Chapter 157 Please start with Su Zhan!

Because Su Zhan was far away from the magic light and used the power of True Essence to spread the sound, those on the edge of the square could also hear clearly.

Suddenly, the audience was in an uproar!

“Who is that person, idiot? Can’t he see, this magic light even kills the sixth fish and dragon at will!”

“I remember, that person’s surname is Su, outside the Void Hall, once punched and killed the fourth-changed strongman of Yulong!”

“What about the fourth change with one punch? The magic light is half holy! Half holy!”

“The Realm that this person drew his sword and revealed it is clearly only the third change of the ichthyosaur, and the third change of the ichthyosaur takes the initiative to find the trouble for the semi-sage? Did I hear it wrong?”

“The third change of the fish and the dragon is half-sage. This is not for trouble, but for death?”

Voices sounded one after another.

No one is optimistic about Su Zhan.

This is also normal, there is a big gap between the third change of the ichthyosaur and the semi-sage.

Chu Xuan’s expression changed slightly, but when he thought that Su Zhan Yulong could contend with Half-Holy in the second change, now that the third change, even if it can’t be defeated, at least it can be tied?

Thinking about this, he felt a little relieved.

At this time, Moguang’s face was very ugly: “That day was my carelessness, do you really think I’m afraid of you?”

“Since you are not afraid, what are you waiting for?”

Su Zhan was surprised.


Mo Guang was furious in his heart. If it were in other places, he would have fought desperately with Su Zhan, but now the Bloodfang in the Great Hall behind him is breaking the seal with a special blood formation. If he and Su Zhan are in a fierce battle, he can’t get out, others said I’m going to break into it, maybe it’s a big deal!

Thinking of this, Mo Guang endured it abruptly, gritted his teeth and said: “Arrogant child, if it weren’t for fear of ruining my Blood Demon, I would definitely want you to die on the spot!”

“Net talk nonsense.”

Su Zhan was too lazy to listen to the nonsense of the magic light, his body turned into a thunder light and rushed towards the magic light, at the same time, he cut out the golden thunder bamboo sword in his hand!

A half-moon-shaped starlight Sword Qi flew out!

This Sword Qi collided with the three blood-colored claw lights of the magic light and dissipated at the same time.

This scene surprised those onlookers, a little unbelievable.

“He can really contend against Half-Holy!”

“How can this be!”

“Is it right, Demon Light Semi-Holy didn’t use too much power?”

“It’s possible, after all, for Half-Holy, a ichthyosaur’s third change-Fuck!”

The young man who hadn’t finished speaking saw Su Zhan in front of him using his natal sword to cut out a terrifying star dragon, which turned the magic light back hundreds of meters and hit the huge steps in front of the Void Great Hall. , Suddenly burst out a foul language!

The eyes are straight, and the whole person is a little confused.

Is this really the power that the third ichthyosaur should have? ? ?

Not only him, all the onlookers used the Da Ri Star Sword in Su Zhan, and after cutting out the star dragon, they held their breath.

Even if they are thousands of meters apart, they can sense the terrifying power contained in the Sword Qi starry sky!

When I saw that the magic light could not be blocked, I was stunned when I was slashed hundreds of meters by this Sword Qi.

Some people even rubbed their eyes, thinking that they were having problems with their eyes.

Six changes of fish and dragon.

Although there are six small Realms, because each small Realm will have a fundamental change, the gap between the six changes is definitely not the previous early stage, the middle stage can be compared!

The more the battle changes, the harder it becomes.

But now, Su Zhan has crossed the Three Realms and Half-Holy!

What a special one, he cut the Half-Holy away with a single sword!

Is this too exaggerated? ? ?

A Practitioner in the Ichthyosaur Realm was stunned. For a while, he felt that his understanding of Realm, the Third Change of the Ichthyosaur, was completely subverted!

Magic Light was also incredulous at this time.

“I haven’t seen you in a few days, your Ascension is so great!”

“Do you know these nonsense?”


Mo Guang squeezed his fist, and the natal sharp claw gloves in his hand shone brightly.

Bloodfang is now at a critical moment in it, and soon, it will succeed soon!

As long as the strong ancient demon clan comes out, he can easily kill Su Zhan!

Before that, no one can break into the Great Hall!

Mo Guang’s heart was horizontal, and his palms shook, a Medicine Pill appeared, and he swallowed it.

In an instant, the momentum of his fall due to injury rose suddenly, even a bit stronger than when he was in his heyday.

“You die for me!”

Demon Guang roared, his body rushed towards Su Zhan, and Demon Guang shook his claws into claws!

“Blood Territory Ghost Claw!”


The bloody breath of Martial Dao suddenly flew out of the blood cloud above, blending into the magic light claws!

Su Zhan’s eyes narrowed slightly, facing the magic light with a desperate blow, he did not choose to arouse the divine body.

According to Chu Xuanyi, this Void Great Hall has many treasures, divine bodies, and it’s better to save enemies that can’t be easily won.

The magic light is obviously not among them!

The star of the Da Ri Star sword was shining, and Su Zhan once again cut out a star dragon.


Xinglong collided with Claw Mang.

Then Su Zhan Dari’s Star Sword collided with Moguang’s natal weapon!

The two held a stalemate in the air for a while, Su Zhan’s body was shining with stars, and his left hand blasted out!

The next moment, already unable to hold on, the magic light that retreated from the body was instantly lifted by the speed of this punch distance, and fell back on the ladder!


The three-meter-high white jade stairs were all shattered by his body!

A bit of blood was spit out from his mouth!

Taking a look at the natal weapon that was cut out by Su Zhan’s sword, it would take at least a few years of pregnancy to recover, and Mo Guang was shocked!

Su Zhan is so much stronger than he expected!

Even if he uses his full strength, he is still not his opponent!

Seeing Su Zhan rushing towards this side, Demon Guang felt despair in his heart.

Just thinking about whether to admit defeat and beg for mercy, a surprised voice suddenly came to mind behind him.

“Hahaha! Trapped for thousands of years, this seat can finally be seen again!”

Afterwards, a black air rushed out of the Great Hall of the Void and turned into a three-meter-high demon.

His whole body was dark, covered with special runes, and his eyes were blood red, floating in the air.

“Meet the demons senior!”

Bloodfang’s face was pale, and he rushed out of the Great Hall of the Void and knelt respectfully towards the demon race, his face could not hide his excitement.

The magic light also seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and hurriedly knelt down: “The magic light pays respects to the senior, senior, my Blood Demon teacher has already set up a blood pool. I can only enjoy it after the senior waits with me to go out. The senior’s strength will surely recover soon!”

“It turns out that the two of you Blood Demon’s little dolls released me, Blood Demon…Thousands of years ago, they were dealing with each other. Thousands of years have passed, are they still there?”

“Senior joked, the Blood Demon sect is more powerful than those Sacred Lands, and it will definitely last forever!”

“Okay, since your Blood Demon teaches your heart, then I will let you go!”

The red-eyed demon waved his hand, and immediately glanced at the pale onlookers around the Practitioner, showing a stern smile: “Speaking of which, I haven’t eaten for a long time! Huh? There are women!

Although it is not as easy to use as my demon girl, but for thousands of years, it will be just a moment ha ha ha! ”

“Senior wait a minute!”

Hearing the words of the Red-Eyed Demon Race, Mo Guang quickly pointed to Su Zhan and said, “Senior! This person just tried to kill him, destroying our Blood Demon teaching plan, and preventing senior from getting out!

Moreover, this person is extremely talented, and the third change of the ichthyosaur is no weaker than the semi-sage. It is conceivable that his blood, flesh and blood, and the taste must be better!

If senior wants to eat blood, please start with him! ”

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