Chapter 133 The beast tide is destroyed!

A line of sergeants outside Qingcheng relied on the fortifications to fight with Demonic Beasts.

As for those without armor, it is the Practitioner who spontaneously resists the tide of beasts in the city.

If the city is broken, they will all die, so naturally they won’t be ignorant of this truth.

But even so, when all Demonic Beasts came out of the barren hills, they were still retreating. In the end, they had to retreat to the strongest fortification at the gate of the city.

And those Demonic Beasts also came from a concentrated attack.

There are also many demon birds attacking Qingcheng’s defensive formation in the sky.

Standing at the head of the city, the city lord of Qingcheng looked at the last semi-circular fortifications less than fifty meters in front of the city gate, worried.

Turning his head, looked at a military attache: “When will the Hwaseong reinforcements arrive? Can someone send someone to inform the Su family?”

“Return to the city lord, it has been notified! As for the reinforcements, according to my guess, they should arrive soon!”

The military officer paused, rather regretful: “If this tide of beasts had come earlier, it would be fine!”


City Lord Qingcheng frowned: “What are these words?”

“Don’t you know, the city lord, that a large number of powerful people came from the sky a few days ago and came to Qingcheng?”

“I have heard about this. It is said that even the king has arrived! But when I hurried over, the people had already left, and I didn’t dare to disturb Master Su.”

The city lord of Qingcheng suddenly realized: “Do you want to use those strong to resist the animal tide?”


The military attache sighed: “It’s a pity! The time is not right. I heard that those strong men are here to meet Lord Su, and Lord Su has already made a breakthrough to Realm!

He even killed Liu Doo, the number one strongman in the South of Heaven, and saved the entire Martial Dao world of the South of Heaven! It’s really admirable! ”

“Young Master Su is indeed amazing, but he may have already left right now. After all, such a peerless powerhouse would not stay in such a small place for a long time-is that?”

The city lord Qingcheng said halfway, looking at the green rainbow coming from the direction of the city, his expression suddenly changed.

“It’s Young Master Su! He hasn’t left yet!”

The military attache was very excited: “It is said that Young Master Su also turned into a green rainbow that day, it can’t be wrong!”

“Great! With Young Master Su here, we are in no trouble in Qingcheng!”

When other people heard him, they were refreshed.

Soon, Su Zhan fell to the head of the city.

“Meet Young Master Su!”

Above the city, everyone respectfully saluted Su Zhan.

Su Zhan looked at the city lord: “Can you confirm that the barren mountain is empty?”

“The barren mountains are sparsely populated. After the outbreak of the beast tide, everyone has been killed by Demonic Beasts, and even some passing by have died. Those Demonic Beasts are extremely violent and will never let anyone alive!”


Su Zhan nodded: “Let those people retreat into the city, I will try.”

“Thank you Young Master Su!”

The city lord of Qingcheng was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted forward with his true essence: “All soldiers, Practitioner, give up the fortifications and retreat into the city! Young Master Su Zhansu is here!”

In the past few days, the visit of a group of powerful people to the Su family has caused a stir in Qingcheng, and those people naturally know Su Zhan’s name.

Upon hearing this, he was overjoyed and retreated without hesitation.

Seeing everyone retreating into the city, those Demonic Beasts were frantically destroying the fortifications.

Su Zhan jumped from the tower.


He landed on the ground, and a wave of air visible to the naked eye started from where he landed and spread towards the front in a semicircle.

Suddenly, all Demonic Beasts within 50 meters ahead instantly turned into blood mist!

The bones are all shattered.

“Hey~ Is this the strength of a strongman in the Yulong Realm? It’s terrifying!”

“Destroy so many Demonic Beasts in just one blow, Young Master Su is too strong!”

“It seems that if you don’t even need ten minutes, Young Master Su can kill all Demonic Beasts!”

“Ten minutes? Five minutes is enough, just wait!”

Chengtou, seeing this scene, everyone was excited and said excitedly.

One after another guessed how long it would take Su Zhan to eliminate the beast tide.

Down town.

Hearing what those people said, Su Zhan was a little speechless.

That wave of air was only caused by a trace of true essence that he escaped.

These people actually thought it was his full blow… and it was too ridiculous.

He hasn’t officially shot yet!

After a few words, Su Zhan also looked at the Demonic Beasts with some excitement.

Star is running endlessly, and swept out a punch in the horrified gaze of those Demonic Beasts!

The next moment, the extremely bright stars condensed into a hundred-meter-sized boxing shadow, blasting forward!

All Demonic Beasts within 100 meters of Quan Ying were directly crushed by the pressure of fear!

That fist shadow finally blasted on the barren mountain range that stretched for hundreds of miles!


The mountain is broken!

In the middle of the mountains, a gap of about 100 meters wide appeared.

And that fist shadow continued to rush for nearly a thousand meters before it gradually dissipated!

“The power of a punch is almost ten times that of the previous Ascension! If you encounter the third change of the ichthyosaur now, I am afraid that there is no need to use the Dahi Star Sword at all. With the increase in physical power brought by the Star Promise Body, it will be able to Its bombardment!”

Seeing the trace of the fist shadow that lasted more than ten miles, Su Zhan was quite satisfied.

Afterwards, he lightly stepped into the air.

Refining the gods and manifesting the saints, Qingyang magic fire!

A turquoise sun rose behind him.

The next moment, between the Qingcheng and the barren mountains, all Demonic Beasts fell to the ground, and above the sky, the monster birds also fell to the ground!

The Qingyang Demon Fire is generally not fatal.

But these Demonic Beasts are too low, and those non-fatal mental shocks are absolutely fatal to them.

If it weren’t for Su Zhan’s control, those in Qingcheng who saw this blue sun would instantly become idiots even if they didn’t die!

After killing all the Demonic Beasts, Su Zhan went back to Su Mansion.

After he left, three seconds passed.

Those talents on the tower recovered from the shock.

“The green sun just now…what is it?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know, but what I know is that Young Master Su must have deliberately controlled the effect, otherwise, we are afraid that we will end up with those Demonic Beasts!”

“With such a large-scale terrifying supernatural power, if Young Master Su is our enemy, he might be able to destroy a small part of Qingcheng in an instant!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

City Lord Qingcheng shook his head, looked at the gap in the barren mountain range, the corner of his mouth twitched, and said: “If Young Master Su is willing, we Xia Country, and even the Fifteen Kingdoms in Southern China combined, are definitely not his opponents alone!”

One person is more terrifying than the Fifteen Nations!

Such exaggerated words are said.

But there was no objection above the tower.

Because Su Zhan’s strength is indeed so, how to refute it?

Next, under the order of the city lord, the soldiers rushed out and hauled the body of Demonic Beasts back to the city.

Those Demonic Beasts Su Zhan didn’t like it at all, but for Qingcheng Practitioner, it was a very rare cultivation resource!

Dozens of miles outside Qingcheng.

Hwaseong defender Xue is also rushing to aid Qingcheng with a thousand elite cavalry.

“Hurry up! This time Qingcheng is asking for help through wolf smoke, which represents one hundred thousand eagerness! And there is a barren mountain ahead that needs to be detoured, and we must speed up!”

“But General Xue, we don’t seem to need to go around.”


As the war horse walked through a curve, Xue also followed the gaze of the talking soldier with some doubts. He saw the scene ahead, and suddenly opened his eyes, shaking his body, and almost fell off the horse in shock!

I saw that the barren mountain range that lay outside Qingcheng was a huge gap that was more than 100 meters wide!

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