Chapter 127 Pilgrimage!

Those voices pierced the heart, and Su Zhan was unmoved.

In less than a minute, there was only one living person left in Dan Jianzong.

The man fled to a mountain, watched Su Zhan appear, desperate, and knelt down to beg for mercy.

“Please, please, I don’t mean to offend, but I just can’t help it! Please forgive me, son!”

“I gave you a chance.”

“I, I’m confused for a while! I’ll change it next time, I’ll change it, I’ll be a good person—”

The voice stopped abruptly.

A line of blood appeared on the man’s neck, blood spurted, and he fell weakly.

Su Zhan’s heart was calm, and he whispered softly: “There is no next time, please make good changes in the next life.”

At the very beginning, he gave these people opportunities.

Unfortunately, no one listened.

That being the case, he had no reason to let these people go.

The black light of the Mo Jiao Sword flashed, and the blood that had been contaminated flew away, and the long sword was restored clean and tidy.

With the sword in its sheath, Su Zhan returned to the top of Zimu Peak.

“Thank you Young Master Su for your great kindness!”

Everyone in the Liu family knelt down and bowed to Su Zhan.

“It doesn’t have to be this way, get up.”

Su Zhan said flatly, and walked towards Qin Jincheng and the others.

“Head, Chen Elder, I won’t go back to Jianmen.”

“Where are you going, Su Zhan?”

“The people of Pill Sword Sect came faster than I expected. This shows that their intention to kill me is already extremely strong.”

Su Zhan’s tone was cold: “Waiting for them to come to Tiannan, it is better for me to take the initiative to come to the door to understand the matter, besides, Tiannan is no longer able to let me go further, I also want to go to the outside world to see.”

Chen Changfeng sighed, then smiled reluctantly: “Su Zhan, you are unparalleled in talent. To you, Tiannan is like a shallow pond. A true dragon cannot be trapped in a shallow pond. I understand this truth. Therefore, I I won’t keep you, and I won’t say those polite words.

But, no matter when you come back, the gate of Yun Tian Jianmen is always open, no matter when, where, as long as I receive your message, I, Chen Changfeng, will inevitably rush there! ”

Qin Jincheng also nodded: “Su Zhan, with your talent and current strength, it is indeed not suitable to stay in Tiannan, but you must be careful when you go to Pill Sword Sect alone!”

“Yes, thanks to the head, Chen Elder cares.”

Su Zhan smiled slightly, then looked at the empress.

After thinking for a while, he took out Chen Jue’s royal sword and some very precious Medicine Pill, Martial Arts, Cultivation Technique cheats, and handed it to the Empress: “The Empress, I promised that when Huayue Country is in trouble I will shoot once, but now, when I leave Tiannan, I don’t know how long it will take to come back.

The promise is still valid, but I am afraid it will be difficult to fulfill it in time.

In addition, I was very embarrassed to suck up your holy liquid last time… These, as compensation! ”

“Master Su knows you are embarrassed?”

The female emperor chuckled and shook her head immediately: “I, Ye Qingyu, always pay attention to the word fair, holy pond holy liquid, these things are not as precious as yours, and I can’t accept it.”

“Then you treat it as if I personally gave it to you!”

Su Zhan smiled, grabbed the empress’s slender jade hand, spread it out, and put all those things in her hands.

“You, you just grab the girl’s hand like this?”

The female emperor flushed and whispered.

Full of the attitude of the little daughter’s home.


Su Zhan hesitated and said, “Emperor, you shouldn’t be considered a girl, right?”

“Su Zhan, you bastard!”

The female emperor stomped her foot, gave Su Zan angrily, jumped on the peach blossom boat angrily, and left.

“The day you leave Tiannan, remember to notify!”

Leaving this sentence, the Peach Blossom Boat suddenly accelerated and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Su Zhan was stunned for a while, somewhat dazed.

“Why does she scold me?”

Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng looked at each other, their faces speechless.

It is said that the female emperor has a high self-esteem. Except for her father’s generation, she has not even held a man’s hand. You actually said that she is not a girl…

But the female emperor is the emperor of a country, it is indeed a bit strange to claim to be a girl, it’s just.

Just think about it in your heart. Have you said that they are not girls like this in front of other girls?

Ha ha!

Why do you ask us if you have no points in your heart? ? ?

Chen Changfeng sighed and patted Su Zhan on the shoulder: “Su Zhan, you have nothing to say about your strength and talent, but in terms of your feelings… I suggest you consult the head brother, the head brother Bai Yi. Pian Pian, there is nothing to wander among more than a dozen women—Oh! Don’t fight the head brother!”

Before Chen Changfeng finished speaking, Qin Jincheng had already given a violent thud in his head.

“Chen Changfeng, believe it or not, I took a peek at your junior sister in the bath when you were young and found out that the junior sister was actually the junior brother!”

Qin Jincheng roared.

Chen Changfeng’s mouth twitched.

Your uncle!

You have already said it!

“Brother head, don’t go too far! Be careful and I will treat you–”

“You talk nonsense, I will kill you!”

It seemed that the pressure from a powerful enemy suddenly dissipated, and Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng, two hundred-year-old guys, suddenly fought like young people.

Of course, none of them used True Yuan, otherwise that violent thud would have smashed their heads.

Su Zhan looked at this scene with a pleasant smile.

I feel very happy.

If this world is all safe to guard oneself, then oneself stays in Jianmen, spends the whole life traveling in mountains and rivers, falling in love, practicing Sword Technique, and cultivation by the way.

However, this world The Weak are Prey to the Strong.

If he is not strong, he will be trampled on!

This time, it was Pill Sword Sect, what about next time, what about next time?

Only extremely strong, so strong that no one can control the world.

Only then can I live the life I want.

“The Weak are Prey to the Strong, the laws of nature, but the rules of this world are too cruel. The strong will destroy the door if they don’t agree with them, and willfully slaughter them.

This is the world of The Weak are Prey to the Strong, but there should also be a little conscience and human touch?

Perhaps, only by becoming the strongest can I formulate the rules that belong to me. This road is extremely difficult, but I have no choice.

The starting point of the road, start from Dan Jianzong! ”

A hint of coldness flashed in Su Zhan’s eyes and bid farewell to Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng.

“Su Zhan, are you leaving Tiannan now?”

“It will take a while.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “I haven’t been home for a long time, I want to go home and have a look.”

“Well, you set a date to leave, remember to go to the notice, we want to see you off.”


With a promise, Su Zhan walked away.

Soon, Su Zhan defeated Dan Jianzong Yulong’s third peak powerhouse and saved the entire Tiannan Martial Dao world. The news spread throughout the Tiannan fifteen kingdoms!

Countless Practitioners were shocked and grateful.

Someone erected a statue of Su Zhan and worshipped him as a god.

Someone composes ballads about Su Zhantiannan’s deeds at the Martial Dao meeting and extolls them everywhere.

There are also many powerful Practitioners, coming from all parts of the fifteen countries towards the country of Xia.

Su Zhan will help the building this time, in their opinion, it is no different from Sage’s move.

They are coming for a pilgrimage!

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