to operate the special Cultivation Technique, stimulate the physique, and collect Dragon Flame Breath.

Dragon Yan’s Breath is the most direct destruction of different fires, and its destructive power is extremely strong, so when Su Zhaoyue received it, his face was very painful.

Several hours later, Su Zhaoyue collected all of Long Yan’s breath.

She closed her eyes and sat cross-legged. As Long Yan’s breath melted into her body, her Cultivation Base skyrocketed!

The formation inscription on the top flashed wildly, and the surrounding heaven and earth Spiritual Qi gathered towards her frantically!

“This is to condense the Yuan Dan!”

Su Zhan’s eyes condensed, hesitated for a moment, and had no choice to refine the dragon blood immediately.

Su Zhaoyue condenses her Yuan Dan, and her resistance to external dangers is greatly weakened. If she is also concentrating on refining dragon blood, there will be Demonic Beasts similar to Mo Jiao at that time. He is afraid that Su Zhaoyue will be killed before he can make a move!

After thinking about it, Su Zhan sat cross-legged in front of Su Zhaoyue.

Take out the miniature spiritual vein orb and put it into the hands of the girl in front of him.

Su Zhaoyue, who had been very difficult to condense the primordial pill because of the isolation of formation and the scarcity of Spiritual Qi from heaven and earth, felt instantly relieved.

The hand gently held Su Zhangang’s hand that was about to withdraw.

Although he didn’t open his eyes, there was a happy smile on his face.


The girl red lips kissed her.

“No need.”

Su Zhan responded with a smile.

Half a day later.

Su Zhaoyue’s Spiritual Qi forms a huge vortex.

The true essence in her body was also compressed to the extreme, and finally, a pure white essence pill was formed.

In the Yuan Dan, there are very few Impurities.

The best Yuan Dan!

Su Zhaoyue opened her eyes and handed the miniature spirit vein orb in her hand back to Su Zhan, with a smile: “Thank you, Su Zhan, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I won’t be able to condense the best Yuan Dan.”

Su Zhan put the Spirit Vein Orb into the storage space and shook his head: “The quality of the Yuan Dan is determined by talent. You can definitely condense the best Yuan Dan, but if there is no Spirit Vein Orb, it might be because the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is thin. For this reason, it will take three to five days to complete this step.”

“Anyway, thank you very much anyway!”

Su Zhaoyue put the Yuan Dan in her belly and curiously asked: “Su Zhan, is your Yuan Dan also the best?”


“You are not—”

“Super product, no Impurities.”

Su Zhaoyue was a little unbelievable that Su Zhan’s talent was unable to condense the best Yuan Dan, and she felt a little depressed when she heard Su Zhan’s words behind.

Sure enough, perversion is perversion.

The level of division in this world can no longer limit him.

Super Grade Yuan Dan…

It seems that he has never heard of any super product, is he named it himself? ? ?

That’s right, apart from this big perversion, who can condense a Yuan Dan without Impurities?

Just as Su Zhaoyue was defamating, Su Zhan also looked at the blood of the true dragons and said: “You and I discovered the blood of the true dragons together, then refining together, how much refining depends on your ability.”

“No, what I said at the beginning takes what I need, how can I—”

“Needless to say, I have decided.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

Just relying on Su Zhaoyue’s willingness to give up half of his lifespan and save him with talent is enough.

“Then… the dragon scales belong to you, I don’t want to share anything!”

Su Zhaoyue thought for a while, a little embarrassed and said: “Actually, you are at a disadvantage, or else…”

“There’s nothing to lose, I’m willing, it’s okay, not to mention the value of dragon scales, not under these dragon blood!”

Su Zhan smiled, walked forward, took a drop of dragon blood in the air, and started refining.

And Su Zhaoyue hesitated for a moment, and also took a drop of dragon blood, swallowed it in his mouth, and refined it.

One day later.

Because of the dragon’s breath inflammation, Su Zhaoyue refined dragon blood several times more than the original Ascension.

It only took one day to complete the refining of the dragon blood, and the physique strengthened a lot. Even with the help of the power of the dragon blood, it took only one day of Cultivation Technique to clear the impurity pill Impurities and stabilize the Realm.

Looking at Su Zhan.

At this time, Su Zhan had already refined five drops of dragon blood!

On the surface of his body, Meridians bulge out and emit golden light, like long dragons entwining his body!

The golden light above the Meridians became more dazzling. Although Su Zhan could not radiate the power of true essence at all, as the golden Meridians emerged one by one, a terrifying power broke out from him.


Above him, there was a faint real dragon phantom Star, a dragon roar, shaking the mind!

“This, this is…”

Su Zhaoyue was shocked when she saw this scene!

The ring on her finger flashed.

Lin Feiyu appeared, staring at Su Zhan, even she was moved at this moment.

“Dragon veins! His Meridians are transforming into dragon veins! If it is really successful… the body of the dragon veins can be comparable to the divine body, doesn’t he have two divine bodies??”

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