Chapter 140 Please be sure to let me treat him well!

At this time, he was still talking about it, and Huo Lao, who was holding the winning ticket, was also bewildered.

Rubbing his eyes, I thought I was wrong.

The Golden Light Array, which claims to be unbreakable below the Fourth Change of the Fish and Dragon, only took one sword, that’s it?

At the beginning, I spent so much Spirit Stones to buy this set of formation. Is it really fake? ? ?

Huo Lao looked ugly.

This set of formation was obtained from a large-scale auction and has been checked one by one, and naturally it cannot be fake.

The reason for this is the only possibility.

It can only be that Su Zhan’s sword is too strong!

Has reached the endurance limit of the Golden Light Array!

“Sect Leader, don’t panic, Elder and the others will be coming soon. The Golden Array only needs to hold on for a few more minutes–”

Huo Lao was talking, and suddenly opened his mouth, unable to speak anymore.

Because Su Zhan cut out the second sword.

Under this sword, the formation light curtain wailed and it completely shattered!

Countless fragments of the light curtain dissipated and turned into a pure heaven and earth Spiritual Qi returned to the heaven and earth.

“Such a weak defensive formation can make you so proud, so there is nothing you can do, can you get a trick?”

Su Zhan asked in surprise as the formation dissipated.

“Good! Good! Even if I destroy my foundation and die, I will drag you with me!”

Seeing that there was no retreat, Chen Ye roared, took out a crystal clear sword pill, and smashed it on his natal sword.

Immediately, he sprayed Blood Essence on the sword, and his life Sword Ray flashed.

The few Saint Yuan in the body was poured into the sword body, and Chen Ye rushed towards Su Zhan.

“I really think Chen Ye is a soft persimmon, I can handle it at will? Great swordsmanship! Give me a kill!”

Chen Ye’s natal sword flew out, rising in the wind.

Turned into a hundred-meter-long giant sword, the surface exudes the cold air, and the ground for a radius of thousands of meters is frozen!

In front of the Hundred Meters Great Sword, let alone Su Zhan’s sword, even he himself seemed very insignificant.

But when the Dahi Star sword slashed on the giant sword.

The giant sword is violently trembling!

Rays of light burst from the sword body.

After stalemate for a second.

That huge sword burst into pieces!


Chen Ye spit out blood, and fell back to the ground with a pale face.

This time, no one helped him, because Huo had retreated hundreds of meters away, his face was full of horror.

His legs trembled, and he didn’t even dare to escape. For fear of causing Su Zhan’s discomfort, he killed him with a single sword!

The golden-robed Elder who brought Su cut over, was only affected by the fighting between the two, and his body was overturned. He was slightly injured and fell from the sky, looking at him in horror.

Su Zhan also came to the ground, his gaze fell on Chen Ye, whose mouth was full of blood, with a trance, as if he hadn’t recovered from the fact that his life sword was smashed by a sword.

“After you die, this matter has finally come to an end.”

“No, don’t kill me! This is all a misunderstanding, it’s Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng wants to deal with him privately, it’s none of my business to deal with Young Master Su!”

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, Chen Ye felt horrified in his heart, no longer caring about any great enmity or dignity, so he knelt on the ground in horror and begged for mercy.

“Chen Jue keeps saying that he wants to kill me, doesn’t it matter to you?”

“No, no, my rebellious son is reckless, really damn it, ask Master Su for his life, forgive him…”

Chen Ye kowtowed in horror and begged for mercy.

As long as you live, you still have a chance to repay your enemies, and those who fail have a chance to win back, but if you die.

It’s really dead!

“Your son deserves to die.”

Su Zhan’s body surface was dazzling with stars, and he punched out: “The same is true for you!”


Chen Ye, who had been severely injured because of the destruction of his life sword, had no resistance at all under this punch.

Even though the power of the pure elementary jade bone of the second change of the ichthyosaur emerged, making his physical body become tough, but under this punch, his whole body bones were all shattered!

The chest was sunken, the internal organs were broken, and the blood mixed with internal organ fragments gushed out of the mouth uncontrollably.

When he was dying, a sorrowful smile appeared on Chen Ye’s face.

Fortunately, he was still thinking about how to torture Su Zhan to death.

Unexpectedly, Su Zhan took the initiative to come to him.

All the way, he was dying. Now, even he himself is about to die.

It’s ridiculous, ridiculous!

After the sorrowful laugh, Chen Ye’s eyes appeared infinitely longing for life, as well as regret.

I had long known that monsters like Su Zhan would appear in the savage land of Tiannan.

Give him a hundred courage, he didn’t dare to let Xu Sheng provoke Su Zhan.

But now, everything has no chance.

Thinking bitterly in his heart, Chen Ye died.

Su Zhan finished his divine body state and glanced sideways at Huo Lao.

The latter knelt immediately.

“Su, Master Su Mingjian! The person who sent Xu Sheng to kill Master Su was Sect Leader, no! It’s Chen Ye, the bastard Chen Ye!”

Seeing Su Zhan walking step by step, Huo Lao body trembled and quickly said: “I persuaded him at the time, but Chen Ye had no choice but to go his own way. I had no choice but to be against Su Gongzi you, I can’t help you! I beg Su Gongzi for my life. !”

“I am a pill refining teacher, I will pill refining, Lord Su save my life, I can pill refining for Lord Su!”

Seeing that Su Zhan’s expression hadn’t changed, he had already walked to the front, Huo Lao was terrified to the extreme, and suddenly thought of something, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, he roared: “Holy Yuan Dan!

Lord Su is the first transformation of the ichthyosaur, as long as he refines the sacred pill, he will definitely be able to break through to the second transformation of the ichthyosaur!

If you can’t, please Mr. Su to smash me into pieces by then! ”

Holy yuan pill?

Can you make me Ascension to the second change of the ichthyosaur?

Su Zhan’s heart moved as he was about to inquire about the details of the Saint Yuan Pill, and suddenly he turned his head to the sky in response.

I saw above the sky, a total of four warships were approaching here.

On the front of the battleship, a middle-aged man in a golden robe led a dozen other golden-robed Elders to jump off the battleship.

Rushed towards this side.

“Who is it! Dare to offend my Pill Sword Sect, I, Nie Yuan, must let him know our Pill Sword Sect——”

Elder Nie Yuan, the great Pill Sword Sect, had just returned from victory. He was full of ambition and deliberately gathered his true essence, intending to let the other disciples of Pill Sword Sect come to pay respects to how he cut the enemy.

But as the distance approached, after he saw Chen Ye who was blasted to death by Su Zhan’s punch, his face changed drastically, his body slanted, and he almost fell from the sky in fright!

The other high-spirited golden robe Elder was shocked one by one, and couldn’t believe it.

It has been less than ten minutes since they received the news.

In such a short period of time, Sect Leader killed that person?

Where is the Golden Light Array in the main hall?

Could it be said that this person’s strength is already terrifying, and he will break the Golden Light Array within a few minutes!

Just when those Elders stopped, shocked, and looked at Su Zhan with fear.

Su Zhan was also looking at them, his eyes cold, he was planning to kill all these people.

The leader Elder Nie Yuan felt Su Zhan’s killing intent, and quickly fell from the air, rushing to Su Zhan staggeringly, kneeling down without hesitation, and then hoarse:

“I, Nie Yuan, will let him know that our Pill Sword Sect is very hospitable!

This son, our female disciple of the Danjian Sect is beautiful, with beautiful scenery and sweet spirits. You must stay a few more days!

As the Elder of the Pill Sword Sect, please let me do my duty and treat you well! ”

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